Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 901: : How many cousins ​​do you have

Xi Rao is Nan's knowledgeable and heroic. He is stunned when he sees this kind of thing, and doesn't know how to deal with it.

Zhao Gaofeng got out of the car and got to the side of Nanming and asked, "Mr. Nan, let the service car follow?"

一 As soon as he waved his hand, a closely followed bus slowly moved forward.

Mr. Nan ’s energy is so expensive. Usually, Mr. Nan likes to walk around. That ’s why Mr. Nan is in a good mood. Whoever puts Mr. Nan in this way to let Mr. Nan spend his energy in vain is that he ca n’t live with the lazy god. Converting energy into money, I am afraid that it will not be more than 100 million US dollars.

"Yes, get in the car first." Nan Ming and Zhang Feilin looked at each other, cried and laughed, but now they are going to stay, they have to discuss, if Nan Ming himself, he would have left.

Tong Nanming has always felt that blood relationship is a very valuable relationship, especially now that everyone has only one child, cousin relationship is worth maintaining. However, this does not mean that we must be used to it. Nanming has many relatives, cousins ​​and cousins, and there are still a lot of choices for choosing fat and thin. Whether it is Chen Wei or Qi Bin, they are winners after several rounds of elimination. Unlike Zhang Feilin, just this one, no choice.

现在 Now, after being thrown away in such a way, Nan Ming turned his face still, which is a problem.

Let's turn your face and make Zhang Feilin embarrassed. Don't turn your face. Nanming can remember that a few hours ago, he even shook his face at a big-name existence, and everyone could only laugh at him.

When Nan was tangling in Nanming, he suddenly squeaked beside him and stopped another car.

It was a gray auspicious free ship, gray and dirty. The co-pilot's window rolled down, and the driver glanced down from the co-pilot's side, then suddenly retracted, slammed the door and ran over, staring at Nan Ming dumbly, and then called out: "Xiao Ming? "

"Ah?" Nan Ming froze, "You ..."

This hair is messy. Who is the unshaven uncle?

"Really Xiaoming?" The man laughed and pointed at Nanming: "I haven't seen you for years, and I haven't changed at all? Don't know me? I'm Tianyun brother!"

"Tianyun Brother ... Tianyun Brother ... Tianyun Brother !!!" Nan Ming suddenly stared, looking at the uncle who was dirty and messy, turned out to be Tianyun Brother?

If you ask Nan Ming's cousins ​​and cousins ​​who have the greatest influence on Nan Ming's conduct, it must be Chen Wei.

These good qualities, such as Gang Gang's righteousness, his sense of justice, his actions and his actions, and his courage to move forward, never shrink, are all learned by Nan Ming from Chen Wei.

But if anyone has the biggest influence on Nanming's life trajectory, it must be the Tianyun brother in front of him.

Xi Tianyun's elder brother Liu Tianyun is the first college student in their generation and the highest educated person so far. The person who infused Nanming with the concept of Qingyang University must be the one in front of him.

If there is no indoctrination of Liu Tianyun, I am afraid that there will be no hard work of Nanming in the future, nor will he be accepted by Qingyang University in advance, and he will not encounter these good partners now.

Nanming remembered that year when he was in high school, Liu Tianyun also came back to visit Nanming specifically, but not long after Nanming was in high school, he never saw Tianyun brother again. When the New Year and the holiday, Nanma came back with relatives. He said Liu Tianyun was very busy working outside, and he didn't have time to return for the New Year.

"It's really you, Xiaoming!" Liu Tianyun was really excited when he saw Nanming. He went up and hugged Nanming: "Look at you, you're so tall, I'm still the same as before , Nothing has changed! Fortunately, your appearance has not changed, otherwise I dare not recognize you! "

Do not forget to grasp the head of Capricorn Nanming: "You are now in high school, learn how to do it? But Xiaoming, you must do it ... this is your friend ... 朋友? 咦? 咦? This is Cong Cong! Cong Congdu It's so tall! "

天 Liu Tianyun looked up at Chen Haocong who was so tall and so scared that he couldn't speak.

I recognized Nanming and saw Chen Haocong identify it. Although he grew up, his appearance changed, but it was carved with Chen Wei in a mold, and it was difficult to recognize it.

"Since it's Xiao Ming and Cong Cong, isn't this Lai Lai?" Liu Tianyun stared at Zhang Feilin standing next to him.

"No, this is my classmate, Zhang Feilin." Nan Ming quickly broke away from Liu Tianyun's arms and introduced it to Liu Tianyun.

For many years, even when Chen Wei met Nan Ming, he did not touch his head, but he did not expect to be touched by Liu Tianyun.

Tong Nanming is a little accustomed, a little funny, and a little missed.

"Oh, Zhang Feilin, hello, hello!" Liu Tianyun greeted enthusiastically, but glanced at Zhao Fengfeng, not far behind.

Zhao Fengfeng's style of painting is a migrant worker. Liu Tianyun saw a few people close to Nanming, and he showed a vigilant look: "Who are you?"

I just saw Liu Tianyun rushing over. Zhao Gaofeng thought that someone was going to be bad for Nanming.

"I was passing by soy sauce." Now seeing Nan Ming's acquaintance, Zhao Xiaofei smiled and retreated.

天 Liu Tianyun also stared at them for a long time, telling Nanming: "Go out, don't talk to strangers!"

"Oh ..." Nan Ming agreed obediently.

天 Liu Tianyun dragged Nan Ming and asked East and West again, "How old are you now? Are you going to the college entrance exam? Studying how? How did you run out? Aunt them? Didn't follow?

After a series of questions, Nanming didn't know which answer was good, but could only ask: "Why are you here, Tianyun?"

And you have this hairstyle and beard ~ ~ how to look at it is not a doctorate.

"I? I've been here for two years." Liu Tianyun pointed away arbitrarily.

Tong Nanming understood the meaning of Liu Tianyun.

天 Liu Tianyun studied undergraduate at Qingyang University and went abroad for further studies. After returning, he studied for a doctorate at Beihang University. If he appears here, it is estimated that there is only one possibility, the satellite launch center.

"Ah, by the way, I'll bring something to your sister-in-law." Liu Tianyun suddenly remembered something, and said, "You come and sit and wait, I'll come back! Don't run around, come back in five minutes In the afternoon I will show you the rocket launch! Wait for me! "

Then, he opened the trunk and threw in the luggage of the three people. He opened the door of his dirty car, opened the air conditioner, and told the three people to lock the door. Do not disturb the steering wheel or the like. Close the door and hurry. And go.

"It seems that the pigeons have been released again!" Nan Ming sat on the narrow back seat, feeling the hard seat, and said to Zhang Feilin next to him.

Zhang Feilin smiled. Although he was also thrown away halfway to release pigeons, he felt completely different now.

"Let's go with my cousin then?"

"Um." Zhang Feilin nodded, presumably the long-time director of Chu Dake hadn't remembered them, "but I want to ask a question ..."


"How many cousins ​​do you have?" (To be continued.)

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