Things went smoothly afterwards.

"I heard that Mr. Lin reported nearly a hundred wanted criminals to the police station not long ago."

"Is this true?"

The beautiful reporter smiled and asked this question with some surprise and confusion in her heart.

The information given to me should be correct.

Nearly a hundred wanted criminals?

What a huge evil force!

How did this young man in his early twenties manage to send so many wanted criminals to the police station?

This number is really too shocking, nearly a hundred wanted criminals!

This kind of deed is rare in ancient and modern times, and it is unique!

If it is true, it can completely make this young man in front of him a national hero!

Lin Dong smiled slightly when he heard the beautiful reporter's question, and still looked very calm.

Even though he knew that there were countless viewers behind the camera, Lin Dong was not panicked at all.

"Of course!"

"Those wanted criminals are harmful to society and are a huge threat to the harmonious life of the people,"

"It is my duty to eliminate harm to society and assist police comrades in maintaining a harmonious society."

I did not prepare the lines in advance, and relied on on-the-spot reactions!

That group of wanted criminals intentionally injured people, maliciously lent money online, and some even took lives!

I, Lin Dong, sent them to the police station to maintain a harmonious society and eradicate social cancer!

It is definitely not for the reward amount for those wanted criminals!

The beautiful reporter was surprised to see that Lin Dong could be so calm in front of the camera.

The young man in a black Zhongshan suit in front of her really surprised her more and more.

You know, those people who were interviewed before would definitely be nervous if they were interviewed for the first time.

Some people even had to prepare the lines in advance!

Even those who are older than Lin Dong may not be as calm as Lin Dong.

Mr. Lin has a stability far beyond his age.

The beautiful reporter thought so in her heart, and her pretty face was still smiling. She said again: "Can Mr. Lin please tell us what happened at that time?" Lin Dong nodded slightly, and then briefly described what happened. Soon, the interview ended smoothly. The smooth process was so smooth that the beautiful reporter was surprised. Because she had never conducted such a smooth interview! The people who were interviewed before would need to record multiple times because of nervousness. But Lin Dong passed it directly with 107 in one go. After the end, Lin Dong had no intention of staying for long and drove away directly. When he came to the town, Lin Dong planned to take a look around. Maybe he could come across something good or think of some ideas to make money. Just like the last time with the agarwood, it was completely luck! After driving around the town, he found that there was nothing that could interest him at all. "Sure enough, good luck doesn't come every day." Lin Dong sighed and shook his head slightly. But I didn't feel disappointed. After all, other people may not encounter such things as picking up agarwood and making tens of millions in their lifetime.

And I just happened to encounter it!

This is already quite good.

When I was about to leave, Lin Dong suddenly saw a group of people gathered together, seemingly watching something.

This aroused Lin Dong's curiosity and he planned to go over and take a look.

He stopped the car and just approached, he heard a low roar of dog barking.

Then the sound of the crowd's discussion came into his ears.

"Is this a dog? Why does it look like a lion?"

"This is the first time I've seen such a dog. It looks really fierce!"

"Looking at its size, it must be about 150 kilograms.

"Wow, a dog for 30,000? Why don't you go and rob it?"

After hearing the crowd's discussion, Lin Dong's heart moved slightly and he immediately stepped forward.

After squeezing into the crowd, Lin Dong saw what people were watching.

Yes, it was a few dogs.

To be precise, it should be Tibetan mastiffs!

The size of the Tibetan mastiff is larger than that of ordinary canines, and it looks fierce and strong!

The black mane makes it look even more majestic!

It is precisely for this reason that the crowd compares it with a lion.

In such a small place, everyone must know the village of lions, but not everyone knows the existence of Tibetan mastiffs.

Because it is rare, so they watch.

"In this small place, I can actually meet someone selling Tibetan mastiffs?"

Lin Dong looked at the few Tibetan mastiffs with good appearance and felt a little surprised.

The price of Tibetan mastiffs is relatively expensive compared to other dog breeds, which is definitely not affordable for residents of a small town.

Although Lin Dong's voice was very low, but it seemed that the seller still heard it.

The seller, who had been sitting there in silence and indifferent to the crowd, suddenly set his eyes on Lin Dong.

