League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1122: : Come on, hurt each other!

"Well, now we can go to the skills of the scam, and when she is not blue, it is when we safely fill the knife! Say it again, the pursuit of spikes, and the pleasure of single kill, or do not practice Bud, It’s okay to play, but if you’re out, you’re going to have an ap attack, such as that, sheep knife, and so on, but it’s just a little weak! And our play in this game, or the play in Bud, is disgusting. Disgusting and disgusting, then let them hold for 2o minutes!"

"Nausea, how a disgusting law?" The people raised doubts in their hearts, but soon they knew it. Ω(8)(一)『中Δ文网WwΩW. 81.Zw. COM



The ball girl is very handsome, and it causes damage to Bard while causing dizziness.

The ball female q skill does not consume blue, but the e skill is somewhat blue.

In this way, more than half of the blue will be gone, but Bard’s blood volume is also less than one-third. However, the ball girl does not know it. This is the common problem of all the diamond I diamonds below II. Just blood.

If you kill the enemy with less blood, you feel that you have earned it.

"The show is walking? You are gone, the same as the old lady!"

The ball female controller smiled coldly, but she was a diamond after all, turned and made a look, then came back to start the line.

But when I turned back to the line, I was dumbfounded. A Bad, who had only one-fifth of the blood, appeared in her eyes.

"This guy, is the level 2 learning to add blood!? Nima, this is disgusting..."

There was a slight disgust in the eyes of the ball controller.

Then, she deliberately walked a few steps forward and pulled a field of vision. Now, under Bad's defensive tower, there is a healing altar where there is a glare that makes her feel glare.

"Rely! Another one!?"

The female controller of the ball was a little frowning. When she saw it, she gave up the idea of ​​killing Bud. After all, her own blue amount was already insufficient, but Bud was able to return blood.

However, she gave up and Bad did not give up.


A small soldier was replenished. Then, Bard’s squatting step forward, a light particle spewed out, and “snapped” to the ball’s face, while the passive small spirit also touched, along with Bard. Attack together.

In this case, the ball girl naturally counterattacks.

The ball female q skill is in hand, but it is a big profit. It directly cuts Bard’s blood volume by half, but her own blood volume has also fallen by a third.

This now makes her frown, but when she sees Bard's attack, her brow stretches again.

"O.98 attack...who is this player who is playing, so non-mainstream!" The ball screamed and re-supplemented.

While Ye Che controlled Bud, he swayed back to the defensive tower and stood on the altar. As the light surged, the blood volume instantly returned to the same level as the ball girl.

At the same time, Bard's swaying body twisted, and it was an altar, let go.

Then, back to the line, facing the ball girl with only a quarter of the blue amount, raise your hand and swing!

"Day! Come again!?"

The female controller of the ball was green. Originally, she saw that Bard hit the ball and secretly laughed for a long time, but now it is only a rogue!

Moreover, she has not forgotten that this Bard level 1 is e, if you learn q, you are not even worse! ?


Two records of the general attack, fell on the ball female, and then smashed bleeding flowers.

The female controller of the ball brows and wrinkles, and then, the scene that makes everyone's eyes wide open, this ball girl, the court line ball girl, actually does not fight back, turn and retreat! !

"Hey, run something, hurt each other!"

Ye Che’s mouth screamed, and then he followed up and went up again, and then he walked away with satisfaction.

Although he suffered a small attack, the ball girl also suffered his attack.

The blood volume is almost the same, but he has the altar to recover!

The amount of blue is also because the point is full of meditation and one more fairy talisman, plus Dolan or passive to make up the knife, very healthy.

"I am going, shameless Bud..."

"Actually, depending on the amount of blood, you can't beat the blue in the opposite side!"

"It is indeed shameless, this is exactly a pair, playing with blood for blue!"

Seeing this scene, all the people are fierce in the group of the Lord God, from the information, and then form a barrage, drifting over the interface of Ye Che.

"Ye Che, if you face Yasuo, robbery, what should you do without relying on blue?"

The wind suddenly asked the sound.

"The seats are served, this is the first time. The main gods have a clear stipulation. The teacher is commensurate with the position. After talking to me, please call me Bishop Ye!"

Ye Che saw the barrage of the wind, and said faintly.

I have to say that the barrage of Wally is indeed more advanced, and it is directly on the interface, showing who the barrage is, so that people with rhythm can be prevented in the future.

"There is still this provision in the Lord God?"

"Yes, there are no rules, no rules, you should understand?" Ye Che said, once again humiliated the ball girl, then turned and ran to the altar.

At this point, everyone seems to be able to vaguely feel that the ball girl looked at Bud and turned to the altar while the mouth was pumping.

"Well, Ye Bishop, I don't know what problem I just had?"

Faced with the rules of the Lord God created by the hero's ontology, the wind can only compromise, and it does not lose face.

"That's even simpler. The second level of learning q will do. This kind of control is reduced. The robbers don't dare to cross the line and play with you. As for the swordsman, it is really difficult, but it doesn't matter, as long as it doesn't work hard, just like Can play."

At the same time as Ye Che explained, he has already reached the third level.

At the third level of Bud, there are q in hand, the ball is short of blue, and I dare not fight. In the time of Bud’s deterrence from time to time, I began to miss the knife frequently.

However, the line of Ye Xue is also very well controlled. When the ball girl comes over, it is a flat change of blood. The whole woman is not good.

After seeing the blue amount that she had almost returned to zero, the ball girl was very hot, and then she refused to give up and chose to return to the city. Otherwise, under the interference of Bud, she could not make up the knife.

There is no meaning in shouting the wild, and there is no blue, how to catch it! ?

"Hey, is this back to the city in the opposite?"

Looking at the map, the ball girl shown back to the city, Ye Che's teammates were surprised to say.

"Oh, is it? You don't say that I haven't noticed yet..." Ye Che glanced at the ball girl and said.

"I am going, oh!"

"This is forcing..."

Everyone is a faceless voice.

"Hey! Domain emperor and anchor, Wali's smile on the dog's head, get 100,000 contribution points, become a fourth-class service!"

"Laughing the dog's head!!!"

Ye Che looked at this reward, his hand trembled, and the first time he missed a knife.

Then, after some resentful glances at the tile, his eyes suddenly became fierce. This kind of reward made him painful and happy.

In order to alleviate this pain, his Bud, to show the disgusting ball girl into a disgusting person, regardless of the enemy! ! !

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