League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1202: : Sea, land and air three ban!

Ps: Because many people are chasing after watching, they feel slow and feel that the plot can be faster. In fact, if you look at dozens of chapters at a time, you will find it very reasonable. ?? Bayi Chinese network W = W = W ≤. ≤81ZW. COM

And I refer to the opinions of many small partners. The general chapter or the last chapter has been around 27oo-3ooo recently. There are seven or eight hundred words per day. The accumulation is actually very impressive. I am trying my best to do it. I hope everyone. Will like it.



Ye Che did not reach the end, it must be assisted, that means, adc to give help to make up the knife? ? ?

Thinking, the look of a dream, eccentric.

After all, if the soldiers are assisted, then her adc is equivalent to abolished!

"Well... I thought about it. It’s not good for me to take so many knives." Ye Che said again.

"Call... It seems that he also wants to understand. It’s really awkward to help take adc creeps..."

One arrow fell into a dream and sighed. Actually, she had just been shocked by Ye Che’s words. The soldiers gave all the aids, adc soy sauce, which was unheard of. If I didn’t know Ye Che’s technology, I was afraid that she would be on the spot. I screamed.

However, she just breathed a sigh of relief, and once again made her stunned, and it rang from the friendly channel.

"Then we will take half of each, the long-range soldiers are yours, melee soldiers and gun cars, it is mine!" Ye Che said.

When I entered the dream, I turned a blind eye in an instant. Is this half of the time not mentioned? The more important point is that the gold coins produced by the long-range soldiers are completely inferior to the melee soldiers and guns! ! !

However, remembering the strength of Ye Che and the hatred of the gods and the team, she did not refute anything. As long as she can win, let the soldiers count what they have, so she nodded directly.

With the nod of a dream, and the silence of Ye Che, the atmosphere in the battle room was once again suppressed.

No one is open, everyone, all looking at the five Id of the team.

In the last game, the controllers of these five Ids, fainting in disguise, shamelessly pushed down their own crystals, and then shamelessly said that the folds were "false coma."

Anger, raging anger, burning among them.

At the same time, Ye Che had already boarded his number with a blank expression and then entered the room.


In an instant, the ten men of both teams entered the battle room at the same time.

"Yeah English soul team... seems to be a substitute?"

"Crap, you see Id, the Id of the fold dress is gone, I rely on it, my goddess of folding clothes has been replaced, what situation!?"

"There is a shady black curtain! The people of the English Soul team clearly showed the situation. They stood there and motionless, resulting in a wave, but the person in charge not only did not announce the replay, but decided that the Shenxuan team won, but now Actually, I changed the folding clothes!"

"The main force of the British Soul team has been changed, how to fight!? This is still playing!?"

"Seek the person in charge, give an explanation, why the folding clothes will be replaced!!!"

Looking at the ban selection interface, the Id of the fold dress was replaced by an Id called Che Shen, and many people shouted at the intercontinental audience.

I have to say that through these few sentences, folding clothes have accumulated a lot of popularity.

Upon seeing this, Els also had to explain, "The folds were stunned in the last game, and they were replaced by her own body."

"Unconscious, is there a body? This... can't you?"

"Yeah, the master of the hall, the strength of the body, will be comatose in the game?"

"It turned out that the last fold of the dress was a coma. It’s no wonder that they stood still... I just said it was a pity."

"It’s a pity that game, but the win of the God’s team is a bit ugly...”

"What is ugly, the problem is not in the gods dazzling team!"

"Oh, that's what it is."

"It is estimated that this English soul team will definitely be awkward."

"That's for sure. Anyone who loses this way must be speechless, but there is no way to blame the English soul team for bad luck."

With the words of Els, everyone in the field discussed, but I was puzzled. After getting the answers I wanted, the scene gradually subsided.

Ye Che suddenly remembered that when the folding clothes were taken away by Yu Yanlin, it was as pale as ever.

"6 Yao, can't you cure her completely?" Ye Chu asked, he was really confused. To treat the folding clothes as a son of the 6 Yao hero, it should be easy.

6 Yao shook his head and said, "I don't know. When I used her to infuse with stars, I felt that I had a great swallowing power. About a hundred percent of the healing energy was incorporated into her body."

"Swallowing power?"

Ye Che a squat, folded body, how can there be swallowing power! ? Is it the soul of the soul, what is the problem?

For a time, Ye Che was a little surprised.

But now is not the time to think about it, watching the ban election officially started, Ye Che's eyes are slightly stunned, said: "Forbidden, the captain!"


The arrow on the third floor is a dream.

The 6 Yao on the fourth floor, without any hesitation, locked the cursor on the captain.

However, I was only slightly surprised when I entered the dream. After so many days, she had already trusted Ye Qi, so although she did not understand what the ban was, she still banned it.

Then, 6 Yao also banned the captain.

"Oh... this ban of the British Soul team is a bit ugly..."

On the thirteen seats in front of the curtain, Roda, known as the devastating gun, smiled lightly.

"Gailen, the captain? Could it be, the English soul team, some people are worried that these two heroes are not?" A man next to him, also a self-talk.

At this time, Ye Che was already banned. He did not hesitate to ban the sentinel. So, the famous sea 6 ban election was born seven hundred years ago.

"What is the ghost of the British Soul team's ban? In the official game, it seems that very few people choose these three heroes!?"

"There is no such thing as a ban, no one chooses. It is a waste of three bans."

Many people frowned when they saw the ban on the British Soul team.

"Oh, I think it's very interesting. These three heroes contain three positions in the sea, and um... the effect of loading is still good."

"Hey! This is an intercontinental war. Don't tell me, this English soul team banned these three heroes, just to force them?" Many people laughed.

In the Shenxuan team, the eyes of Anshen Hyun and An Xiaoli and others are cold.

"Hey, mocking us through a ban? Childish!"

An Xiaoli smiled coldly, but his men were not slow. He directly locked the unparalleled sword Ji, his sword Ji, in the Korean Empire, but the name of the sword king!

However, as soon as he was selected, his eyes slammed in vain, and his whole body was shaking.

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