League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1067: : Extraordinary fear

"My mother!?"

Just coming in, Quantian Heng asked coldly and asked Ye Jing. (8) (1) Ω ┡ ┡ Ω 网 W W W W W W W W W W *81.Zw. COM

"6 Yao?"

Ye Che asked.

Next to Boxing Heng, Quan Hong suddenly snorted, then a little gesture, a boxer standing behind him, let him open his position, suddenly, a familiar shadow appeared in Ye Jing’s sight. in.

"6 Yao!"

Ye Che couldn't help but scream, his right foot, and he took a slight step forward.

Only soon, Ye Che will appear, 6 Yao, whether it is temperament, or eyelids, have changed greatly.

If it is said that the 6 Yao, once in the War College, is as pure and beautiful as the girl next door, today's 6 Yao, but with a noble, high and unattainable.

With the pale gold eyes, Ye Che is in the same place.

In addition, 6 Yao looked at Ye Che's indifference at this time, immediately making his face drastically changed.

"What happened to you!"

Ye Che’s look is gloomy.

Boxing Heng and Quan Hong’s face suddenly appeared a sneer.


Ye Che has a cold face and a low drink: "Bring it up!"

As soon as the words fell, a man and a woman, who were tied to the five-flowered knives, dragged them over.

As soon as this man and a woman appeared, the face of Quan Hong and Quan Tian Heng appeared to be happy, but after seeing the two men look like this, their face was suddenly better than Ye Che.

"Say, what happened to 6 Yao!?"

Ye Che's fingers moved, and the force of the segment was shot out, and then the neck of the man and the woman was inflated.

Upon seeing it, the eleven people also understood that there was a problem with the exchange, and the breath began to rise and fall. One by one, look at the boxing of Tian Heng and Quan Hong, with a sneer.

"Oh, all good anger..."

At this moment, a light laughter, which was not anxious and slow, sounded behind Chen Tianheng and others. Then, a teenager who seemed to be only seventeen or eight years old stepped out.

At this time, Ye Che looked at the 6 Yao to look at himself, the strange eyes, how can he still patiently say, directly ignore the young boy, and once again increased the strength, the power of the sharp segment is almost completely Close to the neck of Mrs. Boxing and the younger son.

However, the boxing and boxing constants do not seem to be anxious. Instead, they look at Ye Che and look at the dead.

At this time, Ye Che naturally realized that something was wrong. The power of the whole body of the whole body slammed out and then shouted: "The last time, what happened to 6 Yao?!!!"

"Ye... Ye Che...etc...etc..."

However, when Ye Che seemed to be shooting, he was shouted by the knife.

Ye Che reluctantly frowned and turned his head, but suddenly he was shocked. I saw that the eleven people didn't know when, and the eyes were already full of fear. It seemed that they saw something like a wild animal.

Ye Che immediately followed their gaze and saw that the boy who had stepped forward, was smiling, and was interested in constantly looking at his own.

This boy makes them feel scared! ? Ye Che’s eyes flashed a stunned look.

At this moment, in his ear, there was a voice from the knife, "Don't do it, this is troublesome. The boxer's ancestors did not come out personally! This shouldn't be too exaggerated." !!!"

"Boxer ancestors!?"

Ye Che was shocked and felt only a tingling scalp.

These small things have actually made the strongest king personally come forward, and that boxing is too suffocating! ?

Just when Ye Che’s heart was restless, the boy smiled and looked at Ye Chedao: “It seems that you already know who I am...”

Said, the blind man slowly glanced at the knife and the scorpion, this eye directly made the knife qing Cang the whole person is not good.

"I know, but you are the most powerful king in the classroom, personally to interfere with this matter, do not feel that some price?"

Ye Cheqiang resisted the feeling of ups and downs, and said nothing.

"Interference? No, no, no, I am just a spectator today..."

The teenager smiled.

"Father, what does the ancestor mean? Don't you take this little beast directly?"

The fists are always humming.

"I don't understand it at the moment. I will wait and see if it changes. I think the ancestors have their own plans!" Fist said with a frown.

At this time, as the words of the youngsters just fell, everyone only felt that the figure was shining, and a majestic and burly figure suddenly appeared in the field.

When everyone sees the coming, the face is changed, and the next second is neatly ritual: "The domain emperor!"

Ye Che naturally also saw the appearance of the coming person, it is in the promotion of diamond death ruling, met the domain emperor!

"Little friends, we met again."

The domain king slowly turned his head and looked at Ye Che and said with a smile.

"Little friends!?"

All the people, as well as the strongmen of the boxers, are all a glimpse, this Ye Che, and the domain emperor know! ?

Only Guan Hong’s face showed such a look.

Ye Che did not have the slightest surprise. As soon as he knew that the domain emperor had an insight, he knew that this domain emperor would come to find himself sooner or later, but he did not expect it to be in such an occasion.

"Ye Che, you got a big trouble this time!"

The voice of the domain emperor, such as needlework, was directly introduced into Ye Er'er.

"This boxer ancestor is indeed a trouble..." Ye Che should have a voice.

"Now you only have one possibility to avoid this danger, that is, you must show your unparalleled League of Legends skills! Make the boxing for the big picture, do not dare to move you, otherwise, I will be the death ruling for that game. Save your life, your former partner, I can't keep it! It doesn't make sense to be enchanting in your actual combat level, because you can see that you release such a move, it is not lasting, and it will not be decisive for the overall situation of China. The role! Only you now show the heroic enchanting technology, let him think that you can benefit from the heroic city in the intercontinental battle, you can save you, and your partner!"

"The boxer ancestors personally came forward this time, for your friend 6 Yao, 6 Yao is the son of a hero, you must know, and the importance of the son of the hero, you know! Once you can not wave the level of the previous death ruling, I can't do anything!"

The domain is very fast, and with a single breath, the words are transmitted to Ye Er'er.

At this moment, Ye Che did understand that the original boxer ancestor came for the son of the hero!

In the presence, only the fist did not know that the domain emperor was speaking to Ye Chu, but he just looked at it with a smile, without any restraint.

At this point, the domain emperor has already finished the sound, and then the expression is indifferent to look at the knife, and said: "Allied Arena, lead the way!"

Union Arena?

Some people in the place are all in one, and the boxing and boxing constants are also somewhat stunned. I don’t understand what the domain emperor means.

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