League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1179: : Retreat!

Seeing this, many people’s doubtful brows gradually eased and wanted to see how he explained this. ?八一中文W≤WW. 81ZW. COM

[But don't forget, now that the strongest demon is born, and since the birth of the Intercontinental War, the most important world-class competition will be touched. This moment is related to the death of China's national life, I think, left to China. The only vitality of the peaks is to study the inheritance of the king! With so many routines for them to use, in a short time, you can step into the threshold of the king, but that's it! Once these routines are used by a large number of people, they will immediately become waste products. It must be said that the Chinese people are really short-sighted! Here I am boldly predicting that the intercontinental war, the Huaxia country that is sensational, is afraid that even the threshold of the finals will not be able to spend! ! ! 】

[Vicious, evil, stupid, incompetent, I think, using these four words to describe China is not too much! Oh, I forgot to mention that Huaxia Guofan’s peak, with the inheritance of thirty-two kings, has now blood-washed the rankings of my Korean empire after deliberately reunifying the time. Before that, we did fear that Huaxia had Genius enchanting is born, now it seems that this is only the Chinese people in the hype, and in this case, we will be merciful to let your country break before the death, a light and hot, after all, our Korean Empire is very kind ! Finally, the fifth word of Huaxia is attached, blackmail! The Korean Empire - Anshen Hyun! 】

Seeing this, including today's world's first American League kingdom, has a sharp rise in the evils of China.

They have the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, through the description of Anshen Hyun, and the contrast of things, they know that Anshen Hyun did not say anything wrong.

If there is no blood-washing Korean rankings, they will not have much bad feelings. After all, the villain will be in every country. It is the individual who releases the strongest devil, not the whole China, but it is indeed speculation. It is too strong.

It’s like being in the general interest.

Soon, with Anshen Hyun this article, countless insults against China, like a flood of water.

In addition, Anshen Hyun, himself, is the strongest king, and is the person with the most fate of the Korean Empire. In short, the strength of Anshen Hyun can be called the king in the Korean Empire!

Therefore, he also has a large number of fans.

In this case, the article was immediately broadcast by hundreds of millions of people.

At the same moment, the Japanese Empire also began to struggle.

They pointed out the Chinese new kings in a targeted way, but they were a group of grasshoppers who could not get the climate, and they mainly told the people that we were not able to beat China, but were deceived by Huaxia.

However, it does not matter, just give the Huaxia country the last light, anyway, the country has successfully attracted the firepower of countless people and so on.

In this way, the people’s questions and complaints have all subsided.


Hero City, Ye Che is now in the residence of the temporary residence.

"Hey, it’s really awkward!" Song Tian looked at the heroic fantasy world, and Anshen Hyun also had an article from the Emperor’s Empire and sighed.

"Mom's, this group of dog things, actually so smashed us Huaxia! Damn!"

The hairy bird, and I love chrysanthemums and others, look at these words, as well as the insults of the world, screaming.

In the courtyard, all the people looked at each other and saw the iron blue on the other's face.

"This kind of information is laid out. Our Huaxia country is not only famous, but the Japanese Empire and the Korean Empire have also received a very high exposure. And we have brushed up their rankings, but now they have become their kindness. Give alms..."

The city of the cloud said, the look is very gloomy.

Beside him, Yunlong, Junluo Yu, the old man of the red dragonfly, and the more than twenty of the most powerful kings in the new are also very ugly.

They are not as good as the gods and gods, and they intend to use the inheritance to become the king.

After all, such a king is just a mirror of the water, and will soon be returned to the original shape, so they just wanted to make Jun Yu Yu become the strongest king, and then merged a variety of routines, hitting a higher realm in the strongest king.

Only at that time met Ye Che, Ye Che did not think much at the time, anyway, the upper section, since the Korean Empire and the Japanese Empire, shame the most humiliating of China, do not hit them.

Unexpectedly, it made trouble today.

"Chee God... what should I do now?" Yunlong asked straight.

The rest of the people, one by one, like Ye Che cast his gaze.

They are angry and sorrowful, and each has their own plans. However, they understand that this inquiry has to ask, this is a kind of respect!

Some people in the place understand that even if China has a king now, it is useless. It must be achieved in the intercontinental war, and it will not become a cannon fodder.

Otherwise, even if their clan is all king, what is the name of the intercontinental **** war is too low, the same sad reminder!

Ye Che leaned against the seat, his fingers slowly pulled against each other, and his eyes were always fixed on the light curtain, the text of the article.

Especially the one, ‘Huaxia mass production king! ? But it is a group of rabble! In the article, Ye Che squinted his eyes carefully and carefully, and then looked at the name of the word 'Anshen Xuan'. ’

"An Shen Xuan..." Ye Che whispered, his fingers did not reveal the traces of the bomb.

At this time, after he heard Yunlong’s inquiry, he could not help but slowly raise his head and said with no expression: “The aftermath of this matter, you should solve it yourself, try to minimize the impact. Before the Intercontinental War, I I don't want to have a substantial impact! This kind of filth, when the intercontinental war, then really liquidate!"

Listening to this sentence, many of the peaks of the peaks screamed and seemed to feel something.

Sure enough, Ye Che then turned around and continued: "And then I will close the section before the start of the Intercontinental War!"

"Closed section!"

Many people have a shock in their hearts.

"You... want to impact the segment?" Jun Luo Yu asked carefully, facing Ye Che, he looked no longer free.

"Yes, so for a while, I don't want to be disturbed! I also watched the rules of the Intercontinental War. The number of teams that can participate in the competition is based on the number of the strongest forces in the country. We are divided into the magical seas. Hero City, Sky City and Supreme Hall, then the number of teams that can compete, that is, there are four! From the Intercontinental War, there are still nine days. In these nine days, you will assign three teams to leave one. Only the team, give me a distribution!"

Ye Che said, looked at the folded clothes and 6 Yao.

6 Yao originally had no expression on his face, and it was cold, but after feeling the eyes of Ye Xuewang, his face immediately showed his relatives' smile.

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