League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1159: : Clear God is mighty! ! !

"what is that?"

"Is it a complete hero in my body!?"

"This... isn't it possible? Even if it is the king, there are only two or three heroes in the king, he is..."

Underneath, many people were amazed when they saw the source of the source of Ye Che. ??八一中?文?W=W≤W≈. 81ZW. COM

Ye Che ignored them, and the source of the gods had just appeared, and Ye Che’s strength in the ranks began to roll.

This source of the gods is the crystallization of the wisdom of Black Modinger, Ye Che feels that it should not be so easily destroyed... right?

However, he was waiting for him to die, and when he was born, he made everyone stunned and completely unbelievable.

The source of the gods had just emerged from Ye Che, and the two strongest demons had stunned, and their giant mouths no longer bite, so they were fixed in the air, and they were huge eyes than the lake. The **** of the source of the body.

While the sword of the source, also appeared from the hands of Ye Che, the two strongest devils were extremely humanized and sucked a sigh of coolness. The next one, they both stunned.

That way, like a cat's hair, it is scared and bouncing.

At this time, the two of them are also the same, the class of demons up to 100,000 meters, this moment like a cat frightened, bouncing from the original.

The next second, from the mouth of the two strongest demons, even more stunned to the ultimate humming.


This voice is like a sorrow.


The body of the two demons fell heavily, like a magnitude 10 earthquake, and collapsed within a few hundred kilometers.

Just as soon as it landed, the big worm and the big-mouthed demon, another scream of fear, swaying, seemed to be awkward and unable to stand up, and then simply rolled up and snorted, crazy against the heroic metropolitan area. Escape outside.

In less than three seconds, the two strongest demons have already escaped thousands of kilometers away, and their degree is almost many times faster than before.


Ye Che looked at the moment, the most powerful demon who had escaped without shadow, and his expression was sluggish.

Everyone underneath is also stunned. I don’t know what happened. How do these two demons, just look at the clear god, just like the mouse sees the cat, the sly turn around and escape! ?

Reasonable, you are the devil! ! ! ?

"This...this...I didn't misread, they...they seem to be afraid?"

Someone stuttered and said that his eyes were staring at Ye Che, who was also in the air, and he couldn’t believe it.

"It seems... it seems to be like this... Their voices are full of horror, and the absolute panic revealed in the blink of an eye, I definitely see it clearly, they... seem to be afraid of God!"

"My day, the clear **** is mighty!!!"

Even the performance of the two strongest demons is too far off, but they are true. It is true that everyone can survive. At this moment, everyone has been boiled after seven or eight seconds of silence.

This is not self-sufficient after death, and even many women are crying out of control.

"Strong!!! It’s so strong, it’s a face, and it scares away the strongest demon who killed the king.”

"What is the identity of the gods, how can they have such a great deterrent!?"

There are also many people who are excited and excited about it.

Above the sky, Ye Che’s face is so powerful that it will not be able to return to God for a long time.

Do you have such a terrible thing? The two strongest devils, they looked at themselves and they were scared by the soul.

After thinking for a long time, Ye Che also vaguely thought of a point, that is, the problem may be in the source of the gods, the source of the gods, is the product of the black Modinger, and this strongest demon, is Valoran Product.

Could it be that they were so frightened that they had done something unspeakable by the source of the gods in Valoran! ?

At the time of Ye Che’s thoughts, there have been countless diamond powerhouses, as well as vans, flying up, surrounded by Ye Che is a crazy enthusiasm and gratitude.

Underneath, the tens of millions of people in the silver, gold, platinum and other heroic metropolitan areas, there are many more smashed down, full of tears, full of tears.

This is not an exaggeration. They all thought that they would die. Nowadays, because of Ye Che’s move, they all survived. The feeling of being dead and living makes their gratitude to Ye Che, and it has reached a feverish level.

However, Ye Che looked at the grateful and fanatical eyes of those people under him, which made him dare not go down, otherwise he would definitely be screamed by various grateful voices.

"Now the devil has retired, you should deal with it first, I need to take a break!" Ye Chedao said.

"It is extremely extreme, and the devil is the most powerful demon, and I must have lost a lot of energy!"

"Fast, **** the gods to rest!"

The diamonds around them, whoever said, immediately said, and then separated a road to Ye Chu.

Ye Che smiled, only he himself understood that the strongest demon was estimated to be completely because of the source of the gods, only to retreat, and he did not have half a cent.

However, this explanation is naturally unnecessary. Soon, Ye Che found a house and lived in the countless diamonds and the front of the fans.

"Chu Shen, let's take a break, the devil will retreat, let's arrange to rebuild the hero city!"

At the gate of the house, a master, said to Ye Che with respectful face.

The rest of the diamonds are also standing there respectfully.

Ye Che couldn't stand the attitude of them, nodded again and again, and then "slammed" and closed the door.


After a deep vomiting, Ye Che went inside.

After coming to an open space, Ye Che’s arm waved, Dong Jian and others all fell from the field.

"Be a good rest first, if you have something to say."

Ye Che directly interrupted everyone who was excited.

He needs to sort out the context now, this is the strongest demon, what is going on! ?

After hearing Ye Che’s words, everyone stopped the words they wanted to ask, and then watched Ye Che go inside.

"Walley... Let's talk, what the **** is this?"

Ye Che's eyes examined and fell on the wall, asked.

"I really don't know, I was abandoned by my master a long time ago..." Waoli said weakly.

Ye Che's brow suddenly wrinkled.

"But I think you shouldn't worry about this anymore, still think about what to do after Huaxia... All the kings are all fart, this China, nowadays everyone can bully..." Warri continued.

Ye Che a sigh, a heart suddenly sinks.

After a long time of indulging, Ye Che walked out of the house.

However, as soon as I stepped out, I heard the voice of my love of chrysanthemums, and it was heard from the courtyard.

"Awful, it's too damn!"

"This little stick on the edge of the border, actually said that we are hairless **** beast!!"

"Mom, our king of China, when they resisted the strongest demons, they watched the excitement in the surrounding area. Now the kings of China are gloriously sacrificed, and they are still mocked by them, **** it!"

In the courtyard, I love the chrysanthemums, and the hairy birds and other people, wearing a British soul helmet, said with anger.

"Glossless slag?"

Ye Che's face is slightly changed, and the general fur is used to resist the cold. Nowadays, there is no king in China, and it is not equivalent to hairless.

"Oh, God, you are coming, you see these small countries on the edge, labor and resources really want to tear their mouths!"

I loved the chrysanthemum and heard the movement, could not help but turn around, see Ye Che quickly said.

Ye Che walked over and looked at the projection light curtain on the helmet of my love chrysanthemum. I saw all kinds of **** news headlines and forum titles.

"China has no king, no one is in charge of Asia!"

"It is recommended to redistribute the Chinese territory!"

"The spicy chicken kings of China are dead, and our Korean Empire is the real king!"

"Our Emperor of the Great Day is ready to take over!"

"Hey, the Chinese king is wasting resources. It is recommended that the League of Legends jointly attack Huaxia Fan, so as not to waste resources after the promotion of the king!"

All kinds of words, one by one, swayed from Ye's eyes, but made him look more and more gloomy.

Chinese, spicy chicken king? Slamming Huaxia Fan! ? ? ?

With a cold sigh, Ye Che bowed his head and said: "Walley, help me to lock the zoning area to what empire and the Korean Empire, just to promote the ranks, by the way to kill a costume!!"

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