League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1058: : Time is up, execution!

"Sister, can we die?"

On the execution ground, a teenager who was randomly picked up to fill the number of people asked the woman next to him with fear. (8) "ΔΔ(一)中文网Ww*W. 81.Zw. COM

The woman's silver is short, the whole body is neatly dressed, and her face is full of temperament. The woman is Ruiwen obsessed and makes thousands of shadows.

"Maybe... it’s a pity, until now, I still haven’t learned his light qa...”

There is no fear in the face of Qiang Ying, only a touch of regret.

Then, she looked up at the executioner, and the champion of the high-level boxing champion, and so on, the more lonely.

Once, she was a genius in the War College in the Eastern Region and was the envy of the students.

But when I got here, it was just the bottom of the group.

In the golden section, nothing is counted here.

The rest of the people, including Dongfang and others, are also ruthless, and so many diamond powerhouses are present in the entire execution field. They can't even courage to resist.

Especially the high-ranking director who stood on the stage, the "devil" always took the kind of bloodthirsty eyes, sweeping them from time to time, so that they were terrified.

The strength of this director is the Drilling III. For them, the existence of a god, just a wave of hands, can kill 500 people in the presence.

So even if it is against his eyes, Dong Jian and others, there is a feeling of horror.

"From the execution, there are still half an hour!"

The director yelled at the yin and yang, and the five hundred people on the execution ground began to stir up.

Some younger teenagers almost cried out.

"What move!"

The executioners who stood behind them with a big head and a big ear immediately squinted and took a knife handle.

"砰", a lot of sly left-winged and swaying East Asian teenagers, could not help but scream, fell to the ground, but in order to avoid being reprimanded, they can only endure pain, involuntarily convulsing on the ground.

It’s all his people who watched their painful eyes. He only looked at their painful appearance. He only felt that his body was hollowed out.

The oriental nephew also couldn't bear to close her eyes. She thought that if today, it would be just a dream.

"ten minutes!"

As time passed, the director’s management seemed to deliberately torture their will. Every time, they deliberately reminded them.

Among the 500 people on the execution ground, many look at him, and they have already feared the extreme.

Ten minutes left, these ten minutes are the tenth of their life, the most tormented.

As time went on, the brows of Quantian Heng were wrinkled and deeper. At this time, the time of execution was less than five minutes. Ye Che did not appear yet. Could it be that he really ignored the life and death of these old friends?

"It seems that this time, this Ye Che's heart is hard enough, hehe, interesting..."

The fists of the ring are picking up the mouth, but the bottom of my heart is cold and cold.

"Less master, time is up."

The director’s manager whispered.

"Well, execution!"

Quantian is too lazy to waste time. Since this method can't force Ye Qi, he no longer delays and plans to use another plan.

After hearing the sound of Quantian, the director flashed a bloodthirsty light in his eyes. After a glimpse of the 500 people who began to fear the color on the execution ground, he was slightly excited and shouted: "Time is up, execution!"


With his words, the executioners who stood behind the 500 people in the Eastern Region all took out the knives for execution.

Immediately, five hundred bloody, full-bodied machete, printed in the eyes of everyone.

"killing and killing!!!"


Many onlookers are very excited.

Five hundred sinners were desecrated. This kind of picture made many soldiers who were extremely devastating and violent to the extreme.

Listening to these murderous shouts, and the coolness behind the knife on the back of the neck, some young girls, scared and shook like Si Kang.

Seeing this time, Ye Che has not yet appeared, and Chen Tianheng and Tang Daohui on the side are slightly ugly.

"In this case, it is no wonder that my heart is hot, kill!" Boxing constant cold drink.


In the eyes of the director, the color of cruelty flashed and the voice was loud.


The sound of the uniform sound, five hundred handles of execution, was lifted up.

"Nice... I am sorry for your mother..."

The oriental eye seems to have tears.


The oriental singer whispered, and his face seemed to be awkward.

She is not afraid of death, just... she will never see him again...

In the meantime, the oriental neon reminiscent of the scene in the temple of heroes, when he was chased by the stone ghost birds, and he hid in the stone cave, it was so fascinating.

"Ye Che... Goodbye..."

The oriental glamorous, slowly closed his eyes.

At the same moment, she already felt the enthusiasm of the execution knives from the back neck.

However, just after the wind began, the oriental neon suddenly heard a series of "squeaky" sounds, and there were countless exclamations and boiling sounds, and the expected heads were not born, and there was no horror. Next, the oriental neon quickly turned his head and saw those who executed the execution. Each one was like a heavy blow, and they all rolled over a dozen meters.

The knives for execution are also broken.

At the time of the 500 people in the Eastern Region, when the look is in vain, on the high platform, there is a strong voice of the fist, "Knife Qing, what do you mean!"


Immediately, there were countless winds, and in the next second, countless people who were full of horror, fell on the execution ground, and surrounded an old man who was slowly coming.

"Knife Qing Cang, don't give a confession, even if you are a knife ancestor, you can't save you today."

Among the people around, a middle-aged man with a white face was cold and cold.


Looking at the middle-aged man, the onlookers instantly heard a sigh of noise.

"The home of the boxer, my God, what is the situation, the boxer's family is in the execution!"

"Knife Qing Cang? Hey, this is not five years ago, with one's own strength, against the tens of thousands of demon army's strong strong? Just right, he shot to save these sinners, why!"

Many people have exclaimed.

"Where, the master of the boxer!?"

Listening to this information, Dongfang Jian, as well as the rest of the Eastland people, have been sucking cold.

Diamonds are a mythical existence for them, not to mention the masters!

For a time, everyone’s eyes showed a faint color.

"It doesn't mean anything, I am just running errands, and I am doing it for your boxers."

Knife Qing Cang said, but the eyes showed a strange color.

"For us, the boxer is good? Knife Qing Cang, don't say that I didn't give you a chance. Today, you don't make it clear, but I don't want you to leave something." The boxer's main boxer said coldly.

"Come, I will show you a live broadcast, you will know."

The knife screamed and laughed, and then a wave of his arm, a huge projection light curtain, shot from his hand.

In the next second, the light curtain gradually became clear, and then, the familiar buildings were presented in front of all the boxers and others.

"This is... my boxer!?"

All the boxers in the field, their eyes are down, all the old rounds.

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