"I understand that I understand, look at your appearance, I want to apply for the General Hospital, right? Don't be afraid, you can go directly to sign up, as long as you have talent, the General Court will never refuse you!"

The girl said, directly pulling Ye Che's arm and leading the past to the old people, while continuing: "My name is Qin Jing, look at your appearance, living conditions are not good, but it does not matter! You dare to stand in front of the General Hospital and prove that you have an upward heart. As long as you have this kind of heart, you will succeed!"

Ye Che looked at this passionate girl, her face appeared silent, her own dress, just like a dumpling?

However, he understands this girl very well. This girl is estimated to be as passionate and generous as the people of various colleges recruited by the university seven hundred years ago. It is estimated that I saw my old clothes, so I thought I was not confident. I want to help myself. (8) ┡Δ』ΩΩ (1) Δ中Δ网WwW. 81.Zw. COM

Thinking of this, Ye Che’s heart could not help but warm up, let the girl pull herself over.

"Amaranth is old, I bring my schoolmate to apply for a test."

Qin Jing smiled and took Ye Che’s arm and stood in front of the old man.

"It’s Xiao Jing, you brother, the age seems to have passed 2o. So, let him fill out a form. After a week, I will inform him to check..."

The old man slowly opened his eyes and glanced at Ye Che, not salty or light.


Qin Jing smiled slightly, and the familiar one took out a dark yellow leather from the bottom of the table and handed it to Ye Che: "Classmates, fill out this form, and wait for the notice after seven days."

"Seven days?"

Ye Che brow wrinkled.

"Seven days soon, our War College General Hospital, although it is the General Hospital, but the admission procedures, the branch is much simpler! Only one point, as long as you can pass the assessment of the General Hospital, you can directly hire! Our General Hospital wants Genius, no matter where you are born!"

Qin Jing said, put the leather and pen in the hands of Ye Che, the look of a big sister, "Write it."

Ye Che glanced at the leather and pen in his hand, slowly let go, and then looked at the old man, the voice is not high and not low: "Can't be earlier?"


The old man opened his eyes again and looked at Ye Che’s eyes. He said: "Young man, every day, I want to test the people who enter the General Hospital. I don’t know how many thousands, how can you..."

"What do you need to advance?"

Ye Che did not wait for the old man to finish his words and walk straight.

Qin Jing on the side could not help but stay alone. He only felt that the young man in front of him seemed to have changed a little.

"in advance?"

The old man looked at Ye Che’s ordinary dress and shook his head. “Because the tester’s daily test schedules are all arranged, I want to squeeze out their time and give you extra test, unless you pay the credit, the price is high enough, maybe Can touch them."

"Oh, old dishes..."

Qin Jing took the old sentence and looked at the young man. It was obviously a poor family. How could he give the test officer an extra credit?

"Credits? I don't have..."

Ye Che is outspoken, and his credits have long since become the void with the flame of the Lord of the Nether Castle.

"No? Hehe..."

The old dish shook his head and he couldn’t help.

"Can you do it?"

Ye Che suddenly opened the door.

"Combat, you have a battle point?"

The old eyes of the dish are round in vain, and this battle is more useful than credit.

If the credit is a banknote, then the battle is exactly the same as gold.

Qin Jing is also very surprised to see Ye Che, who has the merits of the battle, are all people who have been on the front line. It is difficult to see the ordinary young people who are returning from the blood of the front line. ?

"Yes, the battle! How much work is needed, can you?"

Ye Chedao.

"If you make a 1oo battle, I can give you three days in advance!"

The old dish of the dish, the sleep has long since disappeared, sitting straight.

"Slow, I will give you 5oo battle, you let me enter the college to listen to the boxing class today, tomorrow, test again, how?"

Ye Che said.

"5oo points to fight!"

Qin Jing and the old man, immediately held their breath.

Qin Jing has been able to listen to the merits of the military, and the age of the old is naturally the value of the military.

"it is good!"

The old face of the dish showed a smile, and then he took out a badge with great decisiveness and handed it to Ye Che.

"This is a temporary pass badge, you use it first."

The old way.

Ye Che nodded, and at this time, the old dish had already trembled and groped for a token, Ye Xue’s eyes fell on it, and now a 5th-level warrior order.

With a slight smile, in order to avoid riots, Ye Che did not directly take out his own war **** orders, but took the old warrior orders, slightly sideways, and converted very quickly.

After receiving the military command, the old man looked at the number above, and suddenly smiled. He was just a fill-in, and the 5oo battle was already a big income for him.

After leaf clearing the information bar, he walked to the interior of the War College.

"Ye Che..."

Qin Jing looked at the name on the information bar, silently heard the sound, see Ye Che has gone far and quickly followed up.

"Yu Ye Che, how can you have the merits?"

"Look at you so young, this battle was passed down by your father?"

"Are you also coming to listen to the class of boxing adults? Don't go too fast, I heard that there is still an important person present, and the tour will not start so soon."

Qin Jing asked all the way, full of vitality.

Ye Che did not have time to listen to her, now a heart, all in the boxing source.

As the core of the boxing, this boxing source does not know what kind of realm has reached its strength. Is it possible to sneak in silence?

Just as Ye Che thought about it, while he was rushing, he suddenly felt that his body was shaking and he seemed to have hit something heavy.

The leaves are not moving, but the heavy objects are screaming and screaming.

"Oh... what, dare to hit the labor, hey, Nima bones are really hard!" The voice mourned.

"Less master, less master, are you okay?"

"Quick and fast, what are you doing, help the Lord!"

Listening to the voice of mourning and miscellaneous, Ye Che looked up and saw a fat man with a mellow body. He fell to the ground and mourned and rolled. There were six or seven teenagers beside him.

Hit the people?

Ye Che, a sigh, could not help but say: "Sorry, I..."

"Shut up! In a word, lose money, otherwise you two, no one wants to leave!"

The fat man who was still on the ground and mad at the chest, heard the voice of Ye Che, his face suddenly changed into a fierce color and shouted.

"Yes, lose money!"

"Dare to hit us and lead the Lord, not to find death!"

"Our young master is the younger brother of Quanyuan. If you don't lose money, let your family break!"

This fierce **** swears a few dog legs next to the fat man, one after another shouted.

Ye Che's brow, suddenly wrinkled, this situation, how it looks a bit strange.

At this time, he noticed that his arm was shaken a few times by Qin Jing, and in the ear, Qin Jing seemed to be disgusting and horrified. "It is him... fist!"


Ye Cheyi.

"He is indeed a younger brother of boxing, but the character of the two is completely two extremes. This is the youngest brother of the boxing source. The favorite thing every year is to take the boxing source to the students. In the college entrance hall, those who rushed to attend classes, in the past few years, at least seventy or eighty were squandered by him. These people are not affected by the face of the boxing and their own collisions. Dare to confront him, I did not expect that you have become his goal this time."

Qin Jing whispered, looking at the gaze of the fist, a disgusting color.

"Oh, it turned out to be a porcelain...and it’s still a boxer..."

Ye Che’s own voice, its look, is somewhat strange.

And that boxing fighter, still lying on the ground, screaming at the fans, playing realistic and lyrical.

Ps: voting ten-game winning streak ~

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