League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1139: : Killing! !


Ye Che can know these messages, naturally knowing through the power of the Wall. At this time, he read a piece of Unoson's glorious history and instantly made Unoson feel a bit scared.

Even the eyelids did not consciously beat a few times.

He was really scared. Some of these messages were even forgotten by Unosen himself. However, in this Ye Xuekou, the word was not missed, making Unosen look at Ye’s gaze. There is a deep fear.

In this taboo mood, Unoson had a feeling of being unable to feel at ease.

"A nonsense!"

At this point, Ye Che had just finished reading, and Unosen was deliberately screaming.

Everyone thinks that Unoson will yell at Ye Che after this sentence, but it is this Unoson who is stunned and suddenly silenced in the next second.

Even, it is no longer necessary to remove the leader of Ye Che.

"Don't the information that Ye Che said is true!?"

All people’s eyes have amazed colors, but they all think that Ye Che has secretly investigated him.

After all, Laode still had some friendship with Jian Qingyang. Seeing immediately began to distract everyone's attention. "When come, let's watch the qualifiers? The first group is the wind wind team Vs disease team, promise Mr. Mori, the two teams are playing the wild, and I hope you can evaluate it a lot."

Unoson was afraid that Ye Qing’s mouth would still tell him what his glorious history was. At this time, he naturally nodded down the slope.

However, although he nodded directly, his face was still a sense of loneliness in the mountains.

"The main point of this cloud wind team is that it is on the order, no more than other teams. This cloud wind team has always relied on a single belt rhythm, so..."

Laode began to introduce the style of the cloud wind team, but also said the advantages of the team.

This is also to let Unoson enter the state quickly, but also can quickly grasp the point.

Ye Che sees that Unosen is already stunned and has not continued to entangle. The purpose of his coming is to pick a few satisfactory candidates for his team and then participate in the Intercontinental War, so the official team There are certain expectations for the pre-selection.

As for chaos, chaos, Yunyang, etc., just because of their kind of intent, Ye Che could not treat them as teammates.

Just when Ye Che and his entourage calmed down and watched the qualifiers in the Sky City, the boxer’s ancestors were still in the middle of an absolute crisis.

Hero City, front line!


The sky trembles, and the air causes a great sounding due to the sharp passage of objects.

In the boundless sound explosion, a hill suddenly collapsed completely, endless gravel, skyrocketing, countless smoke, at this moment, suddenly sheltered from the ground, rolling like a dragon!

In the smoke, a shout, a figure suddenly burst into the air, carrying a lightning-like lightning, flying away, too fast, causing the cloud behind him to follow his figure, suddenly pulled out a long smoke, Surging forward.

Immediately, three people behind him broke through the smoke, and a long trail of smoke and dust appeared, volleyed and madly pursued!

"Silence, Knife, Zhao Fengxian!!! Don't deceive too much!!!"

For that person, shouted.

His mouth was bleeding, and the face that was originally warm and jade was full of fatigue and wolverines. The clothes on his body were several pieces of rags.

"Fisting is not in the middle, you have opened the banned magic seal for your boxer's own grievances, leading to the death of countless soldiers on the front line, the difference between the mind and the viciousness of the snakes, and the mixed breed!!!! Today, you will squat, otherwise It will make you robbed!!!"

The knife was full of **** eyes, and the sound was like a rolling thunder, which sounded within a radius of 100,000 meters.

He wore a silver cloak, and the sharp blade behind him was looming in the air from time to time, like a peerless killer!

The air around him is madly shaken by the words of Knife Long. Under the volley of his feet, countless grasses are bent and broken. At this moment, he shows the majesty of the strongest king!

The wind and the momentum of Zhao Fengxian are not different from the knife-shaped dragon. The two people are distributed around, plus the knife-long, in the direction of the triangle, facing the fist and not going together!

The fists of Weiyang had some bleak eyes sweeping over the three of them, and they hated them.

He untied the seal that blocked the devil's lair, just to attract the return of the wind and other people, and by then, he would start to Ye Qi.

But I did not expect that when the sixth seal was opened, there was a problem. A king-level demon inside, who had been kept behind the seal, had just opened, and the king-level abyss demon rushed out.

This led to him being entangled in this abyssal demon. Under the fight, he couldn’t get back, and he was caught by the wind, Knifelong and Zhao Fengxian.

The king-level demonics did not see the situation, but they fled directly.

However, the king-level demon can escape, but the boxing is not possible but it is impossible. If he tears the space, once the three people are out of the wind, the space is unstable, and he is very likely to die in the space storm.

The king-level demon, the physical strength is much harder than the boxing, and there is no fear at all, and it is easy to escape without any scruples.

Xiliufeng, Gonglong and Zhao Fengxian are naturally angry, and they are directly shooting.

If the fist is not repaired by Zhao Xin, if there is a big move to give him a few seconds of buffering, under the fire of the three kings, I am afraid that I will not be able to support a few rounds, and will be suppressed.

Boxing Weiyang has stopped and stood on a mountain and looked at the three people to breathe: "Three, why do I believe that you are also clear, I was really blinded by hatred at first, I am willing to join you to re-seal the devil's lair. !"

He served softly, and he had to be soft. If he was not okay, he could finish the matter, and then he would come here and return to the heroic city to arrange for the boxer to leave.

But now it is being seen, and it is still blocked. If he wants to come hard, I am afraid that the whole boxer will be buried with him.

"Join hands!?"

Knife Long, Xi Fengfeng and Zhao Fengxian's face seemed to have a glimmer of color, facing the bottom of the finger, and said: "You are a beast, have done such a devastating human thing, and want to join us!"

In the lower part, it has been stretched for dozens of kilometers. Countless human warriors are roaring, and the heroes in their hands are lifted up and down, and the abyss devils that fall one after the other fall.

However, there are countless abyss demons, which emerge from the nests, and the human warriors have a wide range of casualties. The fleshy passage constructed by the human body and the devil's body is shocking.

For a sudden, the wind screamed at the whistle, and countless dead people were blown by the wind and dripping.

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