League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1080: : Fanatic domain emperor and fists are not!

"It seems that I understand this Ye Che, why can I drill IV against the Van, the League of Legends technology, and so bad. Δ (eight) (a) Chinese Ω network Ww * W. ┡ 81.Zw.COM" boxing constant eyes look hot Che, the mouth began to voice the domain emperor.

"The son of the hero...and this Ye Che is a child who has already awakened the memory, the son of the hero!!!"

The voice of the king of the field, with a tremolo.

The son of the hero, and it has already awakened the memory. At this time, when I think of this, the domain emperor has a kind of surprise that is falling from the sky.

Finally, even if Ye Che is immersed in the joy of meeting his partner, he feels the strangeness of the surrounding atmosphere.

Too quiet, quiet, only to hear heartbeat and breathing.

After a slight turn, Ye Che saw the fanatic face of those who, and even the knife, and other people.

In an instant, Ye Che will understand where the problem lies, and the bottom of my heart will not help.

At the same time, the domain emperor took a sigh of relief, the face of the majestic face, a smile, a letter to Ye Chu: "The son of the hero, Ye Che?"

He is still in tentative inquiry, but the fist is not in the middle, but his eyes are a bit strange. The direct confrontation of Ye Chedao: "Ye Che, or the son of the hero, is not important. What is important is that you know the hero Where is the remains?"

Where is the heroic remains?

Ye Cheyi, how can he know about this place, he has never heard of it.

But looking at the ecstasy of the domain emperor, fist Weiyang and others, Ye Che did not directly negate, but directly communicated in the field of Fickley, asked: "Don't sleep, do you know the location of the hero's body remains?"

"The location of the heroic remains? What do you ask for this?"

Fickley asked suspiciously.

"Do not talk nonsense, just say." Ye Che is a cold tone.

"Mom, the tiger fell to Pingyang and was bullied by the dog."

Fickley's face is not very good.

However, listening to Ye Che’s eagerness and eagerness seems to have something to do, and he explained: “The location of the hero’s body remains, it is said that only the son of the hero can know, and it is the son of the hero who succeeded in memory! However, the son of the hero is too rare and rare. Even if there is, at the time of awakening memory, it is very likely that it will be heard by the crazy demons, so I know two of them in a few hundred years, and the sons of these two heroes are Later, it disappeared inexplicably, no one knows where it is."

"Disappeared?" Ye Cheyi.

"Yes, the sons of these two heroes, just as soon as they succeeded in awakening their memories, they disappeared without a trace. No one knows where to go... but one of the heroes, leaving a message, the message, tells The location of the hero's body remains, it is said that as long as you go to the location of the hero's body, you can break through the shackles of the strongest king and reach another level of incredible!"

Hearing here, Ye Che finally understands the fists of Wei Yang and the domain emperor, why is it so crazy!

For those who are in such a realm, apart from their own inheritance and the protection of the land where he raised him, whether it is wealth, or the top hero or even power, it is insignificant.

The most important thing is to break through the existing realm! ! !

"It turned out to be..."

After understanding this, Ye Che’s eyes suddenly became secret.

"There is nothing to hide now, yes, I am indeed the son of the hero, where the heroic remains are, I know where it is!"

Ye Che said calmly.

See Ye Che personally admit, those who are, take a breath of air.

The domain of the emperor and the fist is not yet, although 99% of the Ye Ke is the son of the hero, but I heard Ye Che personally admit that the fanatic look of this moment, can not help but rise.

No one doubts the authenticity of Ye Che's discourse, even if it is Quantian and Quan, this moment also believes.

Otherwise, in addition to the son of the hero, who can drill IV against the master! ?

Who can 1oo% fuse heroic skills with different attributes?

Which day can I drill the IV segment and win the boxing in the League of Legends?

And the domain Huangfu also knows that this Ye Che is abusive of the king's spring, the domain emperor knows that this Ye Che has a heavy identity, that is to create the skill of God 2o17, so in addition to the son of the hero, can't think of anything else The explanation.


The fists were not able to scream a few words, and the face was full of excitement. Even the fingers could not help but tremble.

The same is true of the domain emperor, looking at Ye Che’s eyes, it has already been hot.

"How is it possible that this little beast is actually the son of a hero, and it is already awakened to inherit the memory!!!"

Quantian’s face is gloomy. He knows that when the identity of the son of this little animal hero is exposed, I am afraid that no one dares to move him, because just now, Boxing has already told him the true importance of the son of the hero. .

As for how the fist is known, it is natural that it is a fist, and it has been told before.

"Fortunately, fortunately! My heroic city, there are two heroes at the same time, this year's intercontinental war, nothing else, rankings can only be compared with the city of the sky!"

The domain of the emperor, the knife and the celestial body, and the face of each other bloom, they finally understand why Ye Che is so proficient in so many heroes, it turned out that this Ye Che is actually a memory that has awakened, the son of the hero!

"In this case, the location of the heroic remains, I wonder if you can tell?" Boxing Weiyang, asked the most important question.

The words were asked, and his face was already full of embarrassing colors.

For a time, the scene was very quiet, waiting for Ye Che’s answer.

It is rumored that the heroic body remains in the same place, the gods are very different, relying only on the domain emperor and the fist is not in the center, I am afraid that it can not be eaten, at that time, I am afraid that they can also share a piece of cake, so one can not help but look forward to it.

Ye Che looked at the look of the people, and looked at the face of Quan Tianyin, and suddenly showed a smile, said: "The location of the heroic remains, I can certainly tell you!"

The domain emperor and the fist are not in the center, and the heart is instantly overjoyed.

"However, I have a condition..." Ye Che said again.


"No matter what the conditions, as long as we are in our ability, will satisfy you!"

The domain emperor and the fists are not busy, they can reach the realm of the strongest king, are extremely attached to the League of Legends, seeing the opportunity to break through the king's position is in front of us, naturally eager.

"It's very simple, I want to fight with Changtian, hit a game! Actual combat!"

Ye Che is faint.

As soon as this statement came out, the face of Quantian Heng was instantly like the color of pig liver, and the black of purple. He was sure that once he had to fight, he felt that he was going to be born by this little animal, and his **** did not know.

Ps: Thank you for your rewards. There are more than a thousand chapters in this book. In order to improve the quality, the update time is also slightly slower. I hope that all of your friends will not give suggestions, and then thank you very much in the group. In the message, as well as the reward of voting has been supporting the partners for 700 years, because the message may not be able to reply one by one, but I know that a group of people have been quietly like this book, hehe.

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