League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1008: : The king is self-willed! ! !

"My day, three...three seconds... ten small soldiers!?"

Everyone, including when everyone is stunned. Bayi Chinese Network WくwくWく. √81zW. CoM

Ye Che's expression was calm, the atmosphere was not messy, and the sitting posture did not shake at all. Even the right palm of the mouse was as stable as the beginning.

However, just before this calm picture, the hundred soldiers in front of the arrow in the light curtain were hit by the raindrop needle, and the blood was shot at a very high frequency.

Such as squally winds, such as heavy rain, in just 2o seconds, there are nearly half of the small soldiers, the general attack of the arrow of punishment, hit.

But this is not the point. The point is that the tips for challenging the failure have not sounded until now! ! ! !

"Five... fifty!!!! Time... 2...25 seconds!?"

Among the nine people, some people snarled and said to themselves.

And looking at the disciplinary arrow, the general attack fell on the small soldier in order, and there were horror colors in the eyes of the nine people.

This is no longer a general attack, but an artistic performance!

It wasn't until Ye Che took 1oo's small soldier, all solved it, and at the same time, he took a sigh and scratched it, and the nine people present reacted.

The moment of reaction, it is a sound of cold air.

"Resolved 1oo soldier, it took 46 seconds. If it is not the time of the general flight in the air, this Nima is completely using the 2.5 attack, and it is the ultimate!"

"I serve, Lao Zhang, I really took it! No loss is the first place, I am convinced!"

Nine people on the pit, one by one, amazed again and again.

The little old man drilled III, but he was sweating behind him. Fortunately, he just didn’t shoot it. It’s impossible to imagine the hidden cards of these geniuses!

And the woman in red, looking at the back of Ye Che sitting, did not know what to think, but it was a splendid.

At the same time, outside the king's field, all the people, including the four kings, are silent.

"46 seconds... Wang Xiong, how many seconds did you use for the first test?"

The konjac was silent for a long time and began to speak.

Some people’s eyes at the place turned to look at Wang Hao.

Wang Hao’s face was full of indescribable looks, and he looked at Ye Che in the light curtain with great complexity. He said: “62 seconds...”


"62 seconds... the difference is 16 seconds..."

There was a horror on the face of the scene, and I looked at Ye Che’s eyes for a moment, like watching a monster.

"The enchanting, really enchanting!"

"The basic skills of terror can even be said, this guy...the amount...the basic skill of this little brother has reached the limit!"

"He played League of Legends, I can imagine a scene that is not leaking!"

All the people, their eyes are extremely hot.

Drilling IV in the district, but has the basic skills of the League of Legends, which is truly perfect. It is truly a peerless genius!

The face of the Chinese character face is green, and there is already a bad foreboding in his heart. No, I really want to give this hairy boy a slap in the face. Nima is too horrible!

But if you don’t fulfill your promise, you are afraid that you will be despised and killed in the middle.

"Oh, no hurry, there are four more tests that are more abnormal. I don't believe he can pass!"

The national character face Han took a deep breath.

At this time, the chaos has already said: "Look first."

It can be seen from his look. He attaches great importance to Ye Che, even in the light curtain, another place, chaos in chaos, chaos Yunyang and others, and is also conducting tests on crystal ore. He looks at it. Did not take a look.

"The first test passed, the second test was started. Now, please choose an adc. Starting from the first soldier, within 16o seconds, attack each creeper in no order, until the last soldier. , success! Failure, the challenge time is cooled for half an hour!"

As soon as the voice fell, the number of small soldiers on the light curtain in front of Ye Che was doubled in vain, reaching 2oo directly.

This amount almost occupies half of the light curtain.

"This is a test of endurance and energy..."

Ye Qi's mouth twitched slightly.

The number of small soldiers doubles, so the time to concentrate on concentration must be doubled, and the most test is attention!

Once the energy is dispersed, it will fail in an instant.

"The soldier has doubled, and now he doesn't dare to use 2.5 degrees..."

In the pit, some people whispered, but the words have not finished, he is speechless.

Because of Ye Xue's light curtain, a random adnetbsp appeared again; and outfit, or six green forks!


Nine people only have time to scream, the violent storm-like attack that has occurred before, once again!

"Ha ha ha, the rules are used to break!"


Countless bullets, from Loli's light machine gun, flew out.

Right click on the floor, "啪嗒"!

A key to accurately lock people!

Because the soldier is doubled, Ye Che directly locks the enemy with a key circle, which can help focus attention.

I saw that countless bullets and leaf-flying mouse light keys fluttered in the light curtain, and then about 95 seconds, two hundred soldiers were all without exception, all shot by bullets.

"The ... the second level has passed."

"Look at his expression... Nima is so extreme, he looks like a bubble."

Nine people on the pit, including women in red, all appeared on their faces.

Then, the third challenge!

With the opening of the third challenge, Ye Che is only two steps away from the crystal ore! ! !

"The third challenge, will not appear 3oo soldier?"

Nine people on the crystal pit swallowed.

However, they thought it was too simple, only to see a slight flow of the picture, the two hundred soldiers, disappeared instantly, and then, 1oo with a small number of soldiers, appeared in the field.

Then, under the eyes of everyone, they began to move around in an irregular way.

Although they started to move around, they still clung to each other and greatly disturbed their sight.

"The second test is successful, the third test begins. Now, please choose an adc. Start with a small soldier numbered 1. Within 7o seconds, attack each creeper in the order of no repetition, and continue until the number is 1oo's creeps are successful! Failure, the challenge time is cooled for half an hour!"

"Attack by number?"

Ye Che's pupils are miniature.

This third test is a bit interesting and has a lot of difficulty.

First, the small soldiers are moving in close contact with each other, greatly disturbing the line of sight and accuracy!

Second, the number on the soldier is extremely small and requires extra attention to observe!

The third point, but the most difficult, for example, you attacked the No. 1 soldier, it must be in o. Find the 2nd soldier in 7 seconds and complete the attack at the same time, otherwise the time is not enough!

Then, it is the intimate closeness of the soldiers, which requires extremely strong precision!

This is not only a test of precision, energy, endurance, attention, but also a test of the overall situation, as well as the flow of the enemy!

"Interesting, but it's hard to beat me!"

Ye Che’s grin, the successive world champions of the League of Legends, the effort they want to make is unimaginable to ordinary people.

Once, in order to train the memory, and wait for the big picture, Ye Che played the game of countless metamorphosis under the training of the perverted master, which is more horrible than this!

The king of the League of Legends is wayward!

Continue to randomize and continue with 2.5 attacks! ! !


The hero dust settled, a rough, domineering adc, printed in Ye Che and everyone's eyes.

Also printed in the eyes of Kim, making him look at his eyes.

This adc is the glory execution officer, De Lavin! ! !

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