Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 922: : Earth Rockfall Machine

"This is an image from a spy satellite detected by synthetic aperture radar, from Zhaoliang County, Sichuan Province ..." A man in military uniform gave a cough and said: "I think several giants of Lazy God Technology went to Changxi collectively. , Which represents their ambition for the aerospace industry, which has to be taken seriously ... "

In the image, the Lazy God RV is flying galloping in the mountains, just like the dragon of the cockroach.

"Based on the images, we can think that Lazy Technology has mastered a new type of propulsion technology that is completely different from the existing propulsion technology. This technology is likely to be used to detect the universe. coming."

The officer spoke impassionedly, but everyone in the room had a sense of confusion and unconsciousness.

"I think that it is too far to say that the universe is being explored now. Even with the technology of lazy **** technology, it will not be possible to start the era of universe navigation in the short term."

"A company, even if the technology is more advanced, even if there is some cutting-edge detection without a solid underlying foundation, the benefits are actually very limited."

For example, the moon landing in the United States brought almost no gain.

If the above sentences are still reasonable, then the latter will be distorted.

"I also think that the current lazy technology should still be exploring and accumulating technology, so don't worry too much."

"Of course the government's funding must be sought."

"The government has been biased towards capital and financial markets for too long, and it is time for these politicians to turn their attention back to basic industries."

"I think the military should do more to promote this concept and call on society's capital to lean toward military and basic industries."

"The United States is no longer a pole of the world. It is time to converge on this arrogance."

"In the next ten years, I think it is still more pragmatic in the atmosphere. The mech soldier is a new idea. We should integrate technology to make our strongest weapon ..."

Lou instantly crooked.

While talking eloquently, an officer rushed in, and spoke a few words in the ear of that general.

The general coughed and said, "Sirs, I have just received the news that our nasa and the enemy of the aerospace industry have just signed a cooperation agreement with Laoshen Technology to jointly develop satellite and spacecraft launch markets.

"Who ..." Suddenly, the entire conference room felt relieved.

"Fortunately, it is the satellite and spacecraft launch market. We are designing satellites. Maybe we can hitchhike instead."

"It's not just the aviation market, if it's aerospace ... oh, do you want to abolish our rocket department?"

"The nasa guys are going to have a headache."

"The most headache ... I'm afraid ..." Everyone's eyes turned involuntarily to one side. From the beginning, a middle-aged man with an increasingly heavy complexion.

The founder of company X, the man known as Iron Man, the richest man in technology in the United States, the owner of the world ’s most auspicious space technology private company, the most mature, lowest cost and most commercially promising space company at the helm, known as Ma Yilong Elon Musk.

Looking at his silent expression, everyone had only one idea.

Here comes the wolf!

Finally, in silence, an old man in a suit and leather shoes said, "nasa will continue to order with x."

"Lockheed Martin is willing to work with x."

"The Boeing Integrated Defense Systems Group is ready to help."

Although many people are grateful that Lazy Technology has not chosen their field, but there are too many giants in the world, spanning countless fields, and it is almost impossible to avoid competition anyway.

Moreover, they have long been eyeing the market and the bright future that x now occupies.

Ma Yilong was silent like water.

The wolf is here, but before you fight the wolf, I'm afraid that we must feed these evil dogs first!

But can these native dogs really kill the wolf?

The old nasa man sitting on top took a breath and said, "Not long ago, Congress approved Nasa's application. Starting today, nasa will officially launch the 'Earth Rocker Plan'!"

"The mech soldiers dominated by the Department of Energy must not be lost, but we, nasa, will not allow the United States to lose an inch of advantage in the field of space exploration!" The old man of nasa straightened up, his face was the cold war era, the moon landing project The glory of time, these years are very difficult for nasa. In order to get funding from the parliament, they have to rely on science and speculation to attract attention. What do you find is suitable for humans to live on the planet, what gravitational waves, The world ’s hype, isn't it just a change of funds?

But they exhausted the tasks they didn't complete, but Lazy Technology helped them complete them.

It was shocking to hear that Nasa had actually launched the "Earth Rockcutter" program, but most of the people present were a little dazed, but the three principals specializing in aerospace were shocked.

The so-called "earth rock throwing machine" is basically an ideal product just like "space elevator".

Of course, compared with the space elevator, the difficulty is slightly lower, but it is still an extremely huge project.

It uses the constant "cosmic velocity". In theory, in fact, the rocket launch does not have to be vertical. In fact, it launches in any direction. As long as the velocity exceeds the first cosmic velocity, it will give a little force to overcome the atmospheric resistance. Anything can become a satellite orbiting the earth.

The "Earth Rockfall" plan is to change "vertical launch" into "parallel launch", accelerate the projectile on the ground to above 7.9km per second, and then throw it out, and this object will follow the earth's Tangent, flying out of the atmosphere and turning into a satellite of the earth.

Because it can completely abandon the engine department ~ ~ Using ground electrical energy for energy supply, the cost will be greatly reduced, and a large number of objects will be launched into space quickly and efficiently!

If you want to complete this plan, you must build a long magnetic levitation rail on the equator. The amount of engineering, investment and construction difficulty will be beyond imagination!

Maybe, this will be the largest project organized by mankind after the Manhattan project, the moon landing project, and the human genome project!

"X will be the strongest shield, and strictly guard the launch market of satellites and spacecraft. There must be no loss. The earth boulder will be our sharpest spear, breaking their bodies, and putting all our competitors against us, Strangle in the cradle! "

However, the emergence of the earth's stone throwing machine will be hit not only by Lazy Technology, but also by three aerospace companies joining forces against the enemy.

"We will invite three companies to make joint capital injections and give the three companies priority operations after the completion of the Earth Blasting Machine program."

The eyes of the three companies lit up at the same time.

Earth rockfall machines, like a "space port", will have countless throughput. What is the benefit of being able to contract a port, even though it is part of the contract, and this is the only port on Earth and space?

Boeing and Lockheed Martin may still hesitate, but Ma Yilong is a natural gambler's psychology. If he can get the management right of "Space Port", he will not hesitate to even pay his entire company X!

Faced with aggressive lazy technology, the United States, the world's largest organization, has finally acted.

At this moment, neither Nan Ming nor Chen Haocong realized that the challenge was coming.

If they knew, they would be at a loss: "I'm just here to wish a long life ... Do you want more?" (To be continued.)

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