League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1089: : The Sea of ​​Fluorescence

Ye Che is sure that his own field, let alone the collision, I am afraid that the two sides have not touched, will be divided by the world of the king, to the pressure. (8) (1) Zhongyu Wenwang Ww*W.ん81.Zw. COM


The world of the two men trembled, and then there seemed to be strange energy that spread to this big pit.

Everyone knows that the fists of Weiyang and the domain emperor are discovering the truth of this big deep pit.

After all, it is related to the remains of the heroic body, even the most powerful king, are also cautious.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

As time went by, everyone was now, the face of the domain emperor and the fist of the fist, there was a heavy color.

When the time was about twelve or three seconds, suddenly, the domain emperor and the fistless face changed, but at the same time it became a bit white.


Someone was surprised at the place.

"Broken, the perception is cut off!" The fist is not ugly.

He still has a word that he didn't say, because his perception is not only cut off, but completely disappeared from the air. It is like, in this deep pit, there is a black hole in the universe, which gives him a sense of entering into the opposite sex. The feeling of space.

"About five hundred meters, the perception is cut off. Presumably, once we go down, we will encounter unpredictable things in the 500 meters or so. It is hard to measure life and death. You should consider whether you still decide to go on!" said the emperor Shen Sheng.

Nineteen of them, except for the only three look, struggled, and the rest did not hesitate, and they all wanted to go straight.

After all, they are all great masters. What big winds and waves have not passed, this area is a bit weird, it is not worth letting them back down.

There are some people who are struggling with the look. Seeing the morale is so strong, I also plan to enter it first.

"Well, Ye Che, you follow me, go!" said the domain emperor. After Ye Che came close, he first jumped into the deep pit of the 10,000-meter seabed.

Ye Che's heart is a bit embarrassing, but since Ai Xi let him come, I don't think I will harm myself. I look at the deep and dark lacquer-level deep pit. I bite my teeth and Ye Che jumps in.

Just jumping into this big deep pit, Ye Che feels that the whole body is heavy. This kind of weight is not the pressure on the body, but the pressure on the field and perception.

Originally, Ye Che could also detect the winds and winds of nearly a thousand meters, but at this moment, his perception of hard life was infinitely compressed, and he could only probe the situation around one meter.

This is not as useful as the naked eye.

The rest of the scenes are now one by one, with a deep look.

Everyone said nothing, they looked a little cautious, because the scene was a bit strange, because the surrounding was too quiet, no fish, no demons, even microbes, they did not see.

Quiet only the sound of the people slowly breaking the sea.

Finally, when I saw the boundary of the distance of 500 meters, it was getting closer and closer. Even if it was the domain emperor and the fist, it was also very dignified. The strength of the three-color segment of the whole body was boiling from time to time.

Four hundred and fifty meters... four hundred and fifty-eight meters... five hundred meters...

But just after arriving at the 500-meter deep pit, Ye Che’s face changed instantly, because at this moment, he could no longer perceive his own field.

The face is not only Ye Che, but also the surrounding area including the domain emperor and the boxing center.

"I don't know the realm!"

"Where is it here, even the field can be isolated!"

"Without the field, we have at least five layers of strength!"

All the faces are black.

It can be said that the strength of all of them is mostly in the field. Once the power of the field cannot be used, it is simply a heroic skill, but it is difficult to play.

Ye Che does not matter, after all, his strongest means today is the power of heroes, whether there is no field influence.

At this moment, the domain emperor took a deep breath and said: "The field... I can't feel it!"

"What, the domain emperor even you..."

Everyone was shocked.

"Nothing strange, since this is related to the remains of heroes, it is not difficult to shield the field of a king."

When the real king wanted to pick up the words, suddenly he seemed to have something, and his eyes slammed and screamed: "Be careful!"

His voice just fell, and suddenly a powerful suction came from the bottom of the pit.

This suction is too strong and too strong. It happened for a moment. The seawater in the deep pit is like a land that has landed in nine days. It is fierce and crazy. It floods with the flood of the gate.

Ye Che did not have the ability to stabilize his body at all. The whole person fell sharply under the pull of this force.

If there is a field, he can rely on the field to support the moment.

But now, in the depths of the sea, there is nowhere to borrow, this suction is too strong, Ye Che simply can not stabilize the figure.

The rest of the, better than Ye Che, how much, it will last for five or six seconds, then an uncontrollable crazy fall.

The only thing that can stabilize the figure is the domain emperor and the fist, but after they have stabilized for a while, they are looking at the action and actively rushing over the source of the suction.



Ye Che is falling, rolling, and the sound of the sea is crazy.

There was chaos around, no visible people, nowhere to see.

And the suction is getting stronger and stronger, and Ye Che’s fall is almost as fast as his flight.

Time does not know how long it has passed. In this continuous tumbling, Ye Che can only close his eyes and bite his teeth.

The time passed by, and finally, Ye Che felt that the suction slowly weakened, and the surrounding areas began to calm down gradually.

Finally, when the suction completely disappeared, Ye Chedun took a sigh of relief and fixed his figure.

Eyes sweeping around, Ye Che's eyes immediately revealed amazement, because the sea here, actually autonomous scattered faint fluorescence.

It is as if the sea water here is self-illuminating, and this kind of fluorescence makes Ye Che can see the scene hundreds of meters at a glance.

"so amazing!"

Ye Che was slightly amazed. He vaguely guessed that it is very likely that there is a substance in the sea here, so it is possible to shine.

At this time, Ye Che's eyes were condensed, and a few hundred meters away, there is now a familiar figure.

"Yu Yulin?"

Ye Che secretly said.

Yu Yulin as a fan, in this sea water, looked farther than Ye Che, and soon she also appeared Ye Che, quickly gathered.

The two gathered together and began to investigate four times.

With the strength of Yu Yulin, under this kind of seawater, I can almost see the scene beyond the kilometer. Soon, she smiled and said: "There is movement in front, come!"

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