League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1012: : One net is exhausted! ?

Ps:ps: You are too strong, well, all the groups are full. Bayi Chinese Network WwW√. ★81√zW√. CoM

This is the eight groups. I want to say something. I have already added the group and added it. If there is no addition, I can add eight groups: 546385561



The deterrent power of the thousand ultimate defensive towers is too great. In order to avoid those guys who are not daring to approach, Ye Che first closed the defensive tower, but opened the crystal throne and began to sway.

When the Crystal Throne rises to 4th order, a function will appear, which is to show the enemy trails in the range.

And to the highest 5th order, this range will be expanded tenfold!

At present, in addition to the Alliance faction, the main upgraded defensive tower, the rest are the main crystal crown.

In this way, not only the driving degree is greatly increased, but also the crystal capacity is greatly improved, and many functions can be added.

Therefore, now the top thousand, and even the top 10,000, almost all have a 4th-order crystal throne, and naturally can show the enemy's position.

In this way, Ye Che did not take the initiative to find them, but continued to acquire the crystal energy mine while waiting for them to come to the door!

Finally, the sixth day passed.

On this day, Ye Che increased the number of defensive towers to 1,200!

On the seventh day, Ye Checai just walked down from the Crystal Throne and planned to go to a newly searched crystal pit in the distance. When he continued the test, a familiar voice passed away. To see who this is, this is not the big chaos, the first place in the first level?"

"Ha ha ha, the seventh day, finally found you!"

Listening to these two words, Ye Che slowly turned his head and saw two huge 5o meters of crystal thrones standing on the 100 meters.

On top of these two 5o-meter-large crystal thrones, they are each sitting on a middle-aged man with a magical pattern on his body.

These two people, it is in the first level of the ranking of the nineteen magic, and the third ranked magic ink!

"What do you want!!"

Ye Che's face changed, his eyes seemed to be twilight, and he quickly retreated to his crystal throne.


The demon ink eyes a sigh, and smiled and said: "Your first pass is not a flying fly. You don't have a hundred ways to hide the spring water, so I can't help it!? Why, now afraid?"

After that, his eyes fell on the crystal throne where Ye Che was located. His eyes flashed a greed and surprise: "The ultimate crystal throne, you have to say, you are really a bit of a skill! However, all your energy crystal points, take Come upgrade the Crystal Throne, not even a defensive tower, how do you resist us!?"

"The ultimate crystal throne, how much energy can this bring us!"

The magic light is also the two eyes.

"Revolt? No, no, I upgraded to the final crystal throne, for the degree of it, have the ability, you leave your crystal throne, chase me!"

After Ye Che finished, he directly transferred the crystal throne and yanked the joystick.

Then he heard a huge roar, and his 100-meter crystal throne directly went to the distance with exaggeration.

"Oh, no wonder the Lord's Crystal Throne is originally for its mobility!"

The magic ink ink saw this scene, and there was a haze in his eyes.

Ye Che did not say anything wrong, the movement of the final crystal throne, at least 5 layers faster than the 4th order, they want to catch up, it is impossible!

And if I personally chase, the crystal throne can not be taken away, if the fallen crystal throne is destroyed by other passers-by when chasing, then it is sad reminder.

"Big brother, what should I do now?"

The magic light did not expect such a situation, the eyes of the ducks to see the hand to fly, could not help but worry.

"What to do!? This kid can become the first place in the first level. It is definitely not luck. We both can't lock it and trap him. Actually, it is estimated that he really can't take him! But It’s not only me who hates him at the first level!”

After the demon ink sneered, the finger slammed on a part of his crystal throne.

This button, which is a 4th-order crystal throne, will produce a function that spreads its voice messages within a certain range.

But every time you send, you need 5oo crystal energy.

Now that he is in the second stage of the second level, he naturally does not care about this 5oo point crystal energy.

"Everyone, the mask man appeared. The target is currently 5oo meters in front of my left side. You can make a round according to my position!"

The voice of the demon ink fell, and all the crystal thrones with a radius of 5o kilometers sounded his voice.

"The mask man appeared!"

"Hurry up, Mom, I have been thinking about him for a long time!"

"Ha ha ha, if the map is not displayed wrong, the scope of this mask male escape is exactly my direction!"

The sounds of countless surprises have their own words.

At the same time, after passing the message, they spread to a farther place.

In just 1 minute, I was afraid that there were tens of thousands of people who knew the news.

At the same time, outside the king's field, the public and the chaos of Jin Lao and others, seeing this scene are somewhat silent.

A patted forehead, seems to be uncertain: "This little guy can clearly second out the magic ink and magic, why deliberately make things big... How do I feel that there is a bad feeling."

"This is only 5 minutes, his position, everyone who has survived the second level knows, and all of them are coming in this range. Is this..."

"Is this little guy going to take them all out!?"

Having said that, the person should take a breath.

"Look at this little guy at the first level, sucking the style of the original spring water, it is really possible!"

"Nima, this little guy can do things! If he kills all the top talents in the magic sea, it's fun."

All the people talked a lot, and the eyes turned to the four kings, such as Chaos and Jin Lao, from time to time, but now these four people, the expression is not wavering, obviously the heart has long been planning.

At this time, the second level in the king's field, a huge city ruin, a hundred-meter-large crystal throne, is in a hurry.


Numerous pieces of scrap iron steel were hit and smashed by the crystal throne, and the crystal throne was unstoppable and flew all the way.

"Don't be struggling, you can't escape!"

"Kid, stop and wait for death, what you did at the first level has caused public outrage, and today you will die!"

"Hand over the original spring water and give you a happy!"

Around the left and right, there are countless angeres and screams.

Ye Che did not turn a deaf ear and continued to make a sudden turn.

In addition to delaying the time and waiting for more and more people to pursue, he simply enjoys the feeling of being chased and fully flying.

However, when the killings coming from behind became various insults and insulting vocabulary words, Ye Che’s face suddenly sank.

This is normal. When you chase a person for a long time, the bottom of your heart will roar again and again. They just show it directly in words.

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