League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1127: : Shi Jin in the groove

At this time, Ye Che is placed close up, how close?

Imagine the big trick of the dawn, if you release the big distance, you can play hard control!


With the landing of Bud’s big move, the lynx, the prince, and the ball girl who were squeezing in the back were instantly charged. (8) ┡ (1) Chinese 『『Ww%W. Ω81.Zw. COM

At the same moment, the altar of Bud opened, and the violence increased!


Ye Che gave a low drink.

The next second, the big open, the troll directly drilled in, and the weapons master and Jinx, also rushed over!

Everyone, after several kills in this game, the confidence is extremely high!

This is the morale!

Ye Che rushed over and calculated the time, and then, just in the glimpse of the big trick, flash!

At the moment of the flash landing, the "strand bondage" has already come out.

This goal is precisely the angle of the piano girl and the ball girl!

"啪", the two just returned to the movement, no skills can not be opened, they will be smashed, continue to freeze in place.

A streamer overflowed from Bard and landed on the purple defensive tower, making the defensive tower dumb.

At the same time, the weapons, the trolls, and the scorpions, all of them were killed against the violin and the ball.

Then, in the eyes of the public can not bear to look again, the ball female girl is instantly seconds.

The two men were simply charged with death, Bard’s control, Q control, and then the weapon’s e-control, which could not move at all.

Two people were second, the poorly-produced small cannon, the crocodile and the prince, suddenly collapsed into a military, after continuing to drop the body of the emperor, the **** crocodile, and the residual blood cannon, crazy to the spring water escaped.

The bombardment was booming, and soon the purple highland was also broken.

At this time, it happened to fall on 19 minutes.

Then, after the purple side continued to resist stubbornly for six or seven minutes, the crystal base suddenly exploded.

They really have no way. This Bud’s big move is simply a ghost, and the vision is suppressed. Once, even from the rear, they are in a state of squad, and they are too late to flash.

Then the troll puts the stick, Bard faints, or directly stuns two people, there is no way to fight.

"Well, the explanation of this routine is almost over. Welcome to join the Lord God again!"

Ye Che stretched out a lazy, slightly lazy voice, and took off the British soul helmet.

At the same time, Zhong Fan, and the domain emperor and others, also took off the British soul helmet, their faces, all have red light!

"Yes, this set is really ok!"

"As long as you practice a little more, under the linkage of the Nakano, there is no fear of the defensive tower. As long as the other side is no longer playing, it is simply how to cross the tower, how to get to the tower!"

Everyone is a little excited.

"Yes, during the crossing of the tower, Bud can continue to export the enemy, instead of standing on the edge of the defensive tower attack line and waiting for the last moment to retreat, the blood is broken, and directly throwing a big one, then the hatred of the defensive tower will be transferred. Yeah.

Everyone nodded again and again, and they all talked about it. They planned to find a good friend of Bud, and practiced this trick well. Even after two times, the enemy was prepared.

But at the very least, you can win a few rounds. For them, it is also a big profit.

Looking at the people still talking about the details of the routine, Ye Che secretly nodded to the sunny, and then gave a voice to the domain emperor, then turned and left.

The domain emperor looked at the back of Ye Che’s departure, and did not think much. He was also like a martial artist at this time, and he and others discussed the details of the qualifying.

Outside the temple, Ye Che looked sunny, his eyes were a bit hot, and there was some awkward way: "Where is Shi Jin, take me there..."

"Hey, come with me."

Slightly sighed and began to lead the way.

Both of them were very fast. After walking out of the Palace of the Kings, after a round of right-wing around, an ordinary compound was printed in Ye’s eyes.

I saw Ye Che in the clear and pushed the door and went in.

There was a shrill voice inside, and soon a girl with an ordinary appearance and a ponytail appeared in front of the two.

"grown ups!"

The ponytail girl bent over on a sunny day and looked very respectful. On her finger, there was also a water show and some finely divided leaves, which seemed to be preparing for cooking.

"Because the front line demon swears, I often stay in the city, can't take care of myself, so I asked a maid to take care of him, and I hope you don't see it."

The sunny face was a little awkward, and it seemed that I didn’t care for Shi Jin personally.

The ponytail girl accidentally glanced at Ye Che, and the eyes flashed a strange light, secretly curious about who the young man was, making his face look pale.

When she first came to work as a maid, she also warned her, so she vaguely knew some sunny identity.

It was because of this that Ye Ke was amazed at this time.

"Where is the big brother saying, my life is saved by you, and my friends in the East, this is a great blessing, how can I blame you in this kind of thing."

Ye Che smiled and shook his head.

Sunny suddenly smiled. Before he was in the deep pit of the seabed, he saw Ye Che’s sword smashing the peak of the peak, and the position of Ye’s heart on Ye Che was greatly changed.

He is just a newcomer who is new to the beginning of the day, and Ye Xue is not only the bishop of the main gods, but his own strength is also close to the demon. He naturally subconsciously changes his attitude towards Ye Che from equality to respect.

But now, seeing Ye Che is not because of his position and strength, he is slow to himself, and his mood is naturally very good.

"Go, I will take you to see him!"

Say sunny, start leading the way ahead.

Ye Che took a breath and tightened his fingers and followed.

Behind him, the ponytail maid was also coming over.

The yard is very ordinary, but the air is extremely refreshing and there are many plants in the courtyard.

However, as Ye Che walked to the courtyard, a very strong medicinal scent poured into Ye's nose.

Clear without explanation, continue to lead the way.

Soon, a room with a chic shape appeared not far from Ye Che.

As the three approached, the sunny door went in.

Ye Che walked into the house and walked a few steps. The whole person was in the same place.

I saw a dozen meters away, a man who was almost naked and naked, soaked in a glass groove, in which a strong syrup taste was emitted.

This man looks like pain, and his face twitches from time to time.

His body is stiff, so he floats in this groove.

"Shi Jin..."

Ye Che looked at the man in the groove incredulously, and his body trembled.

"His field was destroyed, and it fell from such a high place. The bones were completely shattered, and the internal organs were all displaced! But these are secondary. With the current technology and the power of the position, after a few years of warming up. Still recovering slowly! But the most important thing is that his hero badge is ruined, which makes his body lose the function of self-recovery, so he wants to restore his will, only about ten years..."

Slightly sighed.

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