League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1082: :Mikeel's 坩埚

The next second, only heard a loud noise. (8) (1) Chinese Network Ww "W. %81.Zw. COM

The contact between Ye Che’s arm and the boxing constant gold gun actually heard the sound of screaming.

"The battle body!?"

Everyone has a small pupil.

And Chen Tianheng also felt the great anti-seismic force on Ye Che’s arm, and then looked at Ye Che’s like a solid diamond arm and immediately understood the reason.

What is the battle body! ? No wonder there is confidence to challenge me with the power of the Son of Heroes!

The fists of the sky are always silent, and then the corner of the mouth is sneer.

"I don't believe it, you have been battling all over the body! The power of sincerity, out!"

Quantian Henggao gave a cry. In the next second, the golden gun in his hand once again stalked Ye Xue. However, this time, his golden gun just stabbed, and he was surprised to disappear from his hands, and then he ignored the space. In general, it straightens against the head of Ye Che.

This gun is not only accompanied by the power of sincerity, but also with the power of the paragraph.

At this moment, the domain emperor and the fists of the fists are slightly dark, and all are ready. Once Ye Che can't stop, they will shoot.

However, when it was said that it was too late, Chang Tianheng just used the sincerity. When he was sneer, he planned to put Ye Chezha on his face. Suddenly, he only felt the scalp numb, and the whole person disappeared from the original moment.

The next second, I heard a bang, and the place where the fist was standing before it had completely exploded.

A virtual sword that is several tens of meters long is being inserted there.

"The sixth floor is true!"

"My God, this Ye Che has reached the sixth level of truth!"

"This is the only way to drill IV. When I drilled IV, I just touched the fifth floor of the real threshold!?"

All face is full of surprise.

Boxing Tianheng was not surprised. When he met this Ye Che in the two realms, he thought that Ye Che was already the fifth layer of Shinji.

After such a long time, he also vaguely guessed that Ye Che would have a big breakthrough.

"The sixth layer is sincere!" The more killing in the eyes of Quantian Heng.

Just as he was going to attack with all his strength, suddenly, the knife house was dark, and a field about a kilometer was slowly showing up.

Ye Che didn't want to waste time anymore, and directly used the field.

He was expressionless, his eyes circling, and suddenly, five hero statues emerged from the field.

Since Ye Che is now considered to be the son of a hero, it is nothing to be said about the performance of the demon.


With the rise of the five heroic statues, a slight humming sound came from the area of ​​the kilometer, which was superb and fascinating.

The space in the vicinity is also beginning to slowly shake, as if to drop the Thunder.

"this is……"

Looking at the five heroic statues that emerged from the field of Ye Che, all of them had their eyes wide open and looked at the five hero statues.

"This is... the hero statue that can be owned, Ye Che, actually has five seats!!!"

The old man of a boxer has a look like a ghost.

"And you see, his hero statue, there are actually seven decimeters!" Said, the old face of this boxing family, showing a trace of greed.

The hero statue, for others, is a big complement.

What's more, the hero statue is only a district drill IV, for a time, including the knife Qing Cang, the eyes flashed a hint of coveted.

At this time, watching the hero statue that emerged in the field of Ye Che, the face of Chang Tian Heng changed greatly.

He is a captain and a master, and naturally understands how terrifying the hero statue is.

However, without waiting for him to think more, I saw the five heroic statues in vain, and then, in front of them, began to have countless energies to begin to gather.

"The fire of breaking!"


"Wan Jian Qi!"

"Universal card!"

"Fatal blow!"

At that time, these energies gathered hundreds of heroic skills, and then firmly locked the fist Tianheng.

"call out!"

At the same time, Ye Che also moved, the whole body is like a dragon to the sea, holding a fist, directly attacking the fists of the sky, the air bursts fiercely.

The thousands of heroic skills in the sky were also slightly shocked, and then turned into a huge energy tide, pouring into the sky.

Space tremors, air screams, and unmatched energy make everyone's sleeves swing wildly.

This scene is really shocking.

You must know that after you have possessed the field, you will be able to use the heroic skills to kill the enemy by including the enemy in the field.

But it is a horror to have a hero statue, but it can let the hero statue control itself, make the hero skills go out, and it is still a variety of different hero skills.

"Oh, this little beast actually has so many cards, he is just a countryman from the East, why?"

The heart of the boxing day was low and the bottom of the heart snorted, and the eyes flashed a little.

In the face of this situation, he knows that he can't beat it.

This leaf is very strong and has a battle body. Once it is close to the body, it will definitely be seriously injured in an instant.

There are hundreds of heroes in the sky, but as the field of use, he knows it will be even more embarrassing.

Because he has learned from the mouth of the old man, this Ye Che's field is extremely weird, and the field of the drill I can compete, and they dare to hit hard. This is why Chen Tianheng does not directly sacrifice the field.

"The power of blood is open!!!"

At this time, just in Ye Che’s fierce punch, with thousands of heroic skills on the sky, when he slammed into the boxing of Tian Heng, a bright red light slammed into the wrist of Tian Heng’s wrist. Open.

"The power of blood!?"

Ye Che's pupils are miniature.

At this time, with the bursting of this red light, Quantian Heng suddenly swelled and swelled, and a force that was several times stronger than before, sprang from him.

The golden gun in his hand is even more chilling!

"Zhao Xinzhen, the new moon swept!!!"

Quantian insisted on biting his teeth and burst into a bang. He smashed his golden gun into a phantom, and this phantom brought a scarlet glow.

When Ye Chegang arrived in front of Quantian, he was swept by the golden gun.

In an instant, Ye Che felt only a powerful force. Since this golden gun was uploaded, the whole person could not help but fly out.

After all, Quantian Heng is a drill II. When the big trick Ye Qi is not prepared, he can't be close at the same time.

Quantian screamed and smiled, reaching out into his arms, a small and exquisite, exquisite golden bell, was picked up by him.

"Mikael's aunt!?"

Knife Qing Cang, Zhao Xiu and others have a look.

Business parameter: The next two, I saw that the gaze of a squa stand up.


At the moment when the golden bell shrouded the fist, the thousands of heroes also slammed down.

Then, it fell on this golden yellow clock, causing a burst of humming.

However, it is nothing more than this, standing in the golden bell of the boxing Tianheng, but it is no loss!

Ye Che's brow suddenly wrinkled.

"Ha ha ha, come on, labor and capital are standing here, there is a kind to kill me!"

Boxing Tian Heng saw the expression of Ye Che Shen, and could not help but laugh.

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