Lazy God Possession

Chapter 383: : Sky-high strawberry

Xiaobai walked silently through the ventilation ducts, his propeller folded on one side, and temporarily added a few wheels, which looked like a weird crab.

In fact, Xiao Bai was very resistant to getting into such a place at first. What if she scratched her shell? People are little girls like flowers.

"The guy who can't wipe off the paint even with missiles, don't take it seriously." Nan Ming said so and stuffed it into the ventilation duct.

There are many ventilation ducts in the Lazy God Lab, but each is not too thick, which just allows Xiaobai to crawl inside. The other ventilation ducts lead to the top of the building. This one is the only one that leads to the ground. Nanming and others lie on the computer screen, look at the picture in the ventilation duct through Xiaobai's camera, and shake their heads while watching, "This ventilation The pipes are also dirty and need to be cleaned up. "

If the headquarters is redesigned, this ventilation method will definitely not be used.

Xiaobai drilled a circle back and forth, collected all the suspicious things he picked up into a carry-on bag, and walked, and suddenly found something wrong. It turned around and touched the outer wall of the ventilation duct, and found that it had been cut open, and with a little force, it fell inward.

"It looks like there is this fourth person." Nan Ming Road.

The outer wall of the ventilation duct turned out to be a pipeline maintenance channel and a maintenance well. Xiaobai flew out, and then returned with a mud while pinching two strawberries: "The outside of the maintenance well is full of strawberries, alas, for you to eat . "

Nan Ming looked at the strawberry, speechless for a long time, the entrance to the maintenance well was in Jiangming's greenhouse. Xiaobai is also a bear child. When he saw the strawberry, he came back in two. It is estimated that Jiang Ming had to cry to death ...

But they are all picked back. It's a pity to lose it, Nan Ming wiped it with his hands, stuffed one into his mouth, his eyes suddenly glowed, and he nodded again and again. good to eat!

As soon as I looked up, even the energy grid rose a few grids!

I rely on strawberries that can pass Lazy God certification?

No wonder so many people have been stolen!

This guy, Jiang Ming, looks like an old peasant. He really has something to grow!

If you take such strawberries, make a fresh strawberry cake. How great is that?

The crunchy texture of strawberries, plus the smooth cream and the taste of the cake ...

Thinking about it this way, Nanming's maggots got hooked and almost drooled, dragging Liu Minzhong: "Mr. Liu, please go and ask Professor Jiang. The remaining strawberries are sold or not, because all the plants are frozen. It's a pity that the strawberry is frozen again. "

"That's Laojiang's baby puppet, he is willing to give you something to eat?" Liu Minzhong shook his head again and again, but was curious: "It's so delicious?"

Nanming's mouth is very tricky. As everyone knows, ordinary food can't get into his magic eyes, which can make Nanming like it so much. This strawberry is obviously unusual.

"You try it." Nan Ming handed another strawberry to Liu Minzhong. After Liu Minzhong ate it, he left without a word.

Nanming quickly stopped him. Pulled an invoice, signed it and handed it to Liu Minzhong, "Just tell him, if he sells strawberries to me, I'd like to fund his research. This invoice can be filled within 1 million."

Everyone was speechless, for a strawberry. As for? President Nan is indeed President Nan.

However, Nanming now counts money differently. Is it more than 1 million? Sell ​​a set of powered exoskeleton. You can get 5 million, no more, no more.

Especially for eating, not much.

Besides, this time Jiang Ming was really unlucky because of the lazy **** technology. Does it make sense to not compensate others?

Ten minutes later, Liu Minzhong came back with two big bags of strawberries. He said cheerfully: "I filled him 300,000. Jiang Mingle was broken. In fact, this old boy was not so badly damaged. He still had plant 27. After the seeds are replanted, they can grow up to three months at the most, and the 27th plant has already bear fruit, and can continue to breed directly with seeds, which has earned hundreds of thousands of dollars. "

He put two sacks of strawberries on the table and said, "Basically ripe strawberries let me pick them up. Lao Jiang, who is not ripe, was reluctant to let me pick them, and said if I could try to save the plants, maybe I would return them. Can continue to grow. Well, 300,000 bought these two bags of strawberries. "

The strawberry that has been produced many times a year is originally a relatively frost-resistant plant. It may have just been frozen and not dead.

