League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1087: : The wind is rising! (fifth!)

"You guessed that there is nothing wrong with the talent of the hero's son. Once he sets foot on the street, I dare not say that I can control him 1oo%, and the grievance between him and Tianheng, unless one is dead, otherwise Difficult to resolve!" Boxing is not the way. (8) ┡Δ』ΩΩ (1) Δ中Δ网WwW. 81.Zw. COM

"Then you..."

"But, he is only drilling IV in the area. It is not worth it to destroy him immediately... Once I find the way to break through the strongest king, after he finishes the intercontinental war, it is impossible for him! Our boxer can continue So far, it is because once you feel the threat, you can quickly kill this threat in the bud!"

When I heard this, Boxing suddenly understood.

It turns out that the fist is still not salty or light, and it has long been the life and death of Ye Xue as a thing in the bag.

Therefore, all the actions of Ye Che, leaving all the shame to the boxer, in the view of the fist, it is like a clown.

"Father wise!"

Under the fist of the fist, the smile on his face also reappeared.

In the case of all kinds of thoughts, one day passed, and soon, the next day came.

The gathering of the people was very fast, Ye Che, the domain emperor, the boxing Weiyang, the boxing, the boxing constant, and the knife qingtian, Zhao Xiu, and Yu Yulin added together. A total of twenty-three were soon in the hero city. The sky above the domain, gathered together.

Among them, in addition to Ye Che and Quan Tian Heng are drill IV, drill II, and domain emperor and boxing is the strongest king, the rest are all!

"Original, I can displace a thousand miles with the domain emperor, but because I am leading you, I can displace up to a hundred miles at a time! The place where the blue flame island sinks is about 7,000 kilometers, which is to be displaced by one hundred. Many times, counting the error, the time required is about four hours."

The fists are faint, making everyone have a bottom.

Ye Che’s heart is secretly amazed, more than 7,000 kilometers, it only takes four hours to arrive, which is much faster than the fastest passenger plane.

Moreover, this is the case of the fists Weiyang and the domain emperor, under the premise of leading so many people and shortening the tenfold.

"Everything is standing!"

The domain emperor spoke at this time, and said, the sky in front of everyone, suddenly and silently cracked a hole.

In the next second, Ye Che only felt that his eyes were black and bright again, and he actually reached the heroic city.

Then, the scene began to rush, and soon, four hours passed.

The last time, when Ye Che opened his eyes again, he came over a sea of ​​big waves.

Here, it is in the southeast, where it has been in contact with the sea of ​​magic.

"Search! The place where the blue flame island sank is in this sea area. It is centered here, and it is a thousand miles away. It has been to the bottom of the sea and searched by carpet!" The majestic voice of the emperor.


In an instant, the strong men standing on both sides, turned into streamers, directly in the raging waves, and plunged in.

Every level of the strong, its perception and degree is so powerful, just an instant, all the movements and creatures of this radius of ten miles have been searched all over and then continue to be extended.

The domain emperor and the fists were not idle. The two started searching directly from the farthest place, and their horrible breath stunned countless marine demons.

Ye Che also dive to the bottom of the sea to search.

Only he did not appear, and he waited for him to enter the sea, and the mouth of his mouth suddenly felt cruel and smiling.

At the level of the powerful, when they were searching for the location of the sinking Blue Flame Island, a level storm, swept the entire heroic city in just one hour.

This news is that the heroic remains are born!

The location, according to legend, is on the Blue Flame Island!

Regarding Blue Flame Island, many people are not sure what a ghost is, or even unheard of.

But they don't know that the kings of some families are not sure.

After the Zhao family, the Yu family, the Xi family, and the ancestors of the knife family, after the sound, the strongest kings on the front line were immediately excited.

They all directly informed the position of these blue flame islands, and their bodies are directly facing the blue flame island, and they are gone.

"Che Shen? One person has provoked the boxer and also snatched the heroic god? Then it seems that the 6 Yao barrier was broken, it is also related to him..."

At the same time, in the heroic city, a middle-aged man with a slender figure and a handsome face looked at the collected information and could not help but tremble.

Then, he took a deep breath and showed the complex color. He said to himself: "I don't think that the original gold was so fast, it reached such a realm! Sure enough, in the death ruling, he killed the opposite side of the drill I It's no coincidence!"

Then he looked at another message, and there was a hot flash of light in his eyes.

For a long time, he calmed down, and after a low-sounding blue flame island, he began to voice.

Soon, he got some kind of message, and then the space in front of him suddenly split, and he moved into it and disappeared.

If Ye Che sees him, he feels that he will be a little lamentable. He was in the two realms, he saved the life of Ye Che, sunny!

At this time, all the heroes in the heroic city were all dispatched, and the kings who heard the news on the front line also rushed all the news, and the domain Huangfuquan and others did not know.

They are tightening their spirits and looking for the sanctuary of Blue Flame Island.

"Ye Che, Ye Che, staying with those who are kings, the intensity of the battle for heroic relics will rise geometrically! By the time, under chaos, as long as I once again summon the old people, who can protect You!! I don't believe, you still have a defensive hero! Even if there is, you can only resist a few seconds at most, the son of the hero? Go to the hero of the special!"

Quantian Heng searched in the sea while roaring in the bottom of his heart.

He understands that although the king's degree is much faster than the ordinary, but the domain emperor and the fist is not with the people, but those who are alone, the degree is not slow.

According to his estimation, they just left, the news has spread, so there is at most one hour to two hours.

As long as you know the masters of the news, you will arrive!

At that time, it will be exciting!

Time flies, and another hour has passed.

Just when Quantian was at the bottom of the sea, from time to time sneer, the sound of the fist is suddenly, through the power of the king's field, suddenly blasted in this world: "collection!!!"

"Collection, is it Blue Flame Island, found it??"

Quantian Heng eyes are bright.

Ye Che naturally also heard the sound of the fist, but the bottom of his heart was shocked.

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