Leading The Whole Village To Apply For Online Loans And Build A Financial Tazhai Village

Chapter 72: Reporting Criminals Can Make You Rich, A New Way To Make Money!

A few hours later, the armed police squadron that received the notice also arrived at Tazhai Village.

Hundreds of armed police cooperated with local police to escort Dai Lao Da and more than 80 of his men away.

After the gang of evil forces was captured, their identity information was quickly identified.

The police worked for nearly a week before they finally locked down the identities of all the members of this evil force gang!

When the list came out, the entire Ancheng police was immediately alarmed!

Among the more than 80 criminals, there were A-level wanted criminals!

Among them, Dai Yong was the boss of the Jiangcheng evil force group, and the bounty alone was as high as 500,000!

The other two A-level wanted criminals were carrying several lives!

The bounty for the three of them alone was as high as 1.5 million!

The rest of the lackeys also followed Dai Yong to put down various crimes, and more than half of them were on the wanted list.

The total amount of various rewards is quite astonishing!

"Tsk tsk tsk, just looking at this list is shocking!"

"Those people in Tazhai Village are so cruel that they can even subdue such a fierce character."

Chen Feng looked at the various materials in his hand and couldn't help feeling terrified.

And the identities of these people made Chen Feng never expect it.

This Dai Yong is the huge evil organization that the Jiangcheng police have always wanted to eradicate!

He also never thought that such an extremely dangerous person would actually fight with Tazhai Village.

And he was subdued by Tazhai Village!

"This time Tazhai Village is so lucky, only these criminals didn't bring weapons into the village."

"Otherwise, I don't know how many people would die this time!"

The young police officer who came to report was also scared, and sighed at the luck of Tasai Village.

After catching this gang, a police officer found guns in an Alpha car when handling the gang's vehicles on "July 27"!

Fortunately, those guns were left in the car.

When this group of people entered the village, they were not taken out!

Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous!

The reason why the villagers of Tazhai Village were able to take down this group of people was because of their absolute numerical advantage.

But if these people had guns, no matter how many people there were, it would be useless.

After hearing this, Chen Feng nodded slightly, feeling very fortunate.

Not to mention the identity of this group of people, just the fact that guns appeared must be a major case!

And it was the kind that alarmed the provincial police!

"Chen Feng!"

At this moment, a noisy voice suddenly came from outside.

Looking over, I saw a group of people walking quickly into the police station. Among the nine people, four were wearing white uniform shirts!

The one who led the call of Chen Feng's name was Jiang Zhengyi, the big boss of the Ancheng police!

The others were not low in status either, all of them were big bosses!

The case of Dai Lao Da involved multiple provincial capitals.

The few people in front of him were only the nearby provincial capitals. There were also big bosses from the more distant provincial capitals who were already on the way and would arrive soon!

When Chen Feng heard the voice, he immediately stood up and went to greet them.

"Hahaha, Chen Feng, you have done a great deed this time!"

"You have caught the leader of the biggest evil force in Jiangcheng!"

When Jiang Zhengyi saw Chen Feng, he burst into laughter and praised him.

This time he has done a great deed!

Since Wu Jinpeng was arrested last time and handed over to the Jiangcheng police, their progress in handling the case has been rapidly improved.

Just when they were ready to root out this evil force, the leader of this evil force was actually caught by Chen Feng!

It really made Jiang Zhengyi proud.

Hearing the praise from his leader, Chen Feng could only smile bitterly.

What a great job?

This is all for nothing!

I have nothing to do with it, it was all done by the villagers of Tazhai Village.

They all subdued the criminals, and I just went to escort someone back.

"No, no, this is all the good work of the leaders!"

Chen Feng thought so in his heart, but he couldn't say it.

After all, the big guys from other provincial capitals are still here, wouldn't it be a disgrace to his own leaders to say this?

What is this?

This is human relations!

The big guys in white shirts first praised Chen Feng, and then took their men to interrogate Dai Laodayi.

After seeing that the others had left, Jiang Zhengyi's face turned strange and he asked Chen Feng:

"I read your report, is it Tazhai Village again this time?"

As he spoke, Jiang Zhengyi's eyes were strange.

The last time Wu Jinpeng's group was caught, it was due to the report of the villagers of Tazhai Village.

