League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1096: : Killing extraordinary! ! !

In the squatting into the left channel, Ye Che’s muscles are tight, and the white gold bones in his body are flashing wildly, and the diamond bones in his arms are instantly revealed. (8) (1) Δ Chinese Ω network WwㄟW. 『81.Zw. COM


The leaves were extremely fast, and the arms were horizontally photographed on the wall. It was only a moment that they crossed the distance of fifteen meters.

At the time of fifteen meters across the country, Ye Che’s arms suddenly slammed his head and kept moving inside.

"Hahaha, you can't run away!"

Wang Tianba laughed behind him. He pulled out a series of afterimages behind him, almost only one second behind, and stepped in.

Since seeing Ye Che, he has been killed for a moment, very simple, killing Ye Che, then the treasure of the heroic relics is only known to him!

If you don't kill, what should you do if you meet other people?

Therefore, he did not hesitate, just just thought that Ye Che had a hint of vigilance, he immediately started!

First cripple, then dig out the treasure location in the heroic ruins, sore, perfect! This is the intention of Wang Tianba!

"Give me, stop!"

"The Holy Shield Strike!"

Wang Tianba whispered, the bronze shield in his hand, turned into a phantom, and the volley smashed toward Ye.

However, at this moment, a feeling of creepyness emerged from his heart.

Wang Tianba didn't want to think about it. The force of the segment on the shield suddenly recovered. The power of the whole body was even in the moment, and the layers were guarded by the side.

But he only had time to make such an action. In the next second, Wang Tianba felt that there was a white ball in the eyes, and countless basketball-sized thunderballs appeared in vain.

"This is..." Wang Tianba's eyes wide open.


At that time, these thunderballs madly exploded on him.


Wang Tianba’s strength in the whole body was broken in three seconds, and then the thunderballs fell on him with extremely terrifying energy.

"What are these thunderballs, and they have the attribute of breaking the power of the paragraph!" Wang Tianba stunned, but the next second, a tear that was torn from him.

His ** began to zoom, the bones began to melt, and consciousness began to blur.

"Ah!" Wang Tianba only felt a painful burning, and could not help but scream.

"Let's enjoy it!"

At this time, a cold drink that was painful and painful passed.

"Ye Che, it is you, you deliberately led me over!" Wang Tianba roared in anger.

He vaguely saw that Ye Che was not burned by the thunderball except for the flesh. There was nothing at all, but he was standing there.

This scene, combined with the previous attack on Ye Che body, he felt the power of the earthquake, Wang Tianba immediately understood, this Ye Che actually has a very rare battle body, and definitely has been cultivated to a very high level.

"No, I am not willing, I am not willing!" Wang Tianba is angry and sorrowful. He is a two-powerful person. If he is outside the palace of Hemedinge, he defends against the field. Fear of these strange thunderballs.

But now he can't use the power of the field, and he can't use the real thing to cross the space. When he is caught off guard, he is suddenly attacked by the defense, which makes him have to survive the attack of the thunderball.

Although he has reached the ranks of the people, but the body can not be so abnormal, but it is just ordinary people.

"You can't live for yourself!" Ye Che snorted, and the next moment, the three groups of different energies emerged from Ye Che, and then, in Wang Tianba's frightened eyes, began to rush.

"This is, the fusion of hero skills, how is it possible!" Wang Tianba screamed out.

"go with!"

Ye Che left his hand to protect his head, and his right hand slammed it. The three-color hero suddenly turned into a streamer and directed Wang Tianba’s head.

Seeing the three-color hero skills, suddenly rushed to himself, Wang Tianba's face could not be changed dramatically, his body's **, have been paralyzed by electric coke, can not move.

Once he is bombarded by this group of three-color heroes, he will die!

Knowing that he is going to die, Wang Tianba looks pale and screams: "Ye Che! The old family of my Wang family clan will definitely avenge me!!!"

This is his last screaming, full of voice, causing the entire passage to creak.

At the same time of the resounding, Ye Che’s three-color heroic technique has already slammed into his head, and he slammed his head, and in the case that Wang Tianba could not make any defense, his head burst directly. It’s coming.

His body was also heavily poured on the ground.

Looking at this scene, Ye Che spit a heavy breath, and there was a strange feeling in his heart. This is the first place he killed. Although it is skillful, it is a fact to kill the master. .

Drilling IV to kill the master, saying that going out will definitely attract countless people to laugh, completely a fantasy.

At this moment, Ye Che himself is not easy, he was covered in thunder and black, and his face was full of wolverines.

But fortunately, his body is really strong, although the same is paralyzed, but the diamond bone is completely immune to this attack.


Ye Che was heavily dumped on the ground, the left arm of the smashed diamond covered his head, and the right arm greeted the thunderball that was still bouncing, pulling the ground and moving to the body of Wang Tianba.

The body of Wang Tianba has long been broken by the thunderballs, and Ye Che has been looking for a good time to find his time card.

This time card is extremely beautiful, with diamonds on the edges, this is a top diamond time card!

The power of Ye Che’s position is explored, and the space in this area is about a kilometer cubic, which stores a variety of strange items.

Ye Che does not have time to sort out what is inside. After collecting the time card, he bit his teeth and rushing back to the passage.

When he just fled in, there was a very strange thing, that is, the left channel, there was only a thunderball in the middle, but the inside was calm. This scene could not help but make his heart move, he planned to continue to the inside. Go.


At the same time, in a metal fluorescent channel, there are four strong middle-aged people, frowning, slowly exploring the road.

Behind them, there are two remnants of the Thunderbolt robot, which are there.

"Ye Che! The old family of my Wang family clan will definitely avenge me!!!" The anger of Wang Tianba’s anger and anger continued to echo in the palace of Hemingdinge.

The anger of the master's full strength, how big is it, the tens of thousands of meters is completely trivial.

After hearing this voice, the four middle-aged people glanced.

"It's the old voice of the royal family! Ye Che killed him?" One of the middle-aged people with a birthmark on his face changed his face.

"That Ye Che, also a diamond, how could it be!!!"

Although I don't understand why Ye Che can kill the two kings. However, there was a burst of murder in the hearts of the four people present.

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