Nanming stuffed two in his mouth, nodded his head repeatedly, and pointed at a bag of strawberries: "You take a bag and divide it, try to let the brothers try it. I will give it away as a gift ..."

Sun Leijian clutched the bag and turned around, and everyone reached out and took one or two, and didn't dare eat more.

Two bags of 300,000 strawberries. How much does this one cost? I ca n’t afford it.

However, after eating, I also feel that it is really delicious, it is indeed a hundreds of thousands of strawberries.

Nan Ming called Father Jiang and talked about strawberry. He asked Father Jiang: "Uncle Jiang, would you make strawberry cake?"

"Cake? I really can't." Father Jiang is embarrassed. He is a traditional Chinese chef. He doesn't really understand these western-style pastries. He turned around and asked a few words, "I have a chef here to learn After West Point, I let him try. "

"Xiaobai, give these to Uncle Jiang." Nanming took out more than ten, packed the remaining strawberries into a takeaway box, and handed it to Xiaobai. Xiaobai took the takeaway box and took the order. go with.

Wang Qian was always worried, and the strawberry did not taste very fragrant. He didn't taste it at all. When he saw Nanming who only looked at the strawberry, he asked Nanming: "Xiaoming, that u disk ..."

"It's okay, isn't it just a USB stick?" Nan Ming waved his hand to comfort Wang Gan.

As Nanming said, the confidential technical information of Lazy God Technology is more than 300 tons. Wang Qian ’s USB flash drive is only 128g. Many of them are only documents and explanatory documents. How much information can there be?

Not to mention, these technologies were developed by them in such a month or two, and there is no Nanming-enhanced book as a knowledge map. There is no such 3d printer that Nanming has strengthened in Lazy God Lab to do fine processing. Most of these technologies are really black technologies to others.

I can't see my black fingers.

Ordinary companies are afraid that it is difficult to find useful things from them, and it is difficult to understand them.

Wang Qian was silent. Although Nan Ming said so, he knew that if he leaked, he leaked.

For those devices that are already on the market, such as drones and powered exoskeleton, if someone invests a lot of financial resources and materials, use the data in the USB disk to perform reverse engineering according to the figure, maybe they can really create imitations.

After all, all the equipment of Lazy God Technology has not left the current technology category. Whether it is a drone or a powered exoskeleton, other companies have also studied it.

"As long as you increase your vigilance in the future," Nan Ming said to Yang Ji. "There are still not enough manpower, and there are no reliable brothers. Let's expand a few more."

The so-called expansion of several staff means the issue of several "lazy staff card". With the lazy staff card, you can use the lazy **** gym to exercise, and you can refer to various books strengthened by Nanming. You can have a belt specially strengthened by Nanming as a weapon. Whether it is physical strength, intelligence or combat power, it can be said that you can immediately enter another world and one person can use ten people.

Like Sun Leijian and Qiang Qiang, who used to stand guard outside the door, now they are both doing research with Wang Qian in the Lazy God Lab.

"A few brothers who studied network security with us before are very reliable." Yang Ji said, "In addition, I will conduct some assessments on those who have performed well in Jifeng Security, and if they pass the assessment, they will be added to the lazy security."

Strengthening security ~ ~ can only cure the symptoms but not the root cause, and the maintenance channel can be blocked, if someone wants to come in, they can blow through the walls next time, after all, the lazy laboratory In the underground garage, a car bomb can blow up the entire laboratory.

The construction plan of the new headquarters ca n’t wait!

Nan Ming called Wei Ke and Wei Kedao: "General Manager Nan, I just called the teacher. No one has been answering. I called the master. The master said that she hadn't seen the teacher since yesterday afternoon. She had to call the police. I I'm going to the teacher's lab now. "

Nanming felt awkward in his heart and said, "Where are you? I'll go with you."

It seems that it wasn't just Jiang Ming's greenhouse that was caught in the pond fish.

If not, how did the person who stole the USB flash drive know that the maintenance pipe can lead to the ventilation pipe?

The only possibility is the answer obtained by Wei Ke's teacher, Tu Chaosheng, who is the designer. (To be continued)

ps: The person who voted for 12,000 reminders, don't you know that now Uncle Kavan? Just want to talk about life with Uncle Ha?

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