League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1109: : The strongest king of hard resistance

Ps: Maybe we didn't see it clearly. I said the last four chapters, but I am not satisfied with it. So I only have three chapters. I don't mean four chapters. I have no words and no letters. Today, five chapters are updated, now four chapters. After eating more chapters, that chapter will probably kiss before 10 o'clock in the evening. Δ(8)(1) Δ文网Ww『W. Δ81.Zw. COM




At this time, Wali was on the back of Ye's instep, and began to have a touch of gold-gray metal, which suddenly emerged.

More than the instep, including Ye Che's chest, head, arms, and legs, all have armored armor like armor!


A series of armor combined sounds, uploaded from Ye Che body, a blink of an eye, Ye Che was all covered by the source of the soldiers.

Suddenly, Ye Che’s body is full of laps and looks extremely heroic!

Boxing Weiyang naturally saw what appeared on Ye Che, but he didn't care, hero? Can block the blow of his dear king! ?

"Ye Che, I originally wanted to leave your life after the Intercontinental War, but now, you are looking for death!!"

The fists are not scattered in the cold, and the words spoken from the mouth are like the ones that came out of the **** of hell.

First, the boxing was killed, and then Chen Tianheng was beaten and not knowing how to live and die. This scene is like a slide movie. It is too unexpected for him.

At this point, he has not considered any intercontinental war, just want to kill Ye Che to vent their anger!


The fists are not low.

The king can transform the huge palm attack, such as the sky is falling, the head is remake on Ye Che.

"Fisting is not!"

At the same moment, the domain emperor angered, and a golden stick appeared in his hand, sweeping away from the fist.

However, the fists are not ignored at all, as always, the attack is maintained.


Ye Che’s palm in the palm of his fist, the moment he approached, it was a low-sounding voice. At the same time, there were more than a dozen heroic powers, which were separated from the source of the gods and incorporated into Galen’s “courage” skills.

This blow, he has to resist, and must be resistant, so that there is a capital to speak! !

At the same time, with the integration of heroes, Ye Chu’s surroundings are only looming Rune Shields, and their radiance has skyrocketed by a hundredfold. Those rune shields are visible to the naked eye, and they are like a rune entity. Surrounded by leaves in all directions.

They are shining with golden light around them, like a closed.

In this moment, the palm of the hand that has not been transformed into a fist is already photographed on Ye Che.


Then I heard a dull bang, this moment is like a volcanic explosion. The water in the vicinity of the 10,000 meters seems to have a moment of stillness, and then blasts.



This piece of seabed, the sky was overwhelming, countless pieces of sea mud were stirred up, and the public was even more exclaimed.

When the illusion of the palm just touched the Rune Shield, Ye Che heard a burst of rushing "咔咔" sound, which strengthened the hundredfold rune shield, and cracks began to spread wildly.

Then even if it didn't support for a second, it turned into pieces and crashed.

Ye Che’s face changed dramatically, and he didn’t want to, and he waved his hand, and countless runes appeared in front of him, and then disappeared into light particles.

These runes are the enchantress that was previously in the sea of ​​chaos, and gave him a nine-level rune suit.

And the one he just waved out is the complete set of defensive runes.


A muffled sound, the illusion of the palm of the hand pressed onto a transparent barrier, the golden rune lines on the barrier flashed sharply. However, like the “courage” that increased by a hundred times, it supported the less than a second and directly shattered.

Then, the palm of the hand finally came into contact with Ye Che's body.


Ye Che only felt a boring chest, and then the whole person vacated, his sea could not hold his body, even because of this force, produced a series of explosions.

With the sound of the explosion, Ye Che was directly taken by this palm, and it was fanned out for several kilometers.

Ye Che’s heart was loose. In the past, Ye Che did not understand what kind of existence of this source forest, but Ai Xi told him that this source of the gods is very rare in Valoran, he is right It has a general understanding.

Even the place where Valoran is so perverted, the source of the soldiers is very rare, how could be damaged by the king.

As long as the defense of the gods who are not open source is broken, Ye Che has confidence to ensure that he is safe and sound. After all, it is only some of the power of shock, and he can fully withstand the capacity of his body.

This is where he dares to face the fists!

However, in order to prevent it, he still made several layers of defense before, but now it seems that it is more than one move.

At this time, Ye Che was stunned by the fist of the huge palm, the fan's retreat.

However... it seems that it is nothing more than that?

In the distance, the fist is not a glimpse, he only feels that the filming on Ye Che, like a shovel in the shot, the imaginary feeling of smashing the bones of the skin, did not come.

"How is it possible! Hard to be the reason for his armor!?"

The boxing is not so loud, it can resist the equipment attacked by the king. If you can get it, he will be afraid of any opponent in the king's section! ! !

For a time, he even forgot some hatred.

At this time, a horrified voice rang out from the boxing sky.


"Hey, obviously shot through the back of Quantian, how come!"

These are standing next to the boxing constant, and some eyes are amazed.

And Knife Long, Zhao Fengxian and Xi Fengfeng are also brows.

"No, how can it disappear?"

Knife frowns and whispers.

On the other side, the wind is seemingly figured out, and my heart is shocked. "Do you know that this sword has become the hero of Ye Xue!"

Knife Long, Zhao Fengxian heard the brows but wrinkled deeper.

Next to the screaming interface: "This is really possible. If Ye Che accepts the inheritance of a real hero, then this sword is estimated to be a true hero artifact directly passed down!"

Hero artifact! !

Someone at the place, because of these four words said the heart of the big move.

But they all know that the heroes of others can only be destroyed but cannot be deprived.

Just when they were a little embarrassed, they only felt a flash of people, and the face of a sullen fist was already in front of everyone.

They didn’t look at them when they saw the fists, but they just probed the past with the power of the paragraph.

However the next second...


The power of the horror segment was shot out from the boxing center, and the presence of the temper was repelled by the breath.

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