Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 895: : Lao Yan is very depressed

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Immediately after the second epic journey, Nan Ming shifted his focus, but many people in this world have not escaped from the aftermath of the mech soldiers. It can even be said that the impact of the second epic journey This is just the beginning.

Dongbin City, across from Qishao, is lazy.

The mist in the morning had not yet dissipated, and the sun didn't seem to be struggling from the clouds in the sky. Lao Yan broke in with a grunt and said loudly: "What these bastards! What do you think!"

"Teacher, what's the matter?" Huang You poked his head from No. 1 on the small bench of Mech Shenbing, pushed his glasses, and asked wonderingly.

Who caused this teacher again?

"These bureaucrats!" Lao Yanqi hummed, "I really don't know what they think, even launched a giant spirit project!"

"Giant Spirit Project ..." Huang You heard the name and immediately understood, "I have to study the Mech God Soldier?"

"Yes!" Lao Yan took a breath, "Did you say that these people were brain drained? Researching the mech magic soldiers, then you must first build the foundation. People are beautiful, and at least because of others With a plane such as Shiratori flying to Mach 15, we haven't kept up with basic technology. What are we going to study? "

"I cut the budget again." Huang Youxiao.

Lao Yan sighed sighing: "Yeah, my Qinshan No. 1 engine budget has been cut again ..." Lao Yan sighed, not knowing what to say.

"Just don't cut down the project," Huang Youan said.

"This diǎn budget is no different from cutting off the project ..." Lao Yan exclaimed, "What do you think in your head?"

Huang You covered her mouth and smiled. "General Manager Chen told me yesterday. It is estimated that we will also launch the mech magic soldier. I didn't think it was possible at the time. Today, it seems that General Manager Chen did not make a mistake ..."

"These people have been taken away?" Lao Yan hated iron and steel: "Flying ships, mech soldiers, can we make them? Don't obediently make up the short board, but study these sky cabinets ... ... "

Huang You laughed again, and General Manager Nan took out the Silencer, and everyone who did it must send the warship to the sky; now Chen Haocong took out the mech magic soldier, and let these guys start to study the big robot, although it was a generation away, But the skills of this uncle and nephew to lead people to deviate are first-class, really not ordinary people.

Huang You certainly didn't know that this time the main credit was still on Nan Ming. Nan Ming used his authority to take high-level decisions in the United States, and by the way, he also took high-level decisions around the world.

"It ca n’t be said that it ’s completely in the Sky Pavilion. Lazy God Power ’s small bench No. 1 engine has been promised to the military. With the small bench No. 1 engine, our air force is going to be upgraded. At this time, cut It's not bad to drop a part of the research budget that is not necessary to repeat the research, "Huang Youdao said.

If the United States comprehensively researches and develops the engine of Shiratori, and my rabbit responds with a small bench No. 1, this round of arms competition still does not know who laughed at the end. Anyway, when my rabbit faces the United States, it will no longer be It was completely hanged and there was no help.

At this time, conducting some forward-looking research is actually not a correct decision.

"You stupid boy! What do you mean is that my research is completely unnecessary to repeat the research?" Hearing Huang You said this, Lao Yan suddenly stared at his beard, anxious to stretch Huang You from the mech soldier as soon as he reached out his hand. Pull down his shoulders and train him.

Huang Youhe laughed, that means SI is very obvious. Although you have spent a lot of effort for Qinshan-1, your old Qinshan-1 is really just repeating research.

"Although the weight ratio of Small Bench No. 1 is large, after all, the manufacturing requirements are high and the estimated cost is also high. We still need to develop some low-end models ... used on auxiliary models or civilian models ..." Lao Yan Give yourself the airway, "My Qinshan-1 just needs to add a big culvert, and it can be used on a civilian plane ..."

"Teacher, would you like to tell the truth?" Huang You stepped down from Jijia Shenbing and looked at Lao Yan.

"What's the truth?" Old Yan suddenly felt bad.

"Actually, the next plan of Lazy God Power is to study the engine with a large bypass and high thrust. The name of the project is Small Bench 2. And Lazy God Power has entrusted this development task to Xiongzi Technology ..." Huang Youdao.

Hearing Huang You say this, Lao Yan was stunned, and said, "These bear children, I must kill Yan Bobo as much as possible, the chickens and dogs will not stay!"

"So, teacher ..." Huang You thought of Chen Haocong's instructions to himself yesterday, and asked with a smile: "The teacher should not be in the Seven Schools anymore. Come to Xiongzi Science and Technology. President Chen said they are very happy with you Working together, as soon as you come, I will give you a Deputy Technical Director right away. "

"I ..." Lao Yan's eyes widened, and the bear children dug into the corner to dig him up, which surprised him a little, but thought it was unexpected.

"I'm afraid I can't ... I participated in too many confidential studies ..." Lao Yan shook his head with a bitter smile.

I don't know if I'm making excuses or sorry.

"Teacher, the times are different now." Huang Youdao, "I met with a few colleagues yesterday, and said that aerospace engineers from the United States jumped and committed suicide a lot ~ ~ This is basically a bench. Aviation engines are worthless. I am afraid that the aviation industry will usher in a new round of shuffling. It is estimated that the confidential research you participated in before is not far from decryption. "

Old Yan Wenyan just shook his head: "I think, let me think ..."

Coming out of the power of lazy spirit, Lao Yan was even more upset. All his hard work was overthrown overnight.

He knew that the small bench number 1 was very good, but he never expected that the small bench number 1 would be so!

Mach 15!

How depressed and aggrieved in the end?

This feels like a traversal who traveled to the other world, followed the martial arts masters in the hidden deep mountains to practice Sanjiu in winter and Sanfu in summer, and finally practiced a martial art. Nima is an immortal world. No matter how high the martial arts, it can't stop others from flying.

Strictly speaking, Lao Yan, who is an engine of the Taishan Beidou level, can only be regarded as three when he is out. This is not a gap in IQ, but a Ke concept, the gap between the environment and technology reserves, and how hard to study. It's just the technological achievements of others decades ago.

Those dainas in the aviation industry all jumped, what should he do?

But Lao Yan actually had a little hope in his mind.

It is said that today, the superior will come to seven pumping researchers to join the "Giant Spirit God Project", maybe he will be pumped into this project?

Lao Yan also talked about this project before, but at this moment, he pinned his hope on my rabbit's own mech soldier project. (.)

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