Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 961: : The fourth way

When Silence lifted off, the Boeing 787 was being towed off the runway by a tractor. 『┡

Randy sat on the tractor, staring blankly at the Silent, which gradually obscured the sky, and the huge airbag several times larger.

The translucent airbags are like soap bubbles in the air, and they can still see the magnificent colorful light refracted.

When the Silence lifted off, the atmosphere of the audience reached its peak again.

The huge sound waves seemed to be able to burst the airbags in the air.

The glory belonging to the Boeing 787 has long since faded away. Compared with the silence in the sky now, his light is like a pearl of rice grains and a bright moon.

The airport staff and the temporarily transferred security staff worked hard to stop the fans who were embracing them forward. Several heads of the Paris air show looked at the crazy crowd and looked at it. Silence in the sky, sighed with sigh.

The vast majority of manufacturers in this world, when attending the Paris Air Show, can't wait to use all their abilities to catch the eyeballs of the audience every minute and every second, and don't miss any cameras and mobile phones.

But when Silence appeared, they only appeared, all of this was in vain.

It does not need to perform any special stunts, as long as it flies in the air, it is already a miracle of ergonomics.

To date, the largest flying object made by humans is the most effective, advanced, and dreamlike flying object.

Even more weird is that it is not an airplane, not an airship, it is actually a ship.

Flying in the sky is actually not its main business, and just a few months ago, it just broke the highest record of surface navigation.

Human beings have always had good hopes for "ships". Human beings also have a term called "spaceships", but the so-called spaceships in modern society are just small boxes for flying.

This is the real "spaceship", the "ship" flying in the sky!

I don't know how many viewers looked at the quiet and magnificent Silence in the sun and whispered, "If you can sit once, you're willing to die ..."

If you can advertise to the world with mech soldiers, you can spend your honeymoon on the Silence ...

This is probably the biggest romance for men and women around the world.

This Paris Air Show is probably the most influential, most attracted and most glorious one.

Because of the earth-throwing stone plan, half of the world's political figures have gathered in Paris. Many people preside over the negotiations with the lazy **** Yafei, and in the final analysis, the reason why Qin Yafei will appear at the Paris air show, or because Nanming is here, because of silence This flight show.

Unconsciously, Silence has the ability to move the world.

Now, the ship that gathers all the sights of the world is floating above Le Bourget airport, under the witness of tens of thousands of people, performing a flight show.

In the VIP seat, hundreds of politicians sat together, security guards stood by, and a transparent viewing area was isolated with riot glass.

Mr. Xiao, who was crowded in the crowd and felt the atmosphere, couldn't stand the crowd at last. He hurried back to the corner and saw several old white men standing on one side talking to each other.

Xiao Youbin knows that although they do n’t even have a stool, they can squeeze into this area, at least a cabinet member or ministerial level. They hold the program list in their hands, talk to each other, and look to the general audience outside. different.

After seeing Xiao Youbin and President Xie coming over, someone recognized President Xie: "Ah, it's you! I know you!" Then he wondered: "What will the Silencer perform this time?"

"I don't know." President Xie waved the program list, "Only the flight show was written on the program list."

"Forget it, anyway, the performance of the lazy gods system will be very exciting." The man waved his hand, then laughed.

The same conversation is happening in the audience everywhere. The performance of the Silencer is always worth the fare and even surprises every time.

What will the Silencer perform this time?

There are only a few leading politicians who seem to think of something, and stare at the silence in the sky.

Shouldn't ...

"I'm not going to go around for a week like this, and then I'll finish the show," said a lazy **** fan. "Maybe Enan's laziness might cope with this?"

"That makes sense and I can't refute it." People around nodded again and again.

"Will the Silent take off?" Another lazy fan said, "I watched the video. Silent was added through the thruster, then the airbag was discarded, and it was switched directly to aerodynamic flight. Think about it This is a giant that weighs more than 2ooo tons and is more than 130 meters long. It is still a ship! It really exploded! "

"I think Silence is likely to perform the wing effect." Another man speaking Texas accent said, "If it is a normal flight method, I'm afraid that the degree has not been added yet, we will not see it. If it is the wing effect No need to be too high ... "

Everyone you say yours, I say mine, have their own views.

So far, humans have only three reliable ways of flying.

Air buoyancy, aerodynamics, wing-ground effect.

No matter how difficult it is to escape from this approach.

While everyone was talking, guessing and guessing, the mech soldiers suspended in the air once again waved the double swords as batons, and then flew around the Silence for a week.

Several travellers who crossed the security barrier ~ ~ the tourists who crossed the barrier were frightened by the waves of air they carried.

After a round of the field, after clearing the field, the mech magic soldier looked up at the silent number hanging in the air.

The wings of Silence slowly stretched out.

The pair swept back like cicada wings, gathered the wings on their backs, and stretched out, the Silent was like a two-winged drooping seagull, floating quietly in the air, smooth and beautiful.

It is this pair of wings that allows Silence to glide on the water and soar in the sky.

The thin wing can support thousands of tons of weight, which is an engineering miracle.

"Surely you want to perform a flight mode switch?" The lazy fans on the ground exulted, "I just don't know if it's a wing effect or ... what?"

When the people on the ground hadn't guessed what the Silence was going to do, a loud noise sounded, and the wings of the Silence suddenly fell off.

Even if it is made of a very light and tough metal such as metal hydrogen, two huge metals, weighing tens of tons, seem to tremble when they land.

"What's this for? Performing self-defeating wings?" The audience looked "hat · *;" Then, with a loud noise, the ground shuddered again.

Then everyone showed that the four huge spouts at the tail of Silence had even fallen off!

Taking off the wings and tail spout, the Silent at this time left only smooth lines and tough decorative lines.

It's like a rolled silver leaf.

"Wings and spouts ..." The lazy fan who had speculated that Silent was going to perform winged ground was scared, "Would you like to ..."

He hadn't finished speaking yet, with a soft click, the airbag above Silence suddenly detached and flew up. (To be continued.) 8 more exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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