"Oh? I just set up the stall today and met someone who knows about Tibetan mastiffs?"

"How about it, let's take a look?"

The seller ignored the people around him and only set his eyes on Lin Dong, saying this.

He had been here for a few days and wanted to sell some of the dogs he raised.

But this place was too small, and people didn't even know Tibetan mastiffs and German shepherds, let alone quality?

Based on the appearance and pedigree of the Tibetan mastiffs he raised, the price of 30,000 yuan per dog is already quite cheap, okay?

Hearing the seller's voice, Lin Dong immediately became interested.

"Interesting. "

"Our village is in need of a guard dog for a few days, and this Tibetan mastiff is just right!" Lin Dong said this, and walked forward to see what these dogs looked like. Although the village now has a security team, there are only about 20 people after all. If we can get a few well-trained dogs, this is also a very good choice. However, just after Lin Dong approached a few inches, the Tibetan mastiffs suddenly showed a fierce look and began to roar. Baring their teeth, they looked very fierce! Lin Dong saw this and couldn't help but frowned slightly. "Can you train these?" It can be seen that the Tibetan mastiff is a good Tibetan mastiff, but if it can't be trained, then forget it. Like this large dog, if it loses control and bites people, it will be very fierce! If you buy it back and it is out of control, it will hurt the people of the Tazhai Village Security Team, and it will be a loss. Hearing Lin Lin Dong asked, and the seller immediately laughed, and even said proudly: "You can rest assured, I am a dog trainer!" "When I raise them, I occasionally train them." "If you don't believe it, you can try it yourself!" As he said, the seller took out a whistle from his pocket and handed it to Lin Dong. That's right! His training method is special, which can make the Tibetan mastiffs obey the whistle! In this way, as long as someone is willing to buy, there is no need for subsequent training. The reason why the whistle was handed to Lin Dong was to avoid suspicion. After all, he is a dog trainer, even without a whistle, he can make these Tibetan mastiffs obey the command! Lin Dong took the whistle and became more interested. These Tibetan mastiffs are already trained, no wonder they dare to sell at such a high price! Then, Lin Dong blew the whistle. When the whistle sounded, the expressions of those Tibetan mastiffs changed immediately. They lay on the ground, as if ready to react at any time.

"Jump up!"

After the whistle ended, Lin Dong directly chose a difficult one!

Squatting and sitting down are too simple, even ordinary dogs at home can do it after raising them for a long time.

Since you want to try, then try something different.

The seller was stunned when he heard Lin Dong's sudden order.

It was the first time he encountered such an order.

When Lin Dong's voice fell, the Tibetan mastiffs actually made the corresponding actions!

It was just because they were in the iron cage, their bodies hit the iron cage when they jumped up, making a clanging sound.

"Not bad!"

"Such execution and reaction speed, and the body is also very strong."

"It is really suitable to be a guard dog!"

After seeing the execution of these Tibetan mastiffs, Lin Dong was instantly attracted.

This is simply tailor-made for Tazhai Village!

"Boss, how much do you sell these?"

After having the idea of ​​buying, Lin Dong immediately started to inquire about the price.

"30,000 each."

"No bargaining!"

The seller held up three fingers, his tone firm and unquestionable!

30,000 for a Tibetan mastiff, not a cent less!

In the seller's opinion, this price is already very low.

But the onlookers around heard it. They shook their heads.

"30,000 for a dog? Are you crazy!"

"No matter how fierce this Tibetan mastiff is, no matter how well it listens to orders, it is still just a dog after all!"

"No wonder he has been setting up a stall here for so long and hasn't sold a single one."

"That's right, with such a high price, whoever buys it will be a big grudge!"

The onlookers chatted and laughed.

In their eyes, 30,000 is a huge sum of money!

If you use it to buy a dog, you must have a mental problem.

Just when they were thinking about selling the dog, Lin Dong suddenly said, "Okay, I'll buy it!" "I want all of them!" Lin Dong didn't hesitate at all and took all of them. These mastiffs should have a good pedigree. It's very cheap to buy a mastiff of this pedigree for 30,000 yuan. Lin Dong thought to himself, but his face was calm. He just looked carefully and found that these mastiffs were not all black. They had white hair on their limbs and on their bodies. And the black mane on their heads was lush, like a lion! Therefore, it was guessed that the pedigree of these mastiffs should be not low. "Okay. "

The seller was delighted when he heard Lin Dong's generous offer.

