League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1174: : Ai Xi, countercurrent long river

For three days, for these diamonds and the strong, it is nothing. ?? Bayi? Chinese network W (eight) W? W?. ?8?1?ZW. COM

In this segment, their life span is generally more than three hundred years old, and three days for them is also a tea time.

At this time, all the people were sneer or frowning and watched the sound insulation enchantment descend, and then looked at the inner enchantment and the four peaks, and slowly silenced.

But after about five minutes, they seem to be a little excited about the four masters. The upper body is more uncontrollably trembled and seems to be very excited.


Everyone looks at each other and some don’t understand the situation.

"You don't have to worry, for a long time, this kid will be exposed, they will come out, and naturally they will know what this kid is doing!"

The old man of Hung Hom said that he stood straight and his eyes fell on the sound insulation.

The crowd nodded.

After another ten minutes, there was a scene where Fan Yifeng looked at the enchantment. He couldn’t help but say: "This... they have already started playing? How does Ye Che not command them behind them?"

Many other people know this too, and they are suspicious on their faces.

"This..." The red-eyed old man turned his eyes and then snorted and said, "I understand, this kid is estimated to let them play first, lest they be exposed, so that they can mix for three days!"

"There is really this possibility... otherwise there is no way to explain this!"

Someone echoed the road.

After all, different segments are unable to qualify. This Ye Che wants to take them. In their opinion, they must stand behind them and command the whole process, but now they are sitting in their own positions, and they don’t look at the four. When the peak of the peak, these people naturally believe the words of the old man.

There is a smile on the face of Jun Luo Yu. It seems that the outcome has been fixed in three days!

Only the Oriental, the singer, the sky blue team, all the mouths are provoked, only they know, Ye Che can fully pull people in different positions to rank!

Soon... one day passed.

Under the gaze of the old man of Hung Hom, the four peaks, like the buttocks, were always sitting there, full of attention.

And about every thirty or forty minutes, there was a huge surprise on his face.

In this way, everyone is very familiar, this is the joy after victory!

However, the appearance of such expressions is too frequent, and at least twenty consecutive times have appeared in a day, and it is said that they appear continuously, which really makes them feel trembled.

Could it be that they won more than 20 games! ! ! ?

In the section of Fanfeng, winning more than 20 games, this is impossible! ?

The time passed slowly, and the five people in the noise barrier were calm and locked in the light curtain.

However, most people outside the noise barrier are turbulent.

They have already felt unusual. The four peaks that are now ranked in the noise barrier, many of them are opponents, fully understand their strength.

It is not bad to win two games at most in the section of Fanfeng, but now it has been more than 30 hours.

I didn't see a slight frustration on their faces, but they were all brilliant, just like killing.

"Is it... they have been winning? Just rely on them four!?"

Everyone’s heart is full of doubts.

"Does this surname Ye give them a lot of benefits, so that they are performing?" The heart of the old-fashioned old man has such an idea.

On the face of Jun Luo Yu, there are doubts from time to time. Obviously, I don’t understand what it is.

Time... another day passed.

In the early morning of the third day, among the four peaks, suddenly one of them closed their eyes and then suddenly opened.

The cockroach that opened, it seems that there are thunders in it.

However, there was a ecstasy on his face, and then he disappeared immediately, and then continued to move quietly.

This situation, in the next few hours, appeared in the remaining three.

Finally, with the eyes of the last person, there was also a change of the fascinating scene, and Ye Che slowly stood up from the seat.

Seen in clear, the arm waved, the entire noise barrier, opened.

"Three days have arrived! Ye Che, what else do you have to say!"

The old man who had already waited impatiently, immediately shouted.

Ye Che was not salty and not faint, and gave him a glimpse: "Besides you, come back to the four peaks!"

"Four ghosts, come again to four peaks?"

Everyone has a look.

Still not thinking, the next second "bang", four horrible breaths blasted from the entire courtyard.

"Hahahaha, the king, I have been able to cultivate the League of Heroes for more than one hundred and sixty-eight years, and finally... finally set foot on the strongest king!"

With the sound, the sky above the mansion is changing, and from time to time there are thunder flashing out.

The other three peaks that have been stepped out of the noise barrier, one by one, also have a powerful atmosphere that spurts out, morphing out countless heavenly arms, only the sky above the clouds, they obviously have already peaked Into the ranks of the strongest king! ! !

"This...three colors... the power of the three-color segment, the king, they really entered the king!"

Many of the masters screamed in horror.

The peaks of all the people, seeing the radiant light of these four people, are also stunned.

The old man of Hung Hom has long been stunned. He looked at these four people who were originally at the same level as themselves. Now they can completely slap their own death to the four new kings. They only feel a dizzy head.

This Ye Che, actually can bring the peak of the peak to the strongest king within three days!

In the next second, he was trembled. He suddenly remembered what Ye Che had said. ‘You will become the only master of China...’

He didn't understand it before, but now he understands it. This shows that Ye Che will bring all the people to the king, except for himself...

At the same time, I only listened to the sound of "啪嗒", the fan that has been swaying by the feathers, and this moment, suddenly from his hands, fell heavily on the ground!


At the same time, there is an unpredictable place on the earth...

Dark blue, endless dark blue, they are now mixed into a reversal of the long stream, in this area, the strange disappeared at the source, and then emerged from the end of nothing.

They are as flowing as ever, and it’s no different from Ye Che’s day when he got the colorful blood of the soul.

The only difference is the degree of their countercurrent. I don’t know why it’s getting slower and slower. It’s slower than it used to be.

Suddenly, this mysterious countercurrent on the river, suddenly floating snowflakes.

There are not many snowflakes, only one piece, but this snow just appeared, a vast and full of tired voice, from this rolling back, passed out, "Hey... Aich... You finally... still found it here... ”

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