Leading The Whole Village To Apply For Online Loans And Build A Financial Tazhai Village

Chapter 24: Zhong Hong Called To Complain, Lin Dong Officially Started Speaking!

This way.

Lin Dong had just finished breakfast at home and planned to go to the village committee to give a lecture.

However, just as he was about to leave, the phone in his pocket suddenly rang. He took it out and saw that it was his college classmate, Zhong Hong.

Could it be that this guy has arrived?

Thinking of this, Lin Dong couldn't help but show his joy. As long as Zhong Hong arrived and appraised the agarwood in his hand, he could sell it quickly.

By then, he would have a large amount of funds in his hands, and the money-making plan could be started immediately!

After the call was connected, before Lin Dong spoke, Zhong Hong's roaring voice came out immediately.

"Lin Dong! You better have real agarwood in your hand, don't lie to me!"

"Otherwise, when I get to your village, I will definitely deal with you!"

"Do you know how difficult it is for me to go to your village?"

"After I got off the plane, I have changed four buses, four buses!"

Since he set foot on the road to Tazhai Village, Zhong Hong's heart has been collapsing all the time.

He never expected that Lin Dong's hometown was so remote.

After getting off the plane, he had to take a high-speed train, and then he had to change to several green trains, and then he had to take a bus!

Zhong Hong, who has always lived in a big city, has never suffered such a hardship?

He couldn't stand it before he arrived at Tazhai Village, so he called Lin Dong to vent his emotions.

Lin Dong was a little confused by Zhong Hong's roaring voice.

Then he remembered that Zhong Hong's place seemed to be nearly 2,000 kilometers away from him!

In addition, he was in a small city, and Tazhai Village was almost hidden in the most remote place in this small city. It was not so easy to come here.

Thinking of this, Lin Dong smiled and immediately promised to speak out, saying:

"Good brother, don't worry, buddy will definitely not deceive you!"

"You come here this time, I promise you will never suffer a loss!"

"By the way, when will you arrive?"

After getting Lin Dong's guarantee, Zhong Hong's anger in his heart was relieved a little.

When he thought about buying agarwood from Lin Dong, his anger was mostly gone.

"That would be best!"

"I just passed by Jiangcheng now, and I plan to find a place to sleep first. I can't stand the train ride anymore."

"We'll probably arrive tomorrow morning."

Zhong Hong informed him of his schedule, with a hint of fatigue in his tone.

He originally planned to go directly to Tazhai Village to rest, but the continuous transfer made him really unbearable.

The places he went to before were basically big cities, and the transportation was very convenient. He never thought that going to the countryside would be so inconvenient.

This made him even doubt whether he was being cheated by Lin Dong again.

"Okay, call me when you get there."

"I have something else to do here, so let's not talk for now."

After saying that, Lin Dong hung up the phone directly, not giving Zhong Hong any chance to complain.

If this call continues, it will probably be endless.

Shaking his head slightly, Lin Dong went straight to the village committee to finish the class he promised.

"Hang up? Lin Dong, how dare you hang up on me?"

"Okay! I'll remember you!"

"If you don't treat me to a full banquet when we get there, I'll never let you go!"

On the other side, Zhong Hong was just about to complain to Lin Dong and ask him to treat him well, but before he could even open his mouth, Lin Dong predicted it and hung up the phone!

This made Zhong Hong, who had just relaxed a little, suddenly unhappy!

He immediately made up his mind that he must give him a good meal when he got there.

Otherwise, it would be a shame for the hardships he had gone through along the way.

At about 9:30, the village committee was already full of people, with as many as two or three hundred people, which was quite lively.

When Lin Dong came here and saw the sea of ​​villagers, he couldn't help but be a little stunned.

Although he was prepared, he was also very surprised to see so many villagers come to listen to his lecture.

"It seems that the villagers are very enthusiastic about shutting down the black online loan."

Muttering to himself, Lin Dong walked into the village committee.

Blocking the black online loan is a contribution to society!

And the villagers are also happy to do this.

After all, as a good citizen who abides by the law, it is our duty to eradicate the social cancer!

When the black online loan is sent to the police station in the future, maybe Tazhai Village can be rated as a model village for eliminating evil!

While thinking about this, the village chief Lin Deye has noticed Lin Dong, and immediately smiled and walked over.

"Dongzi is here!"

"Here, here, everything is ready for you!"

"Everyone is ready, but it depends on you, Dongzi!"

Lin Deye handed the microphone in his hand to Lin Dong, and his eyes were full of satisfaction when he looked at each other.

Dongzi, this child, has been smart since he was a child!

Now that he has a way to make money, he is not private and knows how to lead the villagers to develop the village together. He is a good child!

After seeing Lin Deye, Lin Dong politely called him "Grandpa Village Chief".

In fact, Lin Deye was not particularly old, only about ten years older than Lin Dong's father, but he was of a higher generation in the clan and had more prestige.

Whenever Lin Dong's generation saw him, they had to call him "Grandpa Village Chief" or "Grandpa Clan Chief".

Lin Dong took the microphone, tested his voice, and planned to start teaching the villagers how to take out online loans.

Among the nearly two hundred people below, not all of them came to listen to Lin Dong's instructions on how to take out illegal online loans.

For example, Lin Peng!

He hid in the crowd, looked at Lin Dong who had just spoken, and showed a sneer.

"The villagers are too simple, so they were deceived by you!"

"When you finish speaking, I will popularize the harm of online loans to everyone. At that time, you, Lin Dong, will be the scourge that tempted Tazhai Village to commit crimes!"

Lin Peng finalized the plan in his mind and waited quietly.

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