League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1145: : It’s changing! ! !


Between heaven and earth, there was a roar in vain, such as the thunder of the flat, such as the mountains and mountains. August 1st? Chinese? Network? W?W (eight) W?. (8) 8 (eight) 1? Z? W (1). ?COM


The next second, the ground began to shake wildly.

In the heroic city, at this time, there are countless figures, and most of them have a strong golden light, these are all gold strong!

They can be placed in important positions in any of their affiliated towns in the Hero City. However, they are only a small soldier here.

The fingers holding the heroes trembled, their lips were close, and they looked at the smoke of tens of thousands of meters away.

As early as before, the top management has already noticed that the reason for the ultimate combat readiness is actually the strongest demon hundreds of years ago, and the seal has been removed!

The strongest demon, most of these are just small soldiers in the golden section. Just think about it and feel that your legs are soft.

However, they have no way to retreat, their loved ones are behind them, and the heroic city is even their homeland, no retreat, can only fight! !

Raising troops for a thousand days, they are in the forefront, will block the first wave of attacks!

The Platinum segment, in the second order, is used to destroy the old devils and play a deadly attack.

"Is it felt?"

In the heroic city, the highest point, the wind and the frowning asked.

Next to him, Knife Long, Zhao Fengxian, and the domain emperor who stood at the forefront and looked awkward, nodded.

"Two ends... Although the breath is not strong, but it is because they have just been out of trouble, once they are engaged in war, they are swallowed up by so many powerful bodies..."

Zhao Fengxian looked worried and said with a low sigh.

"Don't worry too much!"

The domain emperor smiled slightly and continued: "This matter is of great importance. The empty city owner of the city of the sky, and the chaos of the sea of ​​chaos, have already led the king to come, and must kill directly!!"

The three people in the air can't be brightened by their eyes. If this is the case, then there is nothing to worry about.

However, Zhao Fengxian’s face has not stretched much. It must be known that the strongest man in the past, “Hong”, has fallen because of these strongest demons. How many of them can really kill?

"Booming and banging!"

At this time, the smoke was close to the range of 10,000 meters in the heroic city. The sound of the "Qianlong" on the ground turned into a roar like a mine.

Some people in the place have the power of the position, the eyesight is amazing, although they are tens of thousands of meters apart, but the devil's jealousy has been printed in the eyes of everyone.


On the ground, countless large insects, like crawling, sticking to the mouth, and burning white flames on the ground.

Behind him, it is as big as a house, like a rhinoceros demon, and six limbs are jumping wildly. Every jump makes the ground appear numerous cracks.

In the sky, there are hundreds of thousands of abyss demons, fluttering their wings and rushing toward the heroic city.

These demons, whose eyes are red, seem to be controlled by what they are, and they are completely desperate.

"Mage is ready!!!"

Just then, in the heroic city, a loud voice was heard in vain.

"It's a great commander!"

On the wall, everyone who hears the sound is sure in the heart, and a confidence is revealed in both eyes!

At this time, with the sound of the soul, a variety of bright energy bodies appeared on the wall of the heroic city that stretched for hundreds of kilometers!


At this point, the wizard who began to warm up the heroic skills was so much that there was a smeared energy storm on the wall, and various abnormal sounds began to appear frequently.

Ten thousand meters... five kilometers... three kilometers... two kilometers... one kilometer...

Just in these demons, when the first batch entered the kilometer, above the sky, in the fierce eyes of the soul, suddenly shot endless killing!


He suddenly drunk.

At that time, countless light, from the walls of the heroic city, smashed open.

"Kill! Fraudulent Orb!!!"

"The wrath of Tibes!"

"The wrath of Tibes, the wrath of Tibes!!!"

"The giant shark strikes!!!"

"Dark Sacrifice!!"

"Void crack!!"

"Constant temperature burning!!!"

The caster, at least the Platinum segment, casts a very far distance. As the various heroes whisper, the blink of an eye falls into the demons of more than a million.


If countless missiles land at the same time, the ground outside the heroic city kilometer suddenly collapsed.

Hundreds of thousands of demons, flying in the air, sprayed out of various colors of blood.

Countless limbs, burnt and broken.


They groan in their mouths, but even so, the look in their eyes is more fierce.


The second batch of attacks arrived. In this second batch of attacks, not only the Master attacked, but also various armor-piercing bullets and artillery fires, only these abyss were screaming wildly.

However, one by one did not retreat in the second half, and even the body shape did not stop.

Soon, they approached the heroic city within 500 meters.

"Diamonds and the above soldiers are ready to meet the enemy!!!"

Above the sky, the sorcerer led a cold drink, and he held a large red pistol with two colors intertwined with each other, which looked extremely extraordinary.

The power of the diamond's position is the color of the scorpion, and the strength of the master's position, according to the hero of the major, will have two colors.

The king is three kinds. Obviously, the soul has reached at least the master!


Above the heroic city, all the powerful people sang high and shook the earth.

The eyes of the sorrowful eyes were cold, and the palm of the red pistol was held in vain. "Follow me, kill!"



At that time, the air was mad and screaming, and countless diamond powers, turned into lightning and swooped over the city walls.

As soon as I played against the devil, there were countless bloods that skyrocketed.

I have to say that these abyss demons, which are temporarily combined, face one of the strongest forces in China, and indeed they are not enough to see. These diamonds and the above strong ones just appeared, they will have a rout.


The soul of the red gun was swept, and the force of its position was blessed, and countless demons screamed and cracked.

There is a demon who has reached the eternal time. Due to this blow, he was directly thrown up by the squatting for a distance of a thousand meters.

This heroic position made countless soldiers cheer on the wall.

I have to say that the name of the great commander of the soul is well deserved.

However, at this time, the sky seems to have changed...

The sun in the sky seems to be obscured by what, half of it, into the darkness.

When everyone was horrified, a voice that made everyone numb, came from the sky.


Hungry words have just fallen, everyone is horrified, a huge head, from the clouds.

It turned out that this shadow is actually the body of this demon!

"not good!"

In the heroic city, the domain emperor and other people changed their faces.

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