League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1016: : Clear God!

Although he still has a lot of cards, but Beijiang is in a state of serious injury, and the heroic city of Quantian and Zao Wou-Ki is not a person, but two levels of clan in the heroic city. Bayi Chinese Network W★w★W. 81zW. CoM

Once you expose yourself, you are faced with more than just an enemy.

However, those are far from now. Now, solve the problem of Beijiang in front of you!

At this time, the heroic skills of Beijiang, "undercurrent" with an endless chill, slammed.

Ye Che was taking a deep breath, and then, an inexplicable breath, came from him.

This energy is the power of the paragraph!

Yes, Ye Che’s gas blocked Beijiang’s blow, and did not use the power of the segment, relying on it, just the power of the flesh!


I saw Ye Che's body began to bloom, and the heart of Beijiang suddenly trembled. This reminded me that the man in front of this mask did not use the power of the paragraph! !

Therefore, the hero is blocked by the flesh only! ?

In the eyes of Beijiang, there was a faint color. However, before he calmed down, he heard a loud bang, and the heroic technique was "undercurrent". He was not close to the mask man. It was like a glass, and the pieces were broken. !

Ye Che's arms linger, in the eyes of Beijiang's horror, bursting into the "undercurrent", the body is a slight movement, bringing a series of phantoms, heading toward Beijiang.

"How fast is it..."

Bei Jiang’s face changed, and his mouth was involuntarily overflowing with a touch of blood. His injury was too heavy. Just two shots, almost all efforts were made.

"If you are lucky, you will not die in my hands!"

Bei Jiang is full of bloodshot eyes, said to Ye Che, the meaning is naturally, even if I can not kill you, but chaos and others, will kill you.

After that, he looked at the arm of Ye Che’s bombardment and dismissed it, and suddenly disappeared into the place.

This disappearance is not too fast, but the true disappearance! !

"This is... true fluctuations!?"

Ye Che brows slightly wrinkled, he is very familiar with this kind of fluctuation, it is in the Eastern Region, he used the skills used to fight against the diamond devil in a desperate situation, flash!

That time, because of the incompetence and physical problems, he was cracked and almost died directly.

This scene has left him with a long time, so he has not used this method.

A turn around, and sure enough, in the crowd outside the kilometer, there is a sneer in the Bay River.

"Drilling IV, I want to kill me!? Even if you are fast, you have to flash too fast, but the flash needs the sixth layer of truth, can you..."

Bei Jiang was still sneer, the next second, but the scalp blew directly.

I saw an arm that was as solid as a crystal diamond, falling from the sky, facing his head and slamming his head.

"This is not good!"

Beijiang was shocked, and there was an accident. He wanted to hide too late, so he didn't want to, didn't want to worry about it, quickly reduced his head, protected it, and then hardened it with other parts.

Ye Che's face is blank, the right arm of the diamond slams down, and it squats on the back of the Beijiang River. He only listens to the sound of "咔嚓", which directly interrupts the back bone of Beijiang. The right arm of the diamond is castrated, and the back of the Beijiang River is smashed, the skin is fleshy, and the blood is flying straight!

Beijiang screamed, and the whole person was like a mountain.


With the loud noise, Beijiang was deeply smashed into the ground and crushed countless rocks. The strength of Ye's right arm was too strong. This made Beijiang really like the impact of the meteorite landing. In the ground, blood and tears muddy his face.

However, despite such a large momentum, although the Beijiang was beaten almost quickly and directly, the scene was silent.

Beijiang twitched his head from the rock foam, looking at the chaos, the demon ink, the chaotic Yunyang and other people, screaming and screaming: "Kill, you kill him, what are you doing!" !?"

However, no one answered, no one shot, and everyone stood still.

In this scene, even if Beijiang is angry again, he feels that something is wrong.

For so long, they can completely kill the kid, why not do it, why look at yourself with pity! ?

In vain, he remembered the exclamation behind him when he first shot, and the sound of cold air.

That feeling is like seeing something incredible.

Have you seen something incredible?

Beijiang seems to think of something, suddenly looked up, and looked at the high point, Ye Che, who stepped down heavily.

This face... this face...

In the effort of the brain of Beijiang, in an instant, it overlaps with the face of the demon in memory.

In the world of Shenglin, a demon who hits -9999999999 is attacked. It kills the demon of hundreds of thousands of people, but in the end, it saves the devil of hundreds of millions of people...

He... turned out to be a clear god! ! !

"Che-God... It’s actually a god... It’s no wonder that the first level is so enchanting, the second level is so abnormal, just like hanging, it turns out that he is the clear god, he is not dead!!!"

Bei Jiang's face was extremely distorted, and his face was full of horror. In the next second, he only felt a terrible force on his back.

This power is as heavy as a thousand mountains, and Beijiang cannot bear it.

"咚", he was like a beach mud, lying on the ground, can't climb again.

Ye Che's eyes are cold, I really want to make another blow, and directly broke the Beijiang, but the flesh-colored fingers moved again, intending to block.

"Drilling IV can understand the true meaning of the sixth layer, it is indeed commendable, but it is so cruel to the same kind of means, and even kills the heart again, the penalty!"

Wang Hao said, the fingers that were several kilometers long were slightly bent, and they flew straight toward Ye.


Ye Che’s hatred of flesh-colored fingers at this moment almost reached its peak.

Others can kill themselves, and killing them is cruel? It’s a joke!

However, even so, Ye Che is only intending to endure now. The means of looking at this flesh-colored finger is not a diamond level at all. Even if he uses three-color fusion hero skills, he is afraid that he can't resist it.

In this case, I can only eat this squandering loss now.

"To come to Japan..."

Ye Che took a breath.

However, just as Ye Che intends to resist this blow, everyone looks at the complex and looks at Ye Che, who will bear the flesh-colored finger attack. A vast and majestic voice, sounds out loud, "Stop!"


With this voice, the sky immediately rang, and the flesh-colored fingers burst directly out of thin air.

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