Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 949: : The first batch of students

"Are you all here?" When Nanming walked into the second-floor lobby of Silence, more than a dozen people in the lobby were talking and laughing.

The renovated Silent Living Area is divided into four floors, of which the second floor is the most spacious. It is also the main living and learning place for the students of Lazy Divinity School.

The second-floor lobby is also the largest. The lobby is the earliest student admitted by Lazy Theological Seminary. More than ten people are not crowded in the lobby.

The faces of these people, needless to say, Chen Haocong, Lu Rongrong, He Cunping and Wang Shihao. Of the seven newly admitted people, two of them are also familiar faces of Nanming.

One of them is Chen Haocong's good friend, Lazy God is a **** fan, has been in the society for many years, in order to be able to enter Lazy God College, Xu Shuaiyang taking the college entrance examination again. The other one is Zhao Zhuang, a young Yi man that Nan Ming met in the mountainous area of ​​Zhaoxian County.

The remaining five people were considered to have joined the group at this time, but when they saw Nanming, they were still at a loss.

Who is this new classmate? Aren't everyone here?

"Uncle Ming is here?" Seeing Nan Ming, several people from Chen Haocong stood up, Xu Shuaiyang exclaimed Nan.

In fact, even he didn't expect that when he saw Nan Ming at the gate of Wenji No.1 Middle School, he didn't know he was afraid of meeting a noble man until he saw Chen Haocong on TV.

Then he has been looking forward to today.

Today I finally had to meet an idol, Xu Shuaiyang was naturally excited.

I can't wait to hug my thighs at this moment and transform into thigh pendants.

Looking at the few people who were just admitted, Nanming introduced himself: "Hello everyone, I'm Nanming."

The eyes of five people who did not know Nan Ming were almost glaring.

Is this Nan Ming?

Has created so many miracles, the boss of lazy technology, Nanming?

Looks like ... about the same age as them?

Nan Ming smiled at a few people and said, "From today, until the official start of the school, to help you assign a formal student instructor, I have to be your instructor for the time being. Whether it is a problem in life or study, everyone is Come to me. If you can't find me temporarily ... "

Nan Ming turned sideways and pointed at the two men in white uniforms standing behind him: "This is the captain of the Silent Ship, Lu Xingcheng, and the mate Song Shengbo. If you encounter any problems and cannot find me during the ship, also You can find them. "

The two stepped forward at the same time, raising their hands handsomely and saluting together.

Then, Nanming felt that the atmosphere in the hall was wrong, and everyone stared at Luxing City, standing on the left side of Nanming.

"it's him?"

"I would rather die than Lu Xingcheng ..."

"Well ... I don't know how he would rather die than surrender ..."

Everyone is a teenager after all, and muttered in private.

Lu Xingcheng was extremely confused. He thought his trouser door was not pulled. He quickly looked down and became more confused. He checked it several times before he came today, why was he looked at by such strange eyes?

He cleared his throat and said, "Ahem, I am the captain of the Silent Lu Xingcheng. If you encounter any problems on the boat, you can find me. In addition, I am a few years old. If you have any problems in your life, you can also find I, in your address book, have my contact information ... "

He looked at these people with strange eyes and said a few words, then everyone was staring at his back and hair, and quietly asked Nan Ming: "So, what's wrong with me?"

"I don't know, either." Nan Ming glanced dumbly at Chen Haocong and others, who knew that these bear children must have been moths.

After all, Lu Xingcheng was an excellent commander, shaking his head, throwing out irrelevant thoughts, and stood beside Nan Ming.

"In addition, I temporarily appointed Lu Rongrong as the squad leader. If you have any questions and are not convenient to find me or Captain Lu and Ms. Song, you can go to Lu Rongrong. Shuai Yang, you are the oldest and where are the other people's lives? If you need to take care, you take care of it. "

Lu Rongrong patted her breast, indicating that everything is mine.

Xu Shuaiyang also quickly responded.

Then Nan Ming said, "I called everyone here. Now that everyone has applied for the Lazy Divinity School, I want to see you. At the same time, there are some interesting things. I feel that everyone missed it, so I called everyone over , Want to let everyone participate in some activities together, learn about lazy gods faster, and integrate into this big family. "

"If you have something to deal with, you can't come to this event for the time being, you can also tell me directly and I will send someone to send you back."

Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads. Nanming smiled: "Then I announced this event. Let's go to Paris, France to participate in the air show this time. Has anyone heard of the Paris air show?"

Of the seven freshmen, only Xu Shuaiyang raised his hand.

Zhao Zhuang and Nan Ming are still quite familiar. At this time, he asked in surprise: "Are you going to France? Going abroad? I ... I haven't gone abroad yet ..."

He was a little timid.

Lu Lingrong laughed next to him ~ ~ He patted Zhao Zhuang's shoulder and said, "Don't be afraid. In this world, only others are afraid of us, but we are not afraid of others."

Zhao Zhuang opened his eyes blankly, not knowing what to say.

"This time to go to the air show, we have a few hundred square meters of exhibition area, and there are only two booths, Lazy God Technology and Bear Kid Technology. Everyone can help Lazy God Technology or Bear Kid Technology to arrange the booth, if you are interested. , Or you can allocate a small booth for everyone to set up. "

Lazy Divinity School is just like this. There is no major in faculty. It is more like an elective credit system. Everyone can propose what they want to learn. The initial curriculum can be regarded as a gift. When you confirm that After personal hobbies and talents, Lazy Divinity School can customize courses for everyone.

For Nanming, attending the Paris Air Show is an opportunity to see everyone's good intentions.

"In addition, I know that everyone is curious about Silence, and now you can visit and explore Silence at will."

"Oh!" A cheer, a few new classmates, can be said to have been curious about the silence, and rushed out immediately after hearing the words.

Xu Shuaiyang stayed, stood beside Chen Haocong, and said, "Can I go with you to see the mech soldiers?"

Xu Shuaiyang has been eye-catching for mech soldiers for a long time.

Silence was ready to go, but Chen Haocong suddenly received a call. He picked it up, and suddenly he looked strange. He looked up at Nanming who had not left and asked: "Uncle Ming, I have a friend, and I want to be lazy. Theological School ... He rejected the admission of Beijing University! "

"What's your name?" Nan Ming asked.

"You know, the little fat man who won the TV with me is called Yuan Shang." To be continued. 〖Yan. Mo. Xuan. Xiao. Said. Net〗

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