Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 904: : Face is really big

After Nanming and his party went in, Director Zhang stared at Nanming's back for a long time and couldn't hide his excitement.

Seeing Nanming they had boarded the tour bus and disappeared, Director Zhang sighed.

"Well, it just didn't shake hands."

Director Zhang knows that Nanming came from a low-key dress and does not want to be noticed, but for Director Zhang, or for every aerospace and astronaut, Nanming is a worthy looking up.

Especially paying attention to Silence all the way, and now watching the performance of Small Bench No. 1, Director Zhang faintly feels like Nan Ming as an idol.

When I saw Nan Ming, my mood was about the same as when I saw the superior leaders come to inspect.

Director Zhang said that he was waiting for someone, but it wasn't exactly a dodge. He was indeed waiting for someone, raised his wrist to look at his watch, and stood outside the door for a moment.

At this moment, another seven-seater commercial vehicle drove over from a distance. Someone was waving the vehicle at a long distance, but the commercial vehicle continued to move regardless of it.

The abnormal behavior made the guards responsible for the security work suddenly tense, rushed out of the road, and intercepted with a gun.

"Are you really allowed to visit here? Why don't you think it's right?" In the car, Director Zhang watched with wonder as the people outside stopped the car.

"Hey, who said he wouldn't allow the visit, I've been here many times." Chu Liang waved his hand indifferently. "It's okay! Look at the broken car in front, don't you go in?"

Just now Chu Liang was halfway through and saw Liu Tianyun's broken car. If it was not limited speed, he would have caught up.

"But it seems to be stopping us outside."

"Take care of them. If you don't let them in, I'll take you up the mountainside to ensure a better view." Chu Liang just finished, and suddenly saw several guards holding guns at him, scaring his car. , Crunched, stopped in the middle of the road.

Director Zhang at the back was looking around, his head hit the front seat directly, and he screamed.

"Director Zhang, are you okay ... what are you doing?" Before Chu Liangcai cared about Director Zhang, the door was opened, and several soldiers rushed out and dragged them down, pressing them to the ground.

"Caught two suspected dangerous people and are investigating." A military officer whispered a report, and then dragged them into the jeep next to him. A soldier checked the car and drove away. The road suddenly became empty again.

Chu Liangcai still shouted, "What are you doing! Do you know who I am? Why do they just enter me just now ... oh, why do you hit someone ... Ah, my nose!"

Director Zhang looked ahead and turned a blind eye to this riot. Some time ago, an attack occurred on a railway station in Lin Province. Since then, the security level of the launch center has been much higher. These people care about who they are. I'm suffering.

As soon as Chu Liangcai was towed away, a few more cars came at the end of the road. When he saw Director Zhang waiting outside the door, the car stopped quickly, and a few people came down. The first one laughed and said, "Which one is there today?" The leader was coming, and Director Zhang was not preparing to launch, he was waiting outside the door. "

"Isn't this waiting for President Wu!" Director Zhang stepped forward and shook hands with the man, haha.

"Dare not, dare not!" Wu is always the vice president of a company affiliated to the Aerospace Group. This satellite was launched with several satellites, one of which is a product of Wu.

The relationship between the aerospace group and the satellite launch base is quite complicated. Although they belong to different ministries and commissions, in actual work, it is almost impossible to distinguish each other. It shows that you have me and I have you, such as Liu Tianyun. In fact, it belongs to the Aerospace Group.

President Wu is still very nervous about this launch, because the first half of 2015 can be said to be a disaster year for the space industry.

Just in May, the Russian proton-m / breeze-m rocket was launched from the Baikonur space launch site with the Mexican satellite-1 (mexsat-1) and crashed shortly thereafter.

In the following June, Elon Musk's spacex company, which was legendary worldwide and was promoted as the prototype of "Iron Man", also experienced a launch failure.

Elon Musk has long been good at hype, good at catching people's attention, and has attracted worldwide attention.

This launch was supposed to be the absolute protagonist in June and attracted worldwide attention. However, on June 28, the world was bathed in various news made by Silence. The spacex company, which should have been the protagonist, Become unattended.

However, the spacex company still managed to make a big news without him. This company experienced a vigorous failure. At 22:21 on June 28, the Falcon-9v1.1 rocket carried the "dragon" spacecraft. Launch from Cape Canaveral space launch site. More than two minutes after the launch, the rocket had an accident. It took only a few seconds from the fuel leak to the explosion.

Although the explosion did not cause damage to the spacecraft, and the telemetry signal transmission of the spacecraft before falling into the Atlantic Ocean was still normal, but this failure still cast a shadow on spacex, the world's first private space company, and space launches around the world.

The failure of several launches has caused insurance companies to increase their insurance coverage. In the face of rising costs and risks, many companies and countries have suspended plans to launch their own spacecraft, and the international aerospace market has encountered a cold wave.

And now that the shadows of the failed launches of Russia and the United States, two major space powers, have not disappeared, as the world ’s fourth force outside the United States, Russia, and Europe with launch capabilities, our rabbit ’s space industry is under great pressure.

In particular, the Long March 3 rocket, known as the "Golden Rocket ~", has never been launched. This invisible pressure is even greater.

Whether the gold body of the Long March 3 will not be broken will be a severe test.

Therefore, Mr. Wu, the deputy general manager of the satellite company, came here eagerly, hoping to see the launch in person, even if there were any problems, and hoped to deal with it in time to reduce the probability of launch failure.

In fact, long before he came, other bosses belonging to the rocket department had already arrived. This launch was in a very special situation. Security was naturally extremely strict, and it was even rare to not open to the public.

Nanming didn't understand this situation. Liu Tianyun took the three people of Nanming around the launch site and visited several exhibition halls, but found that there were no tourists in the exhibition hall.

Everywhere I went, there was only a guide waiting there to help explain, not much to say. △ ≧ miào. * Bi (. *) Gé △ ≧ ,

Intrigued, Liu Tianyun asked him a few words and turned back to Nanming Road: "This launch today is not open to the public. Martial law was announced this morning, and all visitors were blocked by the post."

"Really?" Nan Ming gave thumbs up to Liu Tianyun: "We can come in, it looks like Tianyun brother, you have a big face!"

"That's for sure!" Liu Tianyun was proud of himself.

Nanming asked again, "Tianyun, you have such a big face. Can you let us go to the command center when we launch?"

"No matter how big I look, I'm afraid it won't work. I'll take you to the observation deck later." Liu Tianyun said.

"You ask and see!" Nanming said.

Liu Tianyun ran and asked, and when he came back, he looked weird: "I rely on it, my face is really big today!"

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