League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1119: :90+ winning rate!

Ps: Ok, I regret it. I can't finish this today. I should be able to finish it tomorrow--, kiss. (8) (1) Δ文』网Ww┡W. 81.Zw. COM



This is even more shameless, the icon is the tile, the live video with the tile, now even the reward, but also a variety of tile!

Ye Che's face is a little purple, this is awkward.

"Hey, do you feel very honored, even rewarding, I am praising you!" Waoli is still on the back of Ye Che, a cheerful look.

Ye Che gave him a contempt deeply, and then did not say anything. After all, this is a child who has been abandoned, perhaps too lacking in love, Ye Che knows...


At this moment, the interface was shocked, and with the roar, Ye Che lined up.

With a gaze, Ye Che will appear, he is 1L, this is normal, his winning percentage is too high.

"East No. 1 Ruiwen? This name is domineering, is it his favorite hero, is Ruiwen?"

Low, now only pay attention to many people of Ye Che Id, a secret voice.

"1L, what do you want to ban?"

At this point, the 3L text asked, because Ye Chu pre-selected the position is in the middle, so he has this question.

In this era, because qualifying is too important, teammates are very happy to communicate, even the hero of ban, will also seek advice from important positions.

"Let's just ban..." Ye Che said casually.

"Oh, the young man is quite confident..."

3L said, arbitrarily banned a single, then, 4L5L, Ye Che have banned.

"I don't know what to choose." Knife Qingtian asked in the Lord Gods.

"There should be a level 1 control, or a strong point, such as Guanghui, Moganna, cards and the like, grab a group, so hopefully get a blood."

Sunny also typed in the group to reply.

"Don't forget, he is talking about routines, so the relationship with the control is not very big." The domain emperor also added a sentence.

Then there were seven or eight such as Zhao Xiu, who all reached the level of the service of the gods, and they were also discussed in the group of the gods.

And these chat messages are all in the form of a barrage, floating on everyone's viewing interface.

"Mom, it’s hard to see them chatting."

"I want to interrupt too!"

Some face is bitter, but the battle is all they have worked hard. When they didn't see Ye Che's routine, they decided not to reward.

At this time, looking at the words of the domain emperor, Knife Qingtian and others, Ye Che smiled slightly and said: "This routine is the real IQ!"

After that, with a finger movement, the cursor slammed against one of the heroes.


A strange and mysterious music sounded, the hero couldn't speak, couldn't speak, didn't have lines, only the deep, and far-reaching music, such as from the farthest starry sky, the souls of the people shivered.

"this is……"

Everyone, including Ye Che’s teammates, has widened their eyes.

Stars, God, Bud! ! !

4L, adc (Drama): "You tease me, Bud hits!!!"

"I rely on, 1L, are you selling Meng? This hero is difficult to engage in assists. We are not a team. We have not cooperated at all. It is even harder, let alone you choose him to hit!"

"It’s miserable. I have a bad feeling in this game. Bud hits. Isn’t this a pit man? I remember that only the q skills are hurt, and the rest are all auxiliary skills!”

"1L! I am here, you go to assist?"

Ye Che just selected this hero, and all teammates burst in an instant.

The domain emperor, as well as Knife Qingtian, Zhao Xiu and others, also looked at the live interface one by one.

"Mo panic, hold me tight, Dongyu First Ruiwen, winning rate of 9o% +, can see the record, credit guarantee!" Ye Che looked at the team chat window, these people's spit, a faint typing.

His winning percentage is only +9o%, which is because when Ye Che came to this era, this number has already played a lot of rankings and lost a lot of games.

"Winning rate 9o+???"

"Let me!"

"how is this possible!!!"

All of Ye Che’s teammates screamed out, and then, all of them sneered and switched out, and then opened the record.

Your own record can be chosen to be hidden or open.

In order to let them listen to the order, Ye Che’s setting became public.

The domain is emperor, sunny and so on, and one eyebrows are wrinkled.

9o+ win rate, this Nima they are simply unheard of! ! !

So even those who have seen Ye Che’s technology have some unbelief.

However, after about fifteen seconds, with the ellipsis, they appeared in Ye Che’s team chat window, and hundreds of people, such as the emperor and the sunny, were all shocked by the heart. Is it...

"The trough!!! Real God! Close contact with the true God!!"

"96% winning rate, this is simply! Great God, take us to hang children!"

"Great God, I am only forty-one years old this year. You accept me as a disciple, or the younger brother can also become a warm bed, cook and cook, I can swear!!"

Ye Cheben did not look at these words in an ups and downs, but after seeing the last sentence, he almost squirted out.

The domain is emperor, sunny, knife and other people, but also some of them can not help but can not help.

They know that Ye Che is only twenty years old this year.

"I have done it. All the actions in this game are listening to the command. Then there is no problem in winning!"

Ye Che can't stand them, and they can go straight.


"Guarantee which one to play!"

"But the big god, Bud hit, can you really?"

In the team, someone still asked carefully.

On the barrage, the words of the emperor, the sunny, and so on, also drifted slowly.

"Bad, this hero hits, is it too weak? It didn't hurt in the end, can you really?"

"Bad's skills, I also know that there is no advantage in playing!"

Looking at this information, and saying, Ye Che is not salty and not faint: "Do you really understand Bud? Do you know how to put it, can his passage reach the longest distance? You know, how can you get 100% Q? Do you know the real role of his big move? Do you know his passiveness, how many bugs existed in the early stage? Do you know that his ability to line up can be compared with the former ap sword? You are not I know, so your Bud can’t beat it...”

Said, Ye Che slightly, continued: "But it doesn't matter if you can't fight. I have nothing to do with the way you play. As long as you have this hero, I can hit it and want to bring him real horror. Show it to you."

Some words, said the domain emperor, sunny and other people are all dumb.

Ye Che’s teammates were shocked by the long story of Ye Che’s long story.

After all, this is the true **** of 96% winning rate!

This kind of winning rate, even in the past life, is extremely difficult to see, not to mention that after seven hundred years, this place where the competition is fierce to the extreme, they simply can not control the inner fanaticism.

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