Lazy God Possession

Chapter 411: : Lazy God Technology

As the gossip of the gossip's colleague's sister's sister-in-law, Wang Xi almost cracked the wall two days ago.

After Su Zhanxi and the two companies merged mainly with He Xie, they did not take a joint form. Instead, Wang Xi was the chairman, Su Group injected a part of the capital, and then selected the founder of Su Zhan Originally, the specific operation had faded out, and Su Station, who had retired from the second line, came back to work.

In fact, there is no way to not choose veterans. The younger generation of the Su Group can run or get caught, and can only start some elderly people who have been marginalized.

The major departments of the two companies have also begun to reorganize, and those that can be combined and streamlined are all merged together, such as finance and human resources.

In addition, the research departments of the two companies have also merged to form the "Su Zhanxi and the Research Institute."

Wang Xi cracked the wall with a smile at the "Mechanical Branch" of the newly established "Su Zhexi Research Institute."

At the beginning, the network technology department that belonged to Suzhan Company. This technology department actually belongs to Suchang Company. Due to the conflict with Lazy Technology, Su Group has been paying a lot of money on the Internet. Divine technology.

After the technology of Lazy God Technology was really stolen, various quotes were several times and dozens times more than they were. However, they did not expect that they would encounter an old Qi who did not play cards according to common sense.

After getting the technology, the network technology department, which has long had experience with lazy technology, immediately cut off the network and power, rearranged a completely clean new environment, prepared for various precautions, opened it carefully, and inspected it. Large part of the information.

Then I dug some data and took a closer look. Suddenly Wang Xi broke the wall with a smile, immediately mobilized manpower, increased manpower and material resources, and began research.

However, in this study, Wang Xi who had cracked the wall before was unhappy.

"What do you mean that this technique is useless?" When hearing the report from the head of a branch hospital, Wang Xi almost broke his leg with a cane.

"It's not useless, but we can't reach this technology now ..." The head of a branch hospital smiled bitterly. "Take Lazy God Technology's power exoskeleton as an example, although there are detailed design drawings and production factors above. But our production If the level is not reached, even if you barely want to produce, you will not be able to move ... "

The power exoskeleton is a complete system. Its power depends on its light weight and weight, but also on the excellent control program. Su Zhan Company previously produced heavy engineering machinery, which are all silly black monsters. The lightweight and lightweight support structure used on dynamic exoskeleton, they couldn't make it. If the same supporting effect is achieved, the quality is at least ten times that of the supporting structure ...

With ten times the weight, the power is insufficient. This dynamic exoskeleton can't even move itself. How can it be supported?

This is why Nanming said that their technology is five years ahead of the industry.

These five years are actually mainly reflected in the production process.

The key parts of some products like Lazy God Technology actually benefit from the ultra-high precision processing performed by the strengthened and super powerful 3d printer of Lazy God Lab.

If you don't have this, no one wants to copy it.

This is like a cpu, each time Intel releases a new product. Various related technologies and concept maps of the product will also be released. Some people will directly scan the pu with an electron microscope to observe its detailed structure. Many people know the production principle of the cpu.

However, without saying anything else, just saying that Intel's rival amd couldn't catch up with Intel, and was completely silent by i3 ...

It is not nonsense to say that Intel is leading the industry. This is the difference between the precision of the production process and the hard gap. If there is no accident, this gap will become larger and larger and eventually reach a level of despair.

of course. Accidents always exist.

Hearing what a person in charge of a branch hospital said, Wang Xi was dumbfounded: "Doesn't it say that it's useless at all?"

"Of course, it is not useless. The technology of Lazy God Technology is very high. If we follow this technical pedigree, study a little bit, and conquer it a little bit, we will take countless detours. These technologies of technology are priceless ... "

"This is fart, I want to use it now, it works!" Wang Xi growled.

The person in charge of the first branch quickly said: "There are some that can be used now. Lazy God's 3d printing technology is actually far more advanced and powerful than other technologies. 3d printing architecture is one of the future of the construction industry. We have been conducting related research, many of which can be used on our prototypes. We also found some excellent algorithms and control codes that can greatly improve efficiency ... "

"What are you waiting for? Use it quickly! When will the finished product be produced as soon as possible?" Wang Xi asked.

"Uh, how can it take more than a month to get the experimental model ..."

"Give you three days, if you can't figure it out, roll up and cover yourself!" Wang Xi paused with a cane, "I will release a new product!"

"3 days ..." The person in charge of the branch hospital was crying. This is not the age of satellites. How bold and productive people are, they must always follow objective laws ...

"Give money to people, give people money, and if you get a usable product in 3 days, I will give you a triple bonus before the Spring Festival."

The person in charge of the first branch was rushed out as if he had beaten chicken blood. With the technology that does not use lazy technology, how much is used, how much is useful, how much is useless, isn't he saying it?

Now they have a 3D printer for building construction. Now disassemble a few machines, stitch them together, and then stitch the things of Lazy Technology, change some codes, and slightly circumvent the patent of Lazy Technology ...

Even if it is so foolish, it is too difficult! But for a triple bonus, fight!

Wang Xi sent away the head of a branch, and immediately called someone in the public relations department, asking them to start building momentum.

Su Zhanxi and the company's stock price, after high-speed growth, some time ago, suddenly stopped, there is still a downward trend.

But after Wang Xi ordered people to release Su Zhanxi and the technology of lazy **** technology, the stock price soared again.

The theft of lazy technology is bad news for them, but it is absolutely good for the companies that get their technology.

Now, statistics from some investigating agencies show that there are more than a hundred companies in the world that have received Lazy Technology. After this list was intentionally or unintentionally leaked, the stock prices of these companies have increased in varying degrees. The least also rose by more than 10%, and some even went on a daily limit.

The investigation agency also listed all the technical maps. The above technologies cover all aspects, making people wonder, what would happen if Lazy Technology released all the technologies.

Even so, no one has released a new product based on Lazy Technology, and no one has disclosed how the research is progressing.

In this dark area, is everyone struggling to make a big move, or is it because of other reasons?

In fact, Wang Xi heard that none of the companies can obtain complete information. Many of them did not take protective measures after receiving the information. As a result, they were directly hacked and all information was erased, and everything became empty.

This made many companies shocked by the tracking and hacking techniques of Lazy Technology ~ ~ dare not easily reveal how much technology they have retained, so as not to be erased again.

Wang Xi's thoughts are different. Now that you have the technology, you should be able to use as much as you can. Don't wait for it to become unusable, or regret it if others preempt it.

Suzhan Xihe will be the first to eat crabs and the first successful enterprise.

Thinking of this, Wang Xi will be very happy.

In fact, in addition to desperately digesting and learning the technology of Lazy Technology, these companies that have received Lazy Technology are also doing one thing invariably, that is, singing Lazy Technology.

These days, both domestic and foreign, the major news media are desperately trying to be a black lazy **** technology. This practice is really a bit of concealment.

However, the authority of domestic and foreign authorities is black, making fans of Lazy God Technology worry. However, Lazy God Technology, which really should be anxious, is not impatient.

At this time, Qingyang, the largest construction equipment and service provider in China, also held a press conference to announce the construction of 3D printing technology. (To be continued.)

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