League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1063: : Sunny return

"Boxing Yao..."

At this point, Quantian Heng has opened. (8) "(1) Chinese Δ" network WwW. *81.Zw. COM

However, this title seems to have changed the name of 6 Yao directly.

6 Yao turned, pale gold scorpion, calmly looking to the fist Tianheng.

"You come out, you can't wait any longer because of chaos!"

The tone of Quantian is not so soft.

However, there were no strange colors on the face of 6 Yao. The arm was just a wave of light, and the barrier in front of her was directly melted and disintegrated. Then, Yao Yao slowly came out.

For her, the person in front of her is the only person she can feel familiar with now. In addition, all kinds of memory fragments in her mind are scattered in it.

Although it is only a memory fragment, but a hero can live so long, how big the memory is, so although 6 Yao looks calm, but his mind is running high, quickly digesting these memories.

This is the inheritance memory of the hero. If she does not digest it, she will remain in this state. The original memory will always be suppressed by the memory.

At the same time, in the moment when the 6 Yao shattered the barrier, it was tens of thousands of kilometers away from here.


Countless explosions, roars, and resounding in this area.

This is a coastline that stretches for countless kilometers. On this long coastline, countless soldiers are fighting hard.

The sound of gunfire, the high noise, and the roar of the roar that climbed up from the ocean, continued.

This sea area bordering the front line can be connected to the Atlantic Ocean. The abyss of the abyss is not only numerous but also of high quality, so everyone dares not to slack off.

At this time, a hundred meters of tall waves suddenly sprang up on the sea, and then a giant behemoth emerged from the inside.

"It's a whale!"

Many of the soldiers who saw this scene were screaming.

The whale demon is about three hundred meters tall, and his mouth is full of serrated fangs. Just bite it and gently grind it, enough to make a human being who is a V driller torn apart.

As soon as it landed, it screamed and screamed at the screaming human warriors. It was impossible for the demonstrations to scream at the jagged bites.

When everyone was frightened, the space on the left side of the whale suddenly fluctuated and then burst.


The ruptured cockroach, a man with sharp eyes and his arms turned into a purple-red slasher appeared.

The man's face was tough, and he was filled with a terrible killing.

"Ah, it's a sunny master!"

"Haha, let it arrogate and see how it died!"

Many fighters are excited.

On the other hand, the two purple-red sickle arms crossed in an instant, and then, as the hands ripped the plastic bags, they slammed against the whale.

"Taste the fear!"


With the sound of a certain object being torn, this whale with a height of 300 meters was directly torn into two halves.

Countless blood sprinkled, and the whale's mouth was even more painful.

Sunny is planning to make up a blow, suddenly the heart of the earthquake, immediately appeared, the prohibition established in the chaos of the heroic city, was smashed.

"Chong Tian Heng, you dare to default!?"

Sunny and low-pitched, a flash of anger in his eyes, and then he said nothing, the space behind him directly split, and the footsteps of the sunny, the whole person has already entered into it, disappeared.

"Hey, how did the Master of Qing go!?"

"My God, this one can compare the whales of the II, but it is worth tens of thousands of wars. Does the Master of Heaven not?"

The soldiers underneath, have been stunned, the next second, but the eyes are hot, crazy to the dead whales rushed away.

It’s sunny, it’s already a few tens of kilometers away from here.

At the time of the sunny rush to come back, 6 Yao has already stepped out of the chaos and banned the land and walked around the boxing of Chang Tianheng.

Boxing Tianheng looked into the eyes of 6 Yao and suddenly brought other meanings.

Before, it was impossible to let 6 Yao feel bad about himself, so as not to be out of control.

Now, since she is going to exchange, even if she wants to vent her anger, she can't let her go so easily.

"Tian Heng, you still have to be polite to her, exchange is not exchanged, and is not sure!"

Boxing Hong saw the meaning of Quantian, and immediately used the power of the field to convey the sound of the fist.

"Father, what do you mean by this, no, you don't want to change back to the mother!"

The face of Quantian is cold.

"For the father to decide, I just remind you, you said that 6 Yao is a friend of the little beast, you think, if she has any accidents, do you think that the little beast will easily let go!?"

Boxing Hong said quietly.

The face of Quantian Heng suddenly became stiff, and the back was cold.

With the savvy degree of the kid, I will definitely ask about the various situations of 6 Yao in exchange. Once he is told that he has done such a wrong move, he is afraid of anger and directly kills his mother. maybe.

"What the lesson is."

Boxing Tianheng quickly pleaded guilty.

"You understand it. Finally, I remind you that the son of a hero is not as simple as you think! I will go back and inform my ancestors. At most, tonight, my ancestors will arrive, and when I ask, I will ask the old ancestors. After that, make another decision!"

Chuan Hong said.

In the eyes of Quantian Heng, there was a shock in the eyes, saying: "Notify the ancestors? Now things have not reached that level? A guy who drills IV, even our boxer ancestors have moved out, this is too exaggerated. ""

"You don't understand, that kid is not difficult to deal with... The hard-to-handle is the person behind him..." The eyes of Gong Hong showed a dignified color.

"The people behind?"

The brow of Quantian’s brow suddenly wrinkled.

And just as they are thinking about the best policy for tomorrow's exchange, Ye Che has come to the heroic city, in front of a large courtyard.

This large courtyard has a very large area and its location is in a quiet and elegant place.

"This compound, but I am a place for the elderly, covering an area of ​​more than 30,000 square meters, let your old friends stay temporarily, not to treat them badly?"

Beside Ye Che, the knife screamed and smiled.

He is in a very good mood now. When he thinks of the sturdy iron of Gong Hong, he does not dare to do it. It is better than taking five kills.

Ye Che's eyes swept through the various flowers and trees refined in front of the courtyard, as well as the sleek lines of the road. He nodded: "It's really good, or you have to give me this place for the elderly, anyway, you are expensive, wave With a wave of hand, there will be a large number of houses for you."

When the knife rushed, the face was a stiff, and the rest of the leaves on Ye Che, but laughed out.

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