Lazy God Possession

Chapter 415: : This is a war

Hearing the enquiries of the big man, Grant swallowed again, saying, "Comparatively, the highest accuracy of the 3d printing we are using is 6-8 microns. In the laboratory, it has already achieved 2 without considering the printing speed. Micron accuracy, which is definitely the most advanced in the world ... "

Of course, with this accuracy, the slowness and high cost of 3d printing have reached a level of horror. Alas,

Because of this, 3D printing cannot replace traditional machine tools for the time being.

Seeing the big man a bit dazed, he explained: "A few microns, about the size of ordinary bacteria, the so-called pollutant pm10 or pm2.5 means 10 microns or 2.5 microns."

This explanation is fairly easy to understand. The big men nodded, indicating that they could understand.

"But from this printed document, the 3d printing technology used by Lazy Technology has an accuracy of 10 nanometers ..." Grant felt that he couldn't continue, and every time he mentioned this number, he would be scared by himself, this Numbers are simply impossible.

"10 nanometers means ..." Several big men apparently didn't know much about the conversion of orders of magnitude.

"1000 micrometers are 1 millimeter, 1000 nanometers are 1 micrometer, 10 nanometers and 2 micrometers, a difference of two orders of magnitude, 200 times!" Grant said, he was already surprised, but several big men continued to look blank.

Grant lamented that a big man is a big man for a while, and it really isn't like him.

Then he found that he was thinking wrong. These people are not calm, but they haven't responded to the gap in the middle.

200 times, it sounds great, however. Nor is it an uncountable number.

The comparison of the number of nuclear bombs between the two countries is even greater than this, but nuclear war is still unbearable for anyone.

Grant racked his brains and finally came up with a method that can be explained in detail, saying: "If you compare it, Intel will release the next-generation CPU chip with a 14nm process to the market this year. The so-called 14nm refers to the transistor-to-transistor The distance is 14 nanometers, which means that if Lazy Technology is willing, they can directly print the most advanced CPU in the world with a 3d printer! "

"It's impossible!" The metaphor finally frightened one of the big men. CPU production uses lithography technology, which can only achieve 14 nanometers. How can 3D printing achieve this accuracy?

Not long ago, they had just made an internal decision to embargo high-performance chips to China. No announcement has been made yet.

"Yes, this is not possible," Grant said. "Because at the current rate of technological progress, it takes at least 10 years for a 3d printer to reach 10 nanometers!"

Grant also didn't want to believe this.

"Since it's impossible, why are we here?" The big men were upset. Did you call us just to let us listen to you?

"But. The data is written in detail in the document, and it is impossible to fake it. People who are lazy beforehand will not know that the technology will be stolen. And ..." Grant took out a box.

The $ 100,000 bought, war-damaged drone box.

"This box is also printed with 3d printing technology, showing an unparalleled fusion of multiple materials ..." Grant wanted to praise the technical difficulty in the middle. In fact, this is no easier than the horror accuracy of 10 nanometers, but more to say Some will only distract the attention of the big men. Grant still resisted this.

"To print such a packaging box, at least ordinary thermal fusion, laser thermal fusion, electron beam, three-dimensional light curing and other methods are used to print. Although the research shows that the printing accuracy of this box is only 0.3 micron, the accuracy has been It ’s an order of magnitude beyond ours. If we use our technology. To create such a box, we need to build at least billions of dollars for research and development, and this box, Lazy God Technology is sent for free ... "

If you can give a box with 0.3 micron accuracy, that is, 300 nanometers, then ...

How likely is it that you can print something with 10 nanometer accuracy?

Even if it is only one percent possible, who dares to gamble?

The faces of everyone here finally changed.

"So?" The old man at the center of the big men spoke.

"So, today is the first time that Lazy God Technology has demonstrated their 3D printing technology to the outside world. It is also the best opportunity for us to probe into Lazy God Technology's 3D printing technology. The 3D printing technology has really reached the nanometer level, even tens of nanometer levels ... it is enough to change the world. "

Are other technologies of Lazy Technology important? important.

The drone collaboration technology is very good, and the powered exoskeleton is even more desperate, but these are nothing compared to 3D printing technology.