At this time, Lin Dong seemed to suddenly remember something and asked:

"By the way, do you have a pedigree certificate for these dogs?"

The pedigree certificate is a certificate that proves the purity of the Tibetan Mastiff's pedigree.

If there is such a certificate, then the value of these Tibetan Mastiffs in front of you will definitely be more than ten times higher!

Because Tibetan Mastiffs are dogs that are only kept as pets by the upper class and high-end society.

And those people attach great importance to pedigree certificates. If it is a pure pedigree Tibetan Mastiff, they are even willing to pay more than ten times the price to buy it!

Hearing Lin Dong's voice, the seller glanced at him with a sidelong glance, and then said lightly:

"I know what you are thinking."

"If there is a pedigree certificate, do you think I would buy it here?"

"And buy it at such a low price?"

"I would have made a fortune in a big city a long time ago!"

As he said that, the seller sighed slightly.

As a dog trainer,

how could he not know about pedigree certificates?

The Tibetan mastiffs he raised actually had a very high pedigree, but they could not be sold at a good price because they did not have pedigree certificates.

If they had, how could they only be sold for 30,000?

At least they would start at 20!

Lin Dong thought it made sense.

But he also thought it was quite good. Although there was no pedigree certificate, it was worth it to buy such a high-pedigree Tibetan mastiff for 30,000!

"Five Tibetan mastiffs for 150,000."

"Give me the account, I'll buy it!"

Lin Dong asked the seller for an account, and 150,000 was quickly transferred to the other party's account.

The seller who received the money saw that the other party was so generous, and immediately said that he could deliver the goods to his door.

Since the other party was so straightforward, he could not be vague, right?

So, the five Tibetan mastiffs were immediately loaded and prepared to be sent to Tazhai Village.

When the onlookers saw this scene, they were all stunned.

"No, is there really a person who would spend so much money to buy a few dogs?"

"150,000, I can't make 150,000 in a few years!"

"This guy is really rich, he doesn't even blink when he spends 150,000 to buy a few dogs!"

"He is rich, but he is not smart. I would never buy them if it were me!"

For a moment, the onlookers looked at Lin Dong with complicated eyes.

This young man is really rich!

But he doesn't seem to be smart. How could he spend 150,000 to buy five dogs?

That's 150,000!

An ordinary family can't save 150,000 in two years!

He just spent it lavishly?

Thinking of this, the onlookers looked disappointed.

Lin Dong naturally heard the discussions of the people around him, and he was too lazy to argue.

Just 150,000 yuan, for me now, it's a rare opportunity!

Besides, who said it's not worth it? It's really worth it!

A Tibetan mastiff of this purity would definitely cost more than 30,000 yuan in the Tibetan mastiff market!

Of course, Lin Dong bought it as a guard dog this time, and he didn't intend to make money with it.

"Boss, it's packed and shipped to Tazhai Village, right?"

Lin Dong nodded and gave a definite answer.

When he was about to leave, the seller suddenly said:

"Boss, if someone wants to buy a dog next time, bring it to me, I'll give you a discount!"

The seller seemed very happy and said happily.

Lin Dong was slightly startled when he heard it, and immediately showed a strange look, saying:

"Do you still have Tibetan mastiffs?"

"How many? Are they the same as this batch?"

Hearing Lin Dong's three consecutive questions, the seller was also startled and answered honestly.

"There are still five that can be sold, the same as this batch."

After hearing this, Lin Dong was speechless.

If you had them, why didn't you take them out earlier?

If you had taken them out earlier, wouldn't I have taken them all?

Then Lin Dong came over and said to the seller:

"Don't worry about anyone else, I'll take the other five too!"

"Send them to Tazhai Village together!"

After saying that, Lin Dong directly paid the money, and the seller was dumbfounded by his generosity.

I've seen many rich people, but this is the first time I've seen such a rich person pay money so readily!

The seller was happy, and the onlookers were even more dumbfounded.

Chao! It's another 150,000!

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