League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1165: : Heroes illusion update

"Twenty people!"

Folding the bottom of my heart, but I don't know why, she didn't show the color of fear. In her heart, it seems that there is a existence that has always hinted at her. Anything is not so great!

"Anse sister!"

These twenty masters, all of them, all shocked and looked at the folds. (8) (1) (中)(文)(网)|(8)WWW.8(8)1(1)Z(中)W(文).COM

You must know that 6 Yao is the son of a hero. She only reveals this kind of look to people who are also the sons of heroes. The average person is not a bird at all.

Before shouting Ye Chejian, my brother, now I call Anna sister.

Among the more than one hundred heroes, the name has the word Anna...

"The devil, Oriana, this woman, is there a legacy of the devil Anna??"

Twenty masters, the eyes are shining.

Looking at the folding clothes, 6 Yao smiled and continued: "An older sister, follow me, let's go to the sword brother."

I don't know why, looking at 6 Yao, folding clothes only feel very familiar, it is like, many years ago, I met the same.

Unconsciously, the folding clothes actually nodded.

"Ah... no, the big gods promised to help my brother play the game first!"

Seeing the folding clothes actually nodded directly, and the arrow on the side fell into the dream regardless of the 20 people, and immediately called out, for the brother, she spelled!

6 Yao did not even look at her at first glance, his hand stretched out and said: "An older sister, come with me."

After hearing the scream of a dream, the folds have already reacted. I looked at 6 Yao with a strange look and asked: "Who are you talking about Juggernaut?"

"It’s Juggernaut’s brother, go fast, Juggernaut’s brother must wait for an emergency!”

6 Yao's alum, flashed.

Folded brows wrinkled, looking at the knife behind her, Qingtian and others.

"The sword brother in her mouth, named Ye Che, I don't know if you know the girl..."

Knife Qingtian asked directly, his eyes fixed on the folding clothes.

"Ye Che!" The pupils of the folds of the eyes suddenly shrank.

That Ye Che is the one who made her swallow a strange bead, she naturally remembers!

"Where is he? I am going!" said a fold at the garment.

She is trying to figure out how her body is changing, as well as the memory fragments that appear from time to time in my mind. What is going on?

6 Yao nodded with a smile and directly pulled the hand of the fold.

"Hey, hello, don't, let me go to my brother..."

An arrow rushed into the dream, but I saw the folding clothes and 6 Yao have already flew up, and I couldn’t help but hate it.

At the same time, the heroic city, Ye Che and the oriental neon, as well as the third round of the Oriental and the thousand city water foam, just ended.

"Seven wins in three games..."

In the eyes of the three people, they all showed a feeling of dreaming.

Because it is a winning streak, so the three innings, fully added to their ten points!

Usually, if you want to get ten points of life, you have to be lucky for one day.

After all, losing the game, the loss of life is more than winning.

"Continue, fight for diamonds today!"

Ye Che smiled slightly and looked at the Oriental.

The oriental beard was shaking and his face was a little excited.

Soon, the fourth inning...the tenth innings...the eighteenth innings...the twenty-first innings...

It was nearly ten o'clock in the evening, and finally, Dongfang entered the death ruling!

Ye Che is also present. With the winning streak, there is a bonus to the value of life. It seems that he does not need to win five hundred games in a row.

At this time, the four people stopped to rest, and the people in the eastern domain behind Ye Che, but all of them were still unfinished, and their eyes were still shining.

They have never seen such a rank of murder. They used to be ranked, and they were not evenly matched.

But in Ye Che’s so many bureaus, all of them are gg each other within 20 minutes, and they all use the power of God to see them screaming.

At this time, they were all behind Ye Che, and they were excited to discuss Ye Che’s style of play and skills.

Ye Che stretched out a long time, and for a long time did not kill in this low-end bureau, especially in the area of ​​the Japanese Empire, it is indeed a bit of fun.

However, he always felt that something was missing.

"Hey, the League of Legends has not been updated for a long time, how long will it be updated?"

Ye Che looked at his own instep and slammed the tile, suddenly asked.

"More chicken hair, every update is a waste of my heroic power, not even more!" Waoli said with no anger.

Ye Che came to the spirit, especially after thinking about the future plan, the corner of his mouth picked, said: "Walley, do you think it is like this, how many heroes do you need to tell me, and then update again?"


Watt immediately smashed.

"Of course, but the updated content, I want to add something!" Ye Che's eyes are stunned.

Waoli immediately vigilantly, glanced at Ye Che with his gaze, and said: "You... what are you doing, cheating things don't work, killing them! This is the principle!!!"

"No, no, no, no, I don't cheat. I am also the most shameful of this kind of behavior. I just want to... let a few pieces of equipment come back to the rivers and lakes... for example... cough... killing swords... killing people like A, I am also here How do you feel about saving your qualifying time?" Ye Che said, coughing a few times.

Wagley looked at Ye Che and said: "Save time, I think you are killing these ghosts and not killing it!?"

"This... oh, what do you call it..." Ye Che’s words turned, and the strange look at the tile.

"Oh, after all, now you are my master in name, and it is natural for you to be an enemy against me. It is polite to call them sneaky!" said Wali.

"Young man, yes, not bad."

Ye Che said, throwing a few heroes to the wall to force the wind, and then look at the same as the flower of the same flower, continue to say: "Think about how to add a few pieces of equipment, everyone can use This does not affect fairness."

"The power of a thousand heroes promises you, and will be updated tonight!" Wally gorged the power of the hero and raised a metal finger.

"One thousand silk?"

Ye Che's eyelids jumped and jumped. The power of the source's sacred soldiers was closely related to the power of the hero. Suddenly, there was so much that Ye Che did have some disappointment.

"I don't want to? That's it, oh, I suddenly think that the murder book is too violent and bloody. It's not good for the Summoner's Canyon, and it will have a bad shadow effect on the little dolls, affecting their education, and forgetting tonight." Wally sighed and said.

Ye Che's face sinks, and the fixed look at the tile force, only half a day to spit the words: "Count you, okay, a thousand heroes, the deal!!!"

"Haha! Deal!"

Watt is overjoyed, don't look at it, this guy is definitely making a big profit on this matter.

Ye Che squinted at him, but the storm in his mind, the power of the whole League of Heroes on the planet, must be used to the best, ah! I have to think of a way to squeeze him!

At this point, with a burst of fire, Ye Che turned his head.

At a glance, I saw the floating of the oriental Jianyin flurry in the air, laughing and laughing.

The white gold of his body was replaced by the sly color, and half of the silver at one end was restored to a black state!

Oriental Jian, achievement diamond!

Ye Che looked at this scene with a smile and a happy heart.

"Congratulations to the city owner, He Xicheng Lord!"

The people of the former Eastern Region have expressed their congratulations, and at the same time, they are looking forward to it.

Because Ye Che said, bring everyone to the diamond!

The oriental glamorous smile is also very happy, full of blushing, watching the flow of water in the leaves of Ye Che.

The Oriental waved and waved, indicating that everyone stopped, and then went deep into the leaves and clenched the fists, and everything was in the air.

His death ruling was successful because of the more than 20 rankings. He has been listening to Ye Che for more than a dozen games and watching him operate. The level has improved rapidly.

The death ruling, naturally surviving!

At this time, it was already late at night. After a jubilant, everyone searched for a place to rest.

At the same moment, in the deep eyes of Wali, suddenly there were countless data streams, and even more of them flashed.

The update of the heroic fantasy world has begun! ! !


Ps: Immediately **, ask for a monthly ticket, ah, ah, if I don’t vote, I will say it again tomorrow~~

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