Lazy God Possession

Chapter 326: : Burning Money and Limits

"Xiaoming, don't you have class today?" Early in the morning on Thursday, Nanming was dragged from the bed by Nan's mother. Nan's mother stared at him with a puzzled expression. I have n’t been in class, have n’t I been in class for three consecutive days? Is this still a college student?

"Oh? Oh, oh!" Nan Ming sat on the bed for a long while before realizing that he seemed to be a student.

He has been busy this month. He has hardly gone to class, and no one at school is more like him for attendance. Now Nanming is definitely a national treasure at Qingyang University. Trouble him.

Now that he's in trouble, he almost forgets that he is actually a student.

After having breakfast and being kicked out of his house by his mother, Nanming suddenly thought that he really had no class this morning.

After going down the stairs, Nan Ming dangled again and came to the rare encounter.

Unexpectedly, I saw several people from Iron Egg meeting again. It seems that they have taken the rare encounter as a fixed activity point.

After seeing Nanming, Iron Egg habitually glanced at Nanming's body first, but did not see Nanma, then he was relieved and screamed, "Boss!"

Nan Ming sat down and first asked about the business situation of lazy life today.

Because of Li's successful competition, now lazy life is more like Nanming's main business, and he should pay attention every day.

"Yesterday our order volume increased by 200%." ​​Iron Egg Exchange reported that this growth rate, it can be said that those who had previously decreased not only returned completely, even more people began to use lazy life.

But this increase in orders did not make Iron Egg too happy, instead his frown tightened.

"This is a good thing." Nanming said, "Why are you still frowning?"

"Look at it for yourself." Iron Egg handed the phone over.

This is an event page for Slow Life. From now on, all first meals will be free. The first three orders and half price per day, although the total daily free or half price limit is limited to 50 yuan, but 50 yuan for college students. It is already a day's living expenses, even for the working class. The cost of living for a day is also difficult to exceed this figure, which means that from now on all customers eat at half price.

"Li Chenggong made a re-injection." Nan Ming looked up at the person in front of him: "How do you decide to respond?"

"We were also thinking about whether to subsidize before, but thought about this strategy of subsidizing money at a discount, which is not consistent with our philosophy, so we are still arguing." Iron Egg said.

Nanming frowned. In the face of this money-fighting war, he is actually opposed to it. Everyone is better at losing money than anyone else. It is not a lasting way. And the users that are trained in this way are actually of very low quality. When they were free for the first time, when the subsidy was enough, they used your service, but in a blink of an eye. When the subsidy is over, they will start looking for the next subsidy. They are like migratory birds on the Internet. When the wool was scooped up, it flew, and turned around and left, without any loyalty at all.

Nan Ming has always believed that the human consumption concept is limited by everyone's spending power and income. The service target of lazy life is the person with a certain spending power. On the university campus, it is at least the cost of living above 1500. . If the operation and maintenance costs come down in the future, Nanming will not mind including people with lower consumption levels into its own service scope. But not now.

If lazy life also pays money to attract users like slow life, in the end, it will only fool the eggs. Because most of them are not the target customer group for lazy life.

Li successfully copied the lazy life app blindly, but he did not know the essence of it, let alone understand that the target user group of lazy life is actually a niche group. He operated with his own understanding of the Internet and made burn subsidies. This decision, but do n’t want to think about it, burn subsidies. Have you burned several major group buying sites invested by those Internet giants?

In this way, Li Chenggong may be able to attract a large number of customers in a short time, but this comes at the cost of a large amount of overdraft money.

Moreover, the strategy of discounting money is not available to everyone, and non-expensive internet giants are indispensable.

If Li Chenggong can find investors and pass on this financial pressure to investors, perhaps they can develop.

But with the current shaky Royal Shark's Fin Hotel and Li Chenggong, who has no money in hand, this method is only to quench thirst. For a little good data, a lot of cash is wasted, which is extremely unwise.

In fact, Nanming's success is much richer than Li's, and he has more confidence to burn money, but even if Nanming's money comes easily, this is not the way to burn.

Not to mention, Li Chenggong ’s exaggerated method of burning money directly pushed them to the opposite of those already-converted ordering platforms. In the afternoon, these ordering platforms introduced more brutal ways to burn money, which made people stunned, even more so. Some people shouted that the current Internet money-burning war is basically the project of benefiting people and directly solving the problem of food and clothing for the Chinese people.

At this time, "lazy life" did the opposite, not only did not start burning money, and even showed no sign of increasing discounts, perhaps as a counterattack to slow life burning money, they launched an event, It is called "Novice Lucky Star". The specific content is that each user who orders the five major dishes for the first time can get a limited edition of the ordered food. After the first time, Slow Life will randomly send some people's The meals were replaced by a limited edition.

The so-called limited edition is made from more rare secret spices, extremely rare, while stocks last.

limited edition? Are there limited edition meals?

What is this gimmick? When Li Chenggong saw this coping style of lazy life, he laughed crazy.

Are you crazy about computers? Why do you add the word limited edition to increase your value?

Is anyone really going to buy this bun? Too naive!

People who laugh at lazy life like this, or even laugh at Nanming together, don't know how many ~ ~ Whether in real life or on the Internet, they have the same idea.

Many people are saying that Nan may be a good player in developing black technology, but let ’s forget about serving and catering. This area is completely different from the black technology area.

Others say that in the field of science and technology, you can stand to make money, why should you kneel on the floor of the service industry and pray for money? How many meals do I need to sell to earn a powered exoskeleton?

But some people are looking forward to this so-called limited edition of Nanming, because anyone who knows the technology of Lazy God knows that Nanming never brags.

Li Xiang of the Department of Mathematics is just such a person. As a genius in the Department of Mathematics, he almost only deals with numbers in his life. He has severe social phobia. The only social activity every year is to attend the community activities of the Cowman Club. I went there, buried myself in the high manuscript paper, never talking to people. (To be continued)

ps: This is all the more tonight. Uncle Ha has returned to his hometown. He is a bit tired. He will get up and code again tomorrow morning.

Happy National Day!

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