League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1207: : Scared two flashes!

This card, where it looks so thin and weak, it is completely dead!

A yellow card is a head!

Other controls, the cooling time of the first level is more than ten seconds, but the card of Nima is only four seconds, and it is still instant control, who can stand it!

Seeing the two people who panicked and fled, Ye Che’s mouth twitched. August 1st? Wen? Network W (a) W (a) W?. ?8 (eight) 1 (eight) ZW. COM

Once upon a time, seven hundred years ago, some people took the card and killed it. Of course, it was the opposite of the dish. Because the card does not have cooling reduction, it is completely a chance to escape, so it’s strange. The opposite is too confident.

But now, Ye Che Nao's but the enhanced version of the cold-shrinking card, the first group, four seconds a control, ask who can suffer! ?

"Shasha Shasha..."

Still chasing, still chasing, has already chased the blue side of the red buff, the footsteps of the seven people, through the enlargement of the screen, echoed in everyone's ears, empty and with the meaning of death.

So everyone knows that once the yellow card of the card is shot again, I am afraid that the gods will dazzle the team and die one more!

They are all masters. They clearly know that among the five members of the English Soul team, there are still no nightmare flashes.

When the card is dizzy, the nightmare flashes and the e-skills fear, and even if there is a flash on the opposite side, it is estimated that it is difficult to escape.

Anshen Hyun and Hammer Stone looked at the card master who followed closely. The back of the card was cold and sweaty, especially the Anshen Hyun, he could not die, did not dare to die, otherwise the face was completely lost.

At this time, people who saw this scene were silent for a while.

An auxiliary, all the three of the Shenxuan team were killed, and now the chasing of the gods and the team's main force in the single and auxiliary, escaping escape, this is too wrong.

But no one laughed, they now understand, just three consecutive seconds of cards, and a very short cooling cd, how many bugs!


It was two whispers, which sounded from Ye's mouth. This time, the four men of the English Soul team understood it.

Because the last time, it was the moment when Ye Che spit...


Jin Mang emerged.

Almighty and auxiliary hammer stone, which has long been staring at the card movement, this moment is a double-eyed explosion. The hands of the two men at this moment are simply exploding to the extreme. Almost every card on the head is just out of the golden light. Pressed out the flash.

Well, with about four-fifths of the blood, they escaped perfectly.


Seeing this scene, everyone is stupid, it is really stupid.

"Ah, hahaha, what did I see?"

"My God, how much are these two people afraid of cards!"

"If you can't do it, you can't do it. You laughed. This is also the player of the Intercontinental War. The people have not shown their weapons. They are like a bird of surprise!"

"This is being scared by the card!!!"

"Nima... I’m scared of two flashes directly..."

Countless people, watching the scene of Anshen Hyun and Hammer Stone's behavior, all laughed loudly on the chest.

However, it was only about two seconds or so, and there was no more sound in the audience. They couldn’t laugh because they saw the top of the card and it was a yellow card...

This is the fourth time, the second draws a yellow card!

It takes a lot of luck to draw a yellow card in seconds. Even if you master the rules of the yellow card change, you can only change the color of each card in the next second, and you will get the yellow card.

And now, I don’t think about it at all, even if I don’t even look at the yellow card I’ve drawn, I’m going out, this... It’s not luck!

"Cui Lao, what do you think?"

Xaar, who is known as the battlefield meat grinder in the thirteen gods, turned to ask, and the rest of the people also fell on Drizzt's body.

The same is true of Els, she is extremely puzzled and shocked at the moment, and draws yellow cards for two consecutive hours, and it is in battle, how is this possible!

Drizzt did not say anything, his eyes were extremely dignified, and he was staring at the card master in the curtain.

If he is ready, when he is not disturbed and in excellent condition, he is sure to do it seven times in ten times by familiarizing himself with the tens of thousands of games of the card master.

However, now it is a group battle, and it is moving, it is a real second, and it is not considered at all. He can't do it.

Even though he did not believe this in his heart, he said to himself that he could not do it.

"Four seconds pumping... and seconds..."

Drizzt took a breath and then finally said: "Let's see it... four times to draw a yellow card, you can't really judge whether he is luck or strength, or he has mastered..."

Having said that, he can't imagine it. If this clear **** has mastered the real second pumping skills, once it is popularized, the card master will definitely become the master of the middle road!

This will be subversive!

"Well, then wait and see..."

The other twelve great gods, listening to Drizzt’s words, are also sinking their hearts and intend to take a look.

Similarly, tens of millions of people in the field, after a fierce boiling of billions of people around the world, are also planning to look at it again, to see whether this card master is relying on luck, or really master the skills of the card is not known!

At this point, Summoner is in the canyon.

"Bulky! It’s a clear god, it’s too strong!!!!"

Zhao Xiu exaggeratedly said that he is really excited, but when the card is on, he can control people, do not need time, and make the enemy have no chance to respond. What a bug!

It’s also shocking to be sunny and to dream.

They have never seen such a card. The average card is played against one side, and the other side must wait for the card on the head to fall on the yellow card to stun the enemy.

However, the time course of this selection is very easy to kill or escape from the opposite side.

Where do you want Ye Che to be so abnormal, the card is bright, people are dizzy!

"This... isn't this luck?" Zhao Xiu said tweakingly.

Ye Che naturally understands what he means, smiles a little, said: "You want to learn? But I said, I guess you can't learn, at least you can't learn in a short time..."

"Ah, is it so difficult?"

Zhao Xiu lived.

"This kind of skill, it is not too difficult for you to draw a yellow card in a second, but after a team battle, two, three or even four seconds, the difficulty will increase geometrically." Ye Che said.

"No, is there such a mystery?"

Originally, Zhao Xiu just asked a question. After all, it is a unique skill. Ye Che will definitely not say it.

But now, when Ye Che said so, he was really curious.

"You still don't believe it, I have been practicing for a long time before I master it." Ye Che touched his nose and continued: "Well, after this game, I can tell you, of course, the premise is to win!"

This statement, in addition to 6 Yao, sunny, a dream and Zhao Xiu, immediately light up.

Once the skills of this real second yellow card are learned, what kind of bugs will be, how cool!

At this time, the five people went back to the city, and after they bought the equipment with full fighting spirit, they rushed to the line.

Sunny, I have two heads, one of which has blood, plus assists, and directly upgraded the wild knife. The efficiency of brushing the field has more than doubled.

Ye Che’s murder ring, also directly on the third floor, the rest of the money, bought five bottles of red medicine.

Many people are speechless when they see the dose in the card inventory.

Such ample supplements, plus cards and blue cards back to blue, will definitely be disgusting on the line.

But now, no one cares about this, they care, the fifth card of the card, whether it will be a yellow card again, this is the point!

"I'm coming……"

"Why look at the card on the line, I have a feeling of embarrassment, hey, that seconds, a second card, it is too cool."

These are all card enthusiasts.

But most people think that cards are good luck, and one is still calling.

"God dazzles the gods, kills the opposite piano girl!"

"A card that has gone to the yellow card of a dog, I am a second in the late stage!"

"That is, the zone weak chicken card, I don't need to open big after the gods dazzle, this card is a dead!"

"Second kill card is outside the thousand yards, haha!"

Watching the two sides enter the match period, those fans who dazzle the sun, once again spare no effort to praise.

Ye Che, but looked at his equipment, and then looked at the other side of the adc bounty, a corner of the mouth suddenly a hook, went straight up, at the same time, Jin Guangyu now! !

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