League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1039: : Six fields!

Ye Che still stood in the spot, but suddenly heard a high drink, "It is him!"

This sound is a little familiar, it is the source of boxing. (8) (1) Chinese network WwΩW. ㄟ81.Zw. COM

Ye Che immediately looked up, and now the boxing source is cold, with a large group of people, hula, all flocked to his own not far, eyes staring at himself.

"Is it you?"

Ye Che brows slightly wrinkled.

He watched so many people encircling themselves, but I can imagine that the other party is definitely not good.

"Little brother, I heard that you are disrespectful to Dahui Dean!?"

Next to the boxing source, a woman with a slinged bow asked Ye Che's mouth and said that she couldn't say leisurely.

"Oh, it’s not disrespectful, it’s a threat to my teacher. It’s a one to kill a student in the college. Red girl, don’t have to say anything, just grab it back and interrogate it! If you resist, kill the ground!”

Boxing stare at Ye Che, cold ice and ice.

Before he lost his face, I was afraid that I would go to the War General Hospital for a lifetime without a face, and all this was caused by young people not far away!

What is the most important thing for a man is naturally a face, and he has lost such a big face. He has long wanted to break the leaves.

"I feel so too. You look at the four sides that have been ravaged by him. First, I made trouble at the War Memorial, threatened the deputy dean, and now destroys the restaurant. I seriously doubt that he has a terrorist tendency!"

The man with the high bones bulging is also the interface road, looking at the leaves of the fierce.

"Jokes, boxing, you have failed to fight against me, and you have played a small one. You are still old and want to take my appearance. I have to make a decision to protect my life. How is it in your mouth, it is a threat to your teacher." !? What you mean is that I should be handy at the time!?"

Ye Chexiao laughed out loud.

Unexpectedly, the boxing source actually nodded, and coldly said: "My teacher interrogated you, it is a matter of course! What are you counting? I still threatened my teacher's head, talk nonsense, and provoke me a boxer. You should have this enlightenment. You can't escape the entanglement of you now, and you can't escape our day. I will go to the boxing house for trial, otherwise, I will kill the ground!"

"Oh, it seems that your boxer is really sure about me!"

Ye Che said, his look is slowly sinking.

He is too lazy to argue with boxing sources. This person is used to pampering at first glance, thinking that the boxer is heaven.

However, Ye Che naturally can't be shackled, otherwise he will be killed in the boxing and other people's thoughts.

"In the heroic city, there are not many people who dare to provoke me a boxer. You are looking for death!"

The boxing source said, with a wave of arms, suddenly, everyone was brushing the pace of the move, approaching Ye Che to the past.

Some of the pedestrian warriors who are irrelevant to this matter are far away, lest they get into trouble.

"It’s ridiculous. If you want to take advantage of the momentum of the boxer, you will say that the source of the boxing is not that I am not willing to be beaten in front of those students. The so-called grandiose, the first look of the boxer in the world, is really funny!"

Ye Che waved his hand and looked disgusting.

"court death!"

In the eyes of boxing, the moment passed a violent violent, Ye Che’s words made him extremely harsh, which is simply naked ridicule!

Behind the boxing source, a boxer's warrior, seeing the boxing source anger, did not hesitate to shoot.

However, he understands that even the source of the boxing is defeated by Ye Che. He is naturally not an opponent, but his attack is remote. He occupies this point. This man has a wave of his hand and a strangely shaped musket appears in his hand.

It is the hero of the disaster of the ocean.


As soon as the musket was held in his hand, an artillery fired over Ye Che.


Ye Che’s eyes squinted and his palm was a knife-shaped cross.


A loud bang, the light of this artillery blasted, and then annihilated, then the artillery did not have the chance to blast, directly cracked, and finally burst!

Then, after the leaves of the arm, a twirling, directly pinched the metal piece of the artillery cracked, and slammed.

"call out!"

Under the giant force, a harsh whistling sound from the air, the cracked metal piece, flew directly to the man who shot.


The man quickly lifted the heroic musket in his hand to resist, but the strength was huge. After hitting it, he even slammed him back seven or eight steps.

The people who saw this scene, except for the source of boxing, all smashed.

So far away, the direct hand of the meat cracked the hero skills, and the counterattack of the hand, let a Drilling V, completely unable to resist.

"You really didn't make a mistake, the body of this kid is really tough!"

A man with a cheekbone, taking a breath, can't see the slightest gaze in his eyes.

Not only him, but the rest of the people have also taken away the contempt, no longer be confused by Ye Che’s young appearance.

The woman named Red Girl was sneer, and the icy scorpion flashed slightly. "It’s hard to beat my arrow!! Not to mention, I don’t need to shoot, the direct field can be suppressed. Don't waste your time, all together, directly suppress!"

As soon as the words fell, her roar came from the top of her head, and it was a direct sacrifice to the field!

This field is huge and full of two or three kilometers. When it first appeared, it made all the people watching the war scared.

The rest of the boxing source, the sacral man, and the other three diamonds III, are also directly used in the field, intending to suppress Ye Che.

For a time, the sky in this place was extremely gloomy, and the horrible atmosphere raged in this area.

Some warriors with silver and gold positions, I feel that this pressure is so strong that I can't even get up.

Six drills III hang in the air, and in the field of the kilometer behind it, the force of its position is illusory in various forms, which is shocking.


The boxing source looked at Ye Che without any emotion. When he shot, there were hundreds of silver rifle ghosts. From the field behind him, he flew out and then turned into a silver snake and went straight to Ye Che.

"This young man is finished. Actually, the six big diamonds III are all hands-on. This is only because his mother who is being beaten does not know!"

Many pedestrians have cast a pity on Ye Che.

However, the result is to make them stay awkward, so that the source of the boxing and other people are fierce.


Ye Che's glimpse of the ground, did not sacrifice the field confrontation, but the entire body, directly volley rushed over to the boxing source.

Just two meters from the volley, Ye Che waved with his hand, and his glare burst into bloom. He slammed the slap in the shadow of the seven or eight shots, and they smashed in an instant.

Then, the body has been pulled up again, in just two seconds, Ye Che has already risen hundreds of meters, and those fierce virtual shadow silver guns have been broken.

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