League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1074: : The strongest adc! (Finish)

"Looking for opportunities, temptation to kill!" In the heart of the fist, there was a sigh of relief, and gradually moved closer to Jess. (8) (1) Chinese website Ww%W. %81.Zw. COM

"Look at the home of the owner, you have to kill!"

"This little beast is stupid. I didn't suppress it before. Now I am equipped with equipment. How can I beat my family!"

"Drilling IV is drilling IV, and there are many concerns. Now the advantage of one blood is all spit out."

Looking at this scene, the boxer laughed again.

"Small beasts, once you lose, not only you are going to die, everyone in your Eastern Region, I will feed the dog with one knife and one, and your little lover, 6 Yao, will become my doll!!"

There is a trace of smashing on the face of Quantian.

However, just in the boxing crowd waiting for a good show, sit and wait for the boxing to find the flaws and start to kill, a white laser horizontal line, suddenly appeared in the line between the soldiers!

On this laser horizontal line, lightning fluctuations, if there are thousands of energy in it.

Looking at this laser horizontal line, the fist of the heart of the fist jumped, before the second level, it was this gadget just appeared, he was killed and killed, how can not be impressed.

However, I did not expect that when Jon was on the line, Jess would start playing, and the peace of the previous knife would be completely different.

"call out!"

A tall, mighty and handsome body, passing through the laser in an instant, a strong "squeaky" sound.

Originally, after Jess had a light-hearted shoe, the degree of displacement rose to around 413.

Ye Che is the main q de e, the third level of "additional door", can add 4o% of the transfer, just a slap, Jess's move rushed to nearly 6oo, what is the concept of 6oo shift?

When you think about the 11th-level Juggernaut, you will know!

but! Not finished yet! ! !

"The Spirit of Dreams!!!"


Just listening to a strange sound like a wind chime swing, Jess's arm suddenly had more purple cherry blossoms, this cherry blossom is so miraculous, under its blessing, Jess's shift, once again increased by 2o%!

Mobility, instantly reached more than 75o!

The movement of 75o is almost the same as the moment that I ran out of the spring after 2 minutes.

So when everyone was stunned, they saw that Jess had just rushed through the "Gate of the Gates". The whole body was like a teleport, and it rushed directly to Lucian. The two men almost nosed and stood together.

"This... this Nima!!!"

Boxing Hong scared the boss to jump, but did not respond, he was attacked by a general attack of the Jess gun form.

Ye Che is the main q, and Jess does not need to actively upgrade the big move, so the q skills have already been full, a flat a down, the cannon form passive touch, armor magic resistance reduced by 3o%! !

At this time, Lu Xi'an's armor, but only about 56 points, reduced by 3o%, less than 3o point armor, this Nima and level 1 + without armor runes are no different!

Cannon form Jessing a just shot, Ye Che will be heavy!

The shape of the cannon, called "energy charge", can instantly make the next three attacks, soaring to the extreme 2.5, almost a second a three times.

And the moment of pressing, q skill energy light waves also face the face of Lu Xi'an.

Face v, how to hide?

Unless the displacement is pre-determined, it doesn't matter if the displacement is hidden. The hammer form q teaches you to be a man!

At this time, Boxing has already moved back from Jess Crazy Dog. He also knows that Jess is going to open the bombardment, but he did not dare to displace. He knows that Jess’s fatal focus is the reduction of the hammer shape. Once it is reduced, there is absolutely no death!


In the energy wave bombing, under the armor, with the previous Jess's flat a, this one went directly to his quarter of the blood.

At this time, the big move "Muchuuli's cannon" suddenly started, and in a moment, he heard a sigh, Jess was like a Transformer, and the weapon in his hand was directly changed from a cannon to a warhammer!

Moved again in the conversion of the weapon's smashing, reaching 8oo point, it was a smoke, and rushed to Lucian.

At this moment, Lu Xi’an’s “cold pursuit”, what flashes, in absolute terms, only the ash is left.

When it comes to length, it is short.

From Jess to open all the skills, has been rushed to Lucian, it is about a second.

At this time, in the eyes of the boxing eyes, Jessna warhammer turned into a streamer phantom, in just one second, he hit the body three times in a row.

Directly, half of the blood is gone.

Boxing Hong sucked a cold air, and the people who saw the boxer in this scene were also cold.

The shape of the gun is flat with a weak version of the energy wave, and after three hammers, Lu Xi'an has no blood.

And Jess, but still full of blood, this Nima teas me?

"No displacement yet? 66666..."

Ye Che, looking at the only dreams of opening a dream, while opening the treatment to fly back to Lu Xi'an, could not help but play the finger.

This is a scene that has been similar, and the level 2 is not the same.

Lucian was not daring to put any skills that were scared under the culmination of Jessley's popularity. He only hated that he was not running.

However, Lu Xi'an just ran two steps in his dream, and now Jess has been in front of him, not moving the flash, want to run the triple plus Jess? Arabian Nights!

"Go to Nima, die!"

The fist is stunned, knowing that he can't run away, he will turn around and fight for a wave.

He felt that he still had hope at this moment. After all, Jess's cannon form damage had already been finished. As long as he flashed away from Jess's q, there was still a hope, and the most unfortunate one could run away.

However, Lu Xi'an of Boxing has just turned around, and Ye Che seems to have already expected him to resist.


Like being smashed by the hoe, Lu Xi'an's body was attacked by Jess's "Thunder".

Almost synchronously, Lu Xi’an was still flying in the air, and when he was stiff, Jess’s handsome face provoked a sinister smile, and the burly body carried the Thunder Hammer, in the desperate sight of Quan. High and high.

Eq two combos, this is the correct posture of Jess to kill the enemy, you have a flash, and can not hide the reduction of its explosion damage q!

Because Jess's e-repulse is as big as blind, it can give the enemy a short period of rigidity.

What's more, Ye Che hand burst table, almost e just used out, q has been squatting, Lu Xi'an avoids inevitable!

At the same moment, Jess appeared a golden lightning cover on his body!

This is the lightning field in the shape of Jess Hammer. Enemies in their range will be dealt magic damage!


A loud bang, Lu Xian glorious seconds!

Be aware that level 3 e-skills can cause a 12.8% percentage magic damage, and have a +1ad bonus.

And full level q, with 24o (+1.2) physical damage, with Jess's current attack power, all bursts, can completely hit 4oo + damage, Lu Xi'an, who was originally threatened by bloodlines, as in the small law, Blood vessel burst.

When he died, his displacement and flash did not open, and the so-called careful plan of Quanhong was also completely lost.

At the same level with the same equipment to kill Lu Xi'an, at this time, he is the strongest adc!

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