Leading The Whole Village To Apply For Online Loans And Build A Financial Tazhai Village

Chapter 41: The Situation Has Been Opened Up, And I Am Going To Build An Airport For Tazhai!

Lin Dong was immediately upset when he saw Zhong Hong's mean look.

He kicked him and said:

"If you keep talking nonsense, I will throw you into the pond to feed the fish!"

Zhong Hong didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore after hearing this.

Because he felt that Lin Dong could really do this, and he didn't want to be thrown into the pond to feed the fish.

"To be honest, your village is too poor!"

"I really don't understand why you want to stay in this village. If you want to make a fortune, you must go to a big city!"

"Only big cities have more opportunities. If you stay in such a small place, even if you have great abilities, it will be difficult to show them."

Zhong Hong suddenly straightened his face and persuaded him.

In his opinion, if Lin Dong stayed here, his talent would be drowned. Such a small place would not allow him to show his talents.

If he wants to develop, he must go to a big city!

As long as he can catch a vent, it will take off in a few minutes.

He really wants his good brother to get better, so he persuaded him like this.

How could Lin Dong not know about this?

He had seen enough of the outside world in his previous life. Whether it was the workplace or daily communication, it was full of intrigues.

As the saying goes, one general's success is the result of the sacrifice of thousands of people!

If you want to stand out and make a great achievement, you have to step on countless people to have a little chance.

Lin Dong no longer wants to experience this kind of life of open and secret struggles.

On the contrary, after returning to his hometown Tazhai Village, he can feel a little warmth from his parents, family, and villagers.

This is also the fundamental reason why Lin Dong wants to stay in the village and lead the villagers to get rid of poverty and become rich.

"Haha, poor?"

"Just wait and see, it won't take long for me, Lin Dong, to make Tazhai Village the richest village in the country!"

"Don't talk about kindergartens and nursing homes at that time. I will build an airport in the village!"

Lin Dong laughed, and his words were full of pride.

The wealthy villages in China all have their own facilities, such as schools, hospitals, nursing homes, etc.

But these are nothing in Lin Dong's eyes. What's so great about them?

The pattern should be bigger. I will let the village have its own airport in the future, the kind that can go directly to foreign countries!

Connect international trade and lead Tazhai Village to become the richest village in the country!

When Zhong Hong heard this, he just laughed and rolled his eyes. At this moment, he just wanted to bring a cow to Lin Dong.

Come on, brag! Keep bragging!

Build an airport? Do you know how big an airport is?

Zhong Hong didn't believe what Lin Dong said at all, just thinking that Lin Dong was joking.

But what he didn't know was that Lin Dong really had this idea in his mind! It's just that it's still far away.

"What is that?"

At this time, Zhong Hong saw a white thing in the distance and couldn't help showing a puzzled look.

Lin Dong looked along his gaze and felt a little surprised when he saw the greenhouse in the distance.

"The greenhouse is ready?"

"It's quite fast."

Lin Dong was a little surprised at the speed of the greenhouse construction, but that was all.

Although it was Lin Peng who proposed the greenhouse vegetables, it was the residents of Tazhai Village who did it, and it was nothing strange for the villagers to do it together.

Although Lin Dong was very upset by Lin Peng's behavior before, he would not stop the greenhouse vegetable planting plan.

Because once it is done, it can indeed lead the villagers to make money, but it is also difficult.

"This is a poverty alleviation plan for a college student in our village, greenhouse vegetable planting!"

Lin Dong explained when he saw Zhong Hong's doubts.

However, Zhong Hong looked even more strange after hearing it.

He looked at Lin Dong and asked:

"Poverty alleviation plan?"

"Do you think this will work?"

When Lin Dong heard it, he knew that this kid was clearly testing himself. How could he admit defeat?

So he showed a thoughtful look, and after thinking about various factors, he couldn't help but frowned slightly.

Before Lin Peng proposed this, he hadn't thought about it carefully, but now he thought about it carefully and found that it would not work at all.

"It won't work at all!"

"Maybe Lin Peng's technology is fine, and the harvest is fine, but selling and transportation are indeed a big problem!"

Lin Dong said what he thought with absolute certainty.

Zhong Hong listened and nodded repeatedly, adding:

"You are originally a small county town, there are many people growing vegetables, and there is no market at all."

"To transport it out to sell, road traffic is also a big problem!"

"On your way out, I guess the money from selling is not enough to cover the fare!"

He has a deep understanding of this!

In his 20 years of life, Zhong Hong has never walked on such a bad road!

Transporting on this kind of road, not to mention the depreciation rate after transportation, the freight alone is a considerable expense.

It's hard not to lose money if you still want to make money!

In this regard, Lin Dong also shook his head slightly, intending to remind the villagers who participated in the greenhouse vegetables.

If they listen, maybe they can reduce some losses, but if they don't listen, then Lin Dong will not stop them.

After all, he is not a good person, and there is no need to do such a thankless task.

When they suffer a loss, they will naturally understand.

Only when you get beaten, you will know how painful it is!

Just as Lin Dong was thinking this, several villagers found Lin Dong, and immediately showed excitement and rushed over.

"Dongzi, the money application has been rejected recently."

"Can you help uncle take a look, what's going on?"

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