And now this case is so big, it's not from Takang Village!

This surprised Jiang Zhengyi.

Could it be that Tazhai Village is fighting with criminals?

Hearing Jiang Zhengyi's question, Chen Feng immediately showed a bitter smile.

He nodded slightly and then said:

"Leader, you may not believe it.

"This time, even the bandits were subdued by the villagers of Tazhai Village!"

"I just received a call from villager Lin Dong and went to bring the criminal back. "

When this matter was mentioned, Chen Feng felt mixed emotions.

On the surface, he had solved two major cases, but he didn't feel any involvement at all!

The whole process was just escorting a prisoner.

Last time, it was just waiting for the rabbit, and at least it needed some planning.

This time, there is nothing to do, just go and escort the person back.

He even began to doubt whether he would not even need to go out on the police next time.

Will the villagers of Tazhai Village send the criminals directly to the police station?

It's totally out of the question!

When Jiang Zhengyi heard Chen Feng's description, he was immediately surprised.

This Tazhai Village is interesting!

"Doesn't that mean that the biggest credit this time is Tazhai Village?"

Jiang Zhengyi said with a strange look on his face.

He was very interested in Tazhai Village.

"To be precise, it should be the village director of Tazhai Village, Lin Dong!"

Chen Feng showed a serious look, and then told Jiang Zhengyi about the changes in Tazhai Village during this period.

Lin It has only been two or three months since Dong returned to Tazhai Village, and Tazhai Village has undergone earth-shaking changes!

When Jiang Zhengyi learned this, the surprise on his face became even more intense.

"This Lin Dong, please be considerate."

Jiang Zhengyi smiled, and at this moment he wanted to meet this person.

"If that's the case, then we should do what we can."

"Lin Dong's good citizen honor has been applied for a long time, and I believe the relevant announcement will be issued soon."

"Then let's do it. When I go back, I will apply to the city to give Tazhai Village the honor of "Model Village for Eliminating Gangs and Evils!"

"Then see if we can arrange a TV interview or something."

Jiang Zhengyi thought for a while and made a decision.

He knew that Tazhai Village was a famous poor village in Ancheng.

Whether it was the honor of the Model Village for Eliminating Gangs and Evils or the TV interview, it could enhance the popularity of Tazhai Village.

In this way, it might help Tazhai Village get rid of poverty.

"Leader, there is one more thing."

"Is it time to give out the bounties for these wanted criminals?"

Chen Feng saw that Jiang Zhengyi had arranged everything but did not mention the bounties, so he had to bite the bullet and ask.

Jiang Zhengyi had arranged almost everything.

But he did not mention the bounties for these wanted criminals!

Hearing Chen Feng's question, even Zhengyi was slightly startled.

"No, even if the bounties are paid, they will not be given to you."

"Why are you so anxious?"

Jiang Zhengyi frowned slightly, feeling a little unhappy.

As a public official, how can you take money so seriously?

When Chen Feng heard this, he was immediately unhappy.

He wiped his nose, and then started to complain to Jiang Zhengyi, saying:

"Leader, you don't know!"

"Since I brought the person back, Lin Dong has called at least three times a day to urge me!"

"It's been more than a week, and my phone is almost out of credit!"

"If I don't urge the progress, I guess that guy will find the police station tomorrow and will definitely stay!"

When this matter was mentioned, Chen Feng felt so wronged.

These days, he has a headache whenever he hears the phone ringing, and he wants to turn off his phone directly!

But his job doesn't allow him to do so, he has to keep the phone open at all times.

Now he can only complain to the leader, hoping that the money can be allocated quickly.

Jiang Zhengyi was also stunned when he heard it.

Good guy!

Is he crazy about money?

Calling the police station every day to urge for money, how poor must he be?

Uh... Tazhai Village seems to be quite poor.

That's fine.

"This application has been submitted."

"You also know that if the amount is large, his approval will definitely be slow. This is more than 2.8 million!"

"Just bear with it, it won't take a few days."

Jiang Zhengyi was helpless and could only comfort him like this.

The criminals arrested this time are very unusual, and the reward amount is naturally quite high.

In addition to the three A-level wanted criminals, plus other large and small rewards, the total reward amount is as high as more than 2.8 million!