Because 3d printing technology is the future of manufacturing, with the highest precision 3d printer, you can create a horrible manufacturing empire.

It is like the pen of the **** Ma Liang, like the hand of God.

Yes, the hand of God can create everything.

If they were given enough time, they could even print out cells, print out life, print out humans ...

Nowadays, the academic community is still making unremitting breakthroughs in the direction of using cells as printing materials, and Lazy Technology can already print something equivalent to the protein level of cells.

The gap is more than ten years?

Whenever this time, Grant would remember the frustration of the former eye of God. Now they have a hundred reasons to believe that the Eye of God is also the work of Lazy God Technology.

Such a company is really terrible.

And such a company is still overseas?

"Today, a company owned by Lanshen Technology will release 3D printing technology for construction. Although it is used for construction, the printing accuracy will not be too high, but after the evaluation of our experts, we can roughly infer their technical level. I really have a 3D printer with a 10-nanometer precision, and I hope to be authorized to get the 3D printing technology of Lazy God Technology at all costs! Even launch a new cold war! "

Looking at a few big men who are still hesitant, Grant said, "According to the information we have received, now the world ’s intelligence agencies focusing on lazy technology have increased to more than 340. If we do n’t do this, we will be the first to get on board. as a result of……"

Consequences, you come to bear?

Several big men were suddenly silent. This was sudden and exceeded their burden. Suddenly they started to regret why they were here and why they wanted to listen to Grant's explanation.

The Cold War is a prolonged and cruel competition. Now that the economy is in general recession, who dares to launch such a war without gunfire?

Moreover, Grant is right. It is not only them who are paying attention to Lazy Technology, the intelligence organizations of the whole world are paying attention to Lazy Technology.

The box of the war-damaged version of the drone has already fetched a high price of one million US dollars, which is estimated to be the fastest-rising outer box in the world.

As long as Lazy God Technology turns over and reveals its delicate belly, these wolves, tigers and leopards will rush up and bite Lazy God Technology to the last bit.

There was a silence in the command hall. This depressing atmosphere made McGovern, who was listening quietly, a bit out of breath. He quietly stepped back into the corner, loosened his tie, and wanted to make the air entering the lungs more a bit more.

Then he saw a familiar man standing in the corner. He squinted his eyes and suddenly a heart jumped in, a name jumped in: Qing Zhongtang!

How can Qingzhongtang mix in such a place? He subconsciously opened his mouth to scream. Qing Zhongtang smiled suddenly and said, "Don't worry, I'm a good person."

McGovern was suddenly at a loss, yeah, he was a good guy?

Yes, if not a good person, why would he let him go back to the United States?

McGovern smiled sillyly at Qing Zhongtang, and even took a few steps forward, hesitating to wait for a while, and asked Qing Zhongtang to have a few drinks in the police bar he used to go to before .

Qing Zhongtang nodded to him, turned around and walked out of the command hall. At an angle invisible to others, he went faster and faster, and finally ran up. Qing Zhongtang's anxious face could no longer be concealed.

Lazy technology is dangerous!

He must get back as fast as possible!

With the salute of the Institute of Biology and Medicine sounding, in a cheerful and seemingly relaxed atmosphere, Lazy Technology is about to encounter the biggest crisis.

A crisis that is almost impossible to resolve!

In such a crisis ~ ~ He Qing's founder Wei Caiming came to the stage, holding a speech, and said with a little stammer: "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to come and participate The opening ceremony of Qingchuang ... "

Under the focus of dozens of cameras, the picture was transmitted to all corners of the world, and even countless satellites were watching here. Watching such an honest middle-aged man stuttered to announce a small company with funds of only several hundred million yuan Founding news.

Everyone held their breath, staring with wide eyes, waiting for the moment when fate turned.

Only Su Zhanhe, not far from here, watched the TV broadcast, Wang Xi said with a lip: "Cut, pick up the wisdom of people, 3d architectural printing is our first release!"

But he always felt irritable, his nails got into the meat, and he didn't know it.

At the venue, Lun Zhifeng, who came to attend, said in his heart, "The stock price is going up! Going up!"

And not far from her, Leng Wenming patted with a small camera, and he thought about another topic: "He Qing creation-a disaster like a townsman entering the city." (To be continued. .) U

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