League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1024: : Calculation King

Ps: Don't be impatient with your friends. I have to think about it, I am responsible to you, and I am responsible for myself. There are more than a thousand chapters. Many things need to be detailed. (8) (1) Chinese Network Ww "W. %81.Zw. COM




Wang Hao’s body was shocked and slightly stiff.

"This guy is crazy, provoke the king!?"

"Even if his alliance strength can really compare with the king, but in the face of so many people provocative, they are not afraid to be remembered!?"

"Winning the chaos, it will expand!?"

After hearing Ye Che’s words, the geniuses present, as well as the people, all stunned, and looked incredulously at Ye Che, just... What did he say?

Provocate the king of the king! ? Coupled with such a casual tone, it is almost mad! ! !

So there is a more part, watching Ye Che like watching an idiot.

This has led to their temporary neglect, Ye Che has just lost the ridiculous Raven to kill the chaotic warriors.

Wang Wei looked at Ye Che and watched it for more than ten seconds. Then he took a breath and wanted to stand up.

However, the voice of the konjac came from the ear.

"Don't be impulsive, this kid wants to take you in front of his teammates. He loses, but this courage makes him more prestigious in the team, and if he accidentally wins..."

After Wang Hao heard the words, the body that wanted to stand up suddenly fell, and the pupil was slightly shrunk.

Even if he was, he just thought that Ye Che was inflated, but he did not expect to establish prestige through himself.

At that time, as long as they accept the challenge, regardless of winning or losing, Ye Che has got what he wants.

"This kid... actually dare to count me!"

Wang Hao’s face sinks, this small calculation, under normal circumstances, he can’t be undetectable.

But just Ye Che seconds wins, then immediately began to provoke him, the kind of casual tone and demeanor, Wang Hao has some hot temper, in front of so many people and juniors, it is impossible to fight.

"Nothing, I will deal with it."

The konjac continued, he could not let Ye Che and Wang Hao fight, otherwise it would be the face of the king.

So he snorted, interface Ye Che's words: "Look at you as a candidate for the captain of the candidate, this time forgive your arrogance, I do not want to have the next time!"

The meaning of the discourse is obvious, and it is not enough to challenge the leaf.

Ye Che shrugged, he did not intend that this Wang Hao really can play against himself, just like that, but it is for himself.

Seeing this incident did not cause any trouble, everyone's attention, and soon returned to the so1o of Ye Che's battle against the war.

"Rui Wen's explosion, is it so fierce, level 2, you can kill the **** warrior!?"

One who felt the chin, was amazed.

"This is impossible. First is the talent rune. Even if the character of Runwen is runily, it is all attack type. If you don't pursue defense, don't pursue attack, it will never be possible! You must know that this Ye Xue's Ruiwen does not. Use urgent qa, but directly three consecutive q!"

"But how to explain, three consecutive q will kill more than half of the blood of the Berserker!?"

"I have noticed that he flashed a moment in the past, and it was a bit flat, but the damage was not enough..."

Everyone present, even the three hundred geniuses, were all confused and confused.

Wang Hao, Jin Lao, chaos and konjac, also slightly frowning thoughts.

The scene that had just been born was not psychologically prepared. I couldn’t think of this scene, so I didn’t see it at all.

Just like in the past, many people watched the highlights, sometimes wonderful kills, the first time did not see clearly, need to replay several times in order to see the killing step.

That kind of highlights need to be optimistic several times, not to mention the fact that they first saw the RUI Wenguang qa.

So these people are still guessing or discussing.

However, they did not notice that the chaos was standing in the same place and did not say anything.

The scene that was just killed, only he vaguely noticed what was born.

"No... not just a simple dance of the wings. Three simple dances of the wings, definitely will not give me a sword and a sword, the violent storm of the storm! Just a second, I have a split, broken bones Feeling, how could this be a simple dance of the wings, can be played out!!"

Screaming and whispering, sweating behind.

"I'm sure this is definitely a powerful skill that Ruiwen hasn't opened yet! This kind of explosive damage, such as the real pk is generally refreshing, once Rivin reaches level 6, it can kill any order! If I Can master..."

When I think of it, in the eyes of the chaos, there is an endless stream of fire in the sky. Looking at Ye Che’s eyes, it’s all hot.

However, he understands that this kind of other person's unique skills is a taboo.

Just like the exclusive secret of practicing martial arts, how can it be taught at will.

This is precisely why those who, even Jin Laowang, and others have guessed each other, but did not ask Ye Che.

"No, no... It’s too handsome and too domineering. I must find a way and think about him. But... I used to be like him before..."

Thinking about it, my heart is getting up and down.

He now thinks of asking for the word, and does not feel that there is any shame. After all, this Ye Che is a person who has been abused by the king.

I didn’t believe it at first, but now I believe it!

In addition to him, the other demon ink, chaos Yunyang, ice and ice, and so on, all take strange eyes, and then from time to time talk about each other's duel.

Ye Che did not speak, but stood still in silence, wondering what was being thought of.

Time passed, I don’t know how long it took, these people still didn’t talk about what happened. They looked at Ye Che and wanted to ask, but they all swallowed.

In the current era, especially in the high ranks, it is extremely impolite to ask other people's skills casually.

Jin Lao was satisfied with Ye Che smiled, and then he said to the chaos: "If you want to come, you have no doubts, then the matter is fixed. Ye Che is the captain. After a little preparation, you will immediately Depart!"

"Golden old, wait, I want to challenge Ye Che!"

Wang Hao, who has never been exposed to the mountains, suddenly opened his mouth.

Jin Lao faintly glanced at Wang Hao. In this case, Wang Hao dared to show his head, apparently winning the teachings of unknown people.

It is obviously not the king who can teach the diamonds.

Now, people with discerning eyes can see that Ye Che does have the strength of the king. However, Wang Hao is still in the early stage. It is obvious that he wants to try Ye Qi’s just the kind of technique, which makes them have opportunities for analysis.

Sure enough, this moment, not only Wang Hao clamored to challenge, the rest of the devil ink, chaos, chaos Yunyang and others, all said to be with Ye Che again.

Jin Lao actually wants to look at the skills Ye Qi uses, so he did not yell at them. Instead, he showed a questioning eye to Ye Che.

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