And there is no tax!

This is a considerable amount of money.

After hearing Jiang Zhengyi's reply, Chen Feng looked worried.

It seems that he will not have peace before the reward comes down..0

Tazhai Village.

At the village committee, the village cadres came here under the call of Lin Dong.

After the incident of outsiders breaking into Tazhai Village, Lin Dong discovered the existence of many problems.

And the village cadres were summoned to discuss a solution.

"The Xiangfu family also saw this incident."

"Outsiders broke into the village at will, and the lives and property of the villagers in Tazhai Village were seriously threatened!"

"So I proposed to form a security team to ensure the safety of the villagers."

Lin Dong stood in the front position, wearing a black Zhongshan suit, with a more calm temperament, and every word was full of majesty.

Tazhai Village was invaded by gangsters from outside twice. Although no major disasters occurred, this is not a solution after all.

Nothing happened these two times, but who knows what will happen in the future?

So, Lin Dong's idea is to form a security team to be responsible for the safety of the village.

It is similar to the organization of the militia in the past! This is equivalent to providing employment opportunities for young people in the village in disguise. "I agree with Lin Dong's proposal." "Everyone knows the current situation in our village. It is possible that other gangsters will come to the village to cause trouble." "If the village can have a special security team, at least when someone breaks into the village, we can receive a notification in the first time!" After hearing Lin Dong's proposal, Lin Wenyuan immediately agreed. Several village cadres also nodded repeatedly. In fact, the village used to have such an organization, but later with the development of society, it was gradually no longer needed. Now Tazhai Village may be troubled by others at any time, so it is still necessary to set up such a department. At least when outsiders enter the village, they can know it in the first time and will not be caught off guard. "But in this case, how to solve the salary of the security team?" At this time, a village cadre raised a question. If the security team is to be established, it must be found by young and strong youths in the village to serve. In today's society, there is no such thing as working without getting paid. This definitely needs to be supported by wages.

And the higher the wages, the more enthusiastic the young people in the village will be about working.

Then the question is, how to solve the problem of wages?

Lin Dong adjusted his glasses, and he had already made plans for this.

"Don't worry about this at all, just pay it from the Tazhai Investment Company."

Fifteen percent of the total profit of the Tazhai Investment Company is used for expenses such as village construction.

The salary problem of the village security team can be completely paid from this.

When the company was mentioned, Lin Wenshan, who was in charge of the company's finances, immediately showed a bitter look on his face.

"Dongzi, I have to remind you."

"Since the company was founded, it has been spending money without any income."

"There are only a few hundred thousand yuan left in the account now."

"If the road in the village is repaired for a few more days, the company's money will soon be completely used up!"

Since the company was founded, it has been purchasing yellow wax stone and repairing roads.

The money in the account is flowing away like water, and the key is that there is no profit!

This makes Lin Wenshan anxious.

After hearing this, Lin Dong nodded slightly, and then said:

"Well, I will transfer 10 million to the company's account later, just as I borrowed it."

"I will take it back when I make money. ”

“The matter of the security team in Tazhai Village must be dealt with immediately. We cannot let the villagers live in a village without security!”

After hearing what Lin Dong said, the village cadres were stunned.

Lin Dong actually wanted to take out 10 million from his account and lend it to the company?

How generous!

“I will deal with the matter of the security team immediately!”

“In this incident, Lin Hui, Lin Hao and other young people have performed very well, and they can just be brought over to serve!”

Lin Wenyuan took the initiative to take on the task of forming the security team, and he was indeed suitable for this.

In this incident with Dai Lao Da, the performance of several young people made him very satisfied, and they could just be brought over to serve.

Soon, some trivial matters in the village were discussed and the meeting was disbanded.

After everyone dispersed, Lin Dong took out his mobile phone and showed a thoughtful look.

“The bounty from the police will probably not come down for a while.”

“Ask Zhong Hong how it is going. If we calculate the time, the marketing team should be about to do something. "

Mumbling softly, Lin Dong decided to call Zhong Hong.

The company is really short of money now!

Even if the police reward comes, it can only solve the problem temporarily. If the company wants to grow, it still depends on the operation of the yellow wax stone on Zhong Hong's side.

Thinking of this, Lin Dong dialed Zhong Hong's number..

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