Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 931: : Parents have to do more work

The cooperation between AVIC and Xiongzi Science and Technology was not long after it was promoted with enthusiasm, and it was coldly received. President Yu personally visited President Nan once, and then gave the cooperation to President Wu.

AVIC and Xiongzi Technology jointly established a company called "Space Technology", with General Manager Wu as the general manager.

There is a vague implication.

For the middle class of such a promising satellite company, Mr. Wu, I really do n’t know if it is happy or sad.

Theoretically speaking, Wu is always the vice president of the satellite company of AVIC. This time, he became the chief executive and has been raised by half a level.

However, the satellite company is an important part of AVIC, but "Space Technology" is just a company that has just been born.

The future is ambiguous.

In addition, President Wu also saw the conflict between Chen Haocong and Nan Ming with his own eyes. Knowing that between one and a half minutes, Xiongzi Science and Technology was afraid that he would not receive technical support. Next, he did not know how long he would have to engage in rockets with Chen Haocong design……

Wu is always an expert in satellites. He is not good at rocket design. Fortunately, President Yu has ordered a few rocket engineers to join space technology together, which is their most basic team.

At this moment, Mr. Wu felt that the five-year plan he had come up with was useful again. Next, they wanted to find a suitable place as an office space, and then slowly found members and established a team.

With Mr. Wu's connections in the space industry, some people can still be dug.

Although he needs to show his face to flicker ...

When President Wu was busy looking for a place and building a team, Chen Haocong found him.

This is the second afternoon after the conflict between Chen Haocong and Nanming, Chen Haocong held a large group of materials and hurried to find President Wu, saying, "Angkor, let's start designing now!"

"What?" President Wu felt that Chen Haocong had not learned a lesson, but he heard it himself, and Nan Ming himself said that Chen Haocong could not enter the database of Lazy God Technology to retrieve the technology of Lazy God Technology, and let him design it himself.

And at this time, what can one do with one or two people?

"Office space?" Chen Haocong waved his hand. "That kind of thing will be better later. Now we have a place. Our space technology is positioned as a design company and technical support company. Facades and other things are unnecessary. Let's start designing! Let's start! "

Looking at Chen Haocong's eager eyes, Wu always felt his burning passion.

Now he must be eager to design a rocket to prove himself.

However, Mr. Wu would like to tell Chen Haocong that designing a rocket requires long-term technical accumulation and verification. In the absence of mature solutions to use, I am afraid that it will be continuous verification and accumulation for years, decades, and decades. Only then is it possible to design a usable rocket.

And if you want this rocket performance to break through the existing technology, it will need long-term accumulation.

Before the actual design, do the preliminary work first, but instead sharpen the woodworker by mistake.

However, Chen Haocong insisted on this, and President Wu could only helplessly lay down all the preliminary work and entrusted to an engineer he trusted, and invested in the design with Chen Haocong.

Their office is located in the most luxurious hotel in Zhao County.

President Wu is ready to serve Chen Haocong like an uncle.

In his opinion, Chen Haocong, who is proud of the spring breeze and young boy, has limited convergence even after being taught by Nan Ming, and there will definitely be many difficult places to deal with.

Who would have thought that Chen Haocong was definitely not the kind of sister-in-law he thought.

In the first two days, Chen Haocong was almost studying. In addition to President Wu, Chen Haocong, and a few people who had been transferred, there was another person who volunteered to join Space Science and Technology—Liu Tianyun.

A small team of less than ten people initially taught Chen Haocong some common sense issues in aerospace design.

And to deal with Chen Haocong's endless stream of brain holes.

Gradually, however, Chen Haocong's mind forced General Wu to pay attention.

Chen Haocong's first reliable brain hole came from the launch position.

"We can use a balloon to lift the rocket to high altitude and then launch it. It can reduce a large amount of air resistance and launch directly at level ..." Chen Haocong said.

"Well, this can be there, but where can I find balloons that can lift dozens of tons of heavy objects?" President Wu was very pessimistic about this. Some people have already verified that the launch of the rocket on the plane is feasible, but there is no suitable aircraft for launch in China.

"Yes." Chen Haocong looked at the idiot's expression and looked at President Wu.

Then Mr. Wu slaps his head, a balloon with a high load, and Lazy God Technology already has mature technology!

The whole playground is floating in the air!

Nan Ming just said that he would not allow Chen Haocong to enter the database of lazy gods, but ready-made mature products, who said it could not be used?

"The most important thing for a rocket is the rocket engine. The engine is also the most expensive part of a rocket." Chen Haocong now knows nothing about rockets. He said, "If we save costs, we can recycle and reuse the rocket Make a fuss. "

Once the rocket is launched, the fuel cost is only over 100,000 US dollars. If the rocket can be reused, the cost will be reduced immediately.

"Well, spacex's Falcon rocket is just this kind of thinking. We at AVIC are also studying the issue of rocket recycling and reuse, but there is not much progress at present, because after the rocket is launched once, the engine wear is extremely serious, and the maintenance is basically done. The cost is almost the same as remanufacturing ... "President Wu is not optimistic about Chen Haocong's idea.

Why did the US space shuttle retire? Because reusable space vehicles are too expensive! It's so high! The technology that should have been used to save costs has become a gold swallowing monster that costs more because of substandard manufacturing processes and materials.

If reusable rocket technology is really mature, then satellite launch costs will be reduced by 99%!

Spacex's Ma Yilong has been advocating this technology all day, but when it is actually used, it is impossible to be so cheap. Now spacex's rockets can never reach the conditions of reuse.

"That's someone else," Chen Haocong said. "The life of a rocket engine is usually measured in seconds."

The launch of a rocket usually takes a few hundred seconds, and the first-stage rocket usually loses its effect in more than 120 seconds, automatically falling off, recovering from landing, or scrapping after landing.

"I know there is a rocket engine that has run smoothly for hundreds of hours," Chen Haocong said.

At that time, President Wu wanted to touch Chen Haocong's head ~ ~ to see if he had a fever.

"Silent's rear thruster is a huge rocket engine!" Chen Haocong said.

At that time, President Wu had an idea, and he was lying!

To be honest, as an astronaut, Mr. Wu doesn't know how many times the spacex company has been envied.

Why can spacex be the world's most watched space company?

Because they rely on this huge market in the United States, spacex's Falcon rocket, most of the important components can be bought in the United States market, and then they rely on the United States' huge industrial base to integrate amazing low-cost rocket .

It's like Apple doesn't have any core technology of its own, but it can integrate the iPhone with the shortest and most versatile mobile phone in the world.

If AVIC also has such a backer, how much more will their lives be nourished?

But now, he suddenly discovered that Lazy Technology was a technology-selected supermarket, and the existing technology was enough to integrate countless products.

The rest is design. △ ≧ miào △ ≧ bi △ ≧ gé △ ≧

Design, or design.


Just when Chen Haocong and others racked their brains to integrate the existing technology and planned to design the best rocket, a plane landed at the Washington, DC airport in Columbus, USA.

Qin Yafei, the boss of Lazy God Yafei, and Wei Caiming, the two leaders founded by He Qing, got off the plane with Wang Wanqiang.

Looking at the bustling crowd below, the three looked at each other, took a deep breath, and said, "Come on, we must take down the construction of the earth's stone thrower!"

"For the children's tuition next year!" Wang Wanqiang said, "It's time to work!"

Tens of billions of dollars in super projects!

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