"What? Lin Dong made 18 million yesterday!"

"How did he make so much money?"

"18 million, I probably won't make that much money in my lifetime."

"Not to mention my lifetime, I probably won't make that much money in my next lifetime!"

After hearing what Lin Wen'an said, the villagers were shocked, exclaiming and talking about it.

They have been poor for half their lives, when have they ever seen so much money?

And Lin Dong made it in just one day yesterday, how could the villagers not be surprised?

At the same time, they were also very confused, how did Lin Dong make so much money?

Here, Lin Dong followed Chen Feng to the police station, and he was very calm from beginning to end.

I am a good citizen who abides by the law and has not done anything illegal, what is there to be afraid of?

"Captain Chen, look at this."

"This is what I just found out, there are 20 million in the account of this person named Lin Dong!"

Soon, the young police officer checked Lin Dong's account, and was stunned the moment he knew the result.

This person actually has nearly 20 million in his bank account!

But he is obviously a young man who just graduated from college. He has no background and no capital. How did he make so much money in such a short time?

The first thought that came to the young police officer's mind was that this guy must have done some illegal business.

Otherwise, what kind of business can make so much money?

Chen Feng took the report and was slightly shocked.

In such a small city, a young man in his early twenties made nearly 20 million in just one month?

This is not normal!

At this moment, Chen Feng also began to doubt whether the money came from an illegal source.

With the report, Chen Feng came to the interrogation room and saw Lin Dong who was lying down to rest.

This kid is really calm!

"Comrade police, have you investigated everything?"

Just when Chen Feng was complaining in his heart, Lin Dong woke up and asked directly while rubbing his eyes.

He had been waiting here for several hours and fell asleep.

After the investigation, he should be able to leave.

"We have verified that you have no criminal record and have not found any illegal behavior for the time being."

"But there is one thing, we found that you have 20 million funds in your account!"

"Where did this money come from?"

Chen Feng informed the results of the investigation. According to the normal process, Lin Dong could be released directly.

But the funds found in the end forced him to ask again.

"Borrowing online loans, stock trading, and selling agarwood."

"These are all transaction records. Police comrade, you can check them at will."

"I, Lin Dong, am a good citizen who abides by the law and will never do anything illegal!"

Hearing the inquiry, Lin Dong was also very cooperative and did not hide anything.

I didn't violate the law in the first place. Although it may be a bit shameful to borrow online loans, it is not illegal!

After listening to this, Chen Feng raised his eyebrows slightly.

From the transaction records, Lin Dong did not lie, and the funds were all right.

Seeing that there was no problem, Chen Feng planned to release Lin Dong.

"You are a promising young man. You have achieved such success just after entering the society."

"Since you have this ability, don't do anything illegal!"

"Although black online loans are not illegal, it is best not to touch them. This kind of thing will be cracked down sooner or later!"

When sending Lin Dong out, Chen Feng talked to Lin Dong in the tone of an elder.

When Lin Dong heard this, his heart was moved slightly.


If the police comrade hadn't said it, he would have almost forgotten it.

It won't be long before black online loans will be cracked down. I have to let the villagers quickly get all the money they can get before then!

Otherwise, when they are cracked down, they won't be able to get it!

I have been thinking about my plan to make a lot of money recently. How could I forget about the villagers?

Thinking of this, Lin Dong couldn't help but pat his head, and then thanked Officer Chen from the bottom of his heart:

"Comrade police, thank you for your reminder!"

"I have something urgent here, so I'll leave first. Next time I have time, I will definitely bring fruits to visit you police comrades!"

After that, Lin Dong hurriedly left the police station.

Chen Feng watched Lin Dong leave, with a relieved smile on his face, but he felt something was wrong!

This young man should have understood his advice!

Well, he should have understood it. I hope he won't touch online loans again.

After Lin Dong left the police station, he immediately saw Zhong Hong.

Not long after Lin Dong was taken away, Zhong Hong also came to the town, driving Lin Dong's car.

"You came out so soon?"

"I thought you were going to stay in there for a few days."

After seeing Lin Dong, Zhong Hong said with a smile on his face.

Lin Dong was thinking about the next plan to make money, and ignored him and went straight into the main driver's seat.

"I feel like this matter is not that simple."

"Do you have any enemies, and have you been cheated by someone?"

After giving the keys to Lin Dong, Zhong Hong got on the passenger seat and said with a frown.

Although he has only graduated for less than half a year, he has seen a lot of things in the business world.

In order to win over competitors, what methods have you not seen?

In Lin Dong's case, it is obvious that he was retaliated by someone!

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