League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1230: Desperate, Ai Xi!

Ps: Today is six more...


It’s really easy... it’s really easy...

The purple-eyed roar reverberated throughout the world. At this moment, his voice even passed the chewing sound of the cow and the mouse. ??八?一中文网?W≤W≠W≈. ≥8≥1ZW. COM

All the people in Huaxia District, Anshen Hyun, An Xiaoli, Folding Clothes, Sunny, Junluo, and so on, are hundreds of thousands of people present, and the billions of people who broadcast live through satellites are all cold and cold, and their hearts are shocked.

Eaten, the heroic body of the hall, was actually eaten by the strongest demon!

Ye Che is also a heart tremble, it turns out... It turns out that he is not a replica at all, but a real Juggernaut, but why do he even think he is a replica?

Yes, it must be memory damage, or the original memory is suppressed, just like 6 Yao.

"Aich! Turn back the time!!!"

The purple eye is low, and its sound line is like a hard extrusion from the throat, like a rolling magma.

I don't know when, Ai Xi's face has calmed down, and the calm is a little scary. She is determined to look at the direction of the tile, where there is only a wall of power standing...


The purple eye is surrounded by horrible energy, and Brand and Ainivia are also the same. The extreme cold and tyrannical atmosphere caused a tremor.

"Can't reverse it..." Axi shook his head.

She did not lie, want to reverse the time, it must be the power of Ai Xi, all-round over the thing, such as the time that Ye Che felt the time back, because Ai Xi's power is much stronger than Ye Che.

Now, Juggernaut has been swallowed up by the cows and the sorcerer, she has no ability to reverse such a strong existence.

For example, you can return a piece of ten kilograms of iron to its original position, but a piece of 10,000 pounds, 100,000 kilograms, that has passed the limit that it can carry. But the key is that Ai Shi said this in a casual manner, which really makes them chilling.

Purple eyes still want to say something, but they feel that the light is dark, and when they look up, the whole sky is covered by the cows and the sorcerers. In the line of sight, there is no sky, no land, and the cows are completely The British devil is full of it.


In the distant deep air, the roar of the excitement of the cows and the cocks, the sound waves caused by the roaring, the hard-boiled smoke and dust.

Ye Che said nothing, the sword of the source of the hand was tilted, with Huo Huo Jianguang, directly stabbed to the cow and the mouse.


A soft sound, the source of the sword or a little resistance did not feel, directly drive straight into.

However, Ye Che was too late to be happy, and he felt a tyrannical and evil force. From the body of the cow and the sorcerer, he sprang out. He couldn’t hold the sword of the source and was swept away.


A burst of sound, Ye Che's back hit a mountain 10,000 meters away, stopped, countless rocks rolling down, the source of the sword lost Ye Che's control, can not resist the anti-power of the cow and the mouse The earthquake is also reflected.

Ye Che stunned a bit of a boring chest, a flash of figure, regained the source of the sword, and the heavy color looked at the cow and the mouse.

The cow and the mouse are still growing wildly, millions of meters, two million meters, five million meters...

You must know that when it just swallowed an arm of Juggernaut, it entered a mature form, but now, the whole heroic body! What's more, it also swallowed up other heroes.

Soon, its height will break 10 million meters, which has already occupied the height of one hundred and twenty-one of the earth!

At this moment, the whole world is silent, everyone is completely stupid, that is, those who are kings, but also a faceless, no blood, this existence, and his body is not a level at all!

I am afraid that people from all over the world will be promoted to the strongest kings now, all of which are dead and white. This is a qualitative difference!

"Hey!" The cow and the **** are still stunned, and their heads are low. They have grown to more than 200,000 meters of big worms, and they are swallowed directly by it, followed by the big mouth!

These heroes panic, and fled everywhere. However, the cows and the **** of the cows just swayed in their heads, and they easily reached them in front of them. Then they bite down and the blood slid down like a waterfall.

This feeling is like a human being teasing an ant. How long does it take for an ant to escape, and when the arm is lifted, it can be directly pressed.

Heroes such as Purple Eyes saw this scene and their faces were extremely ugly.

This level of the devil, they can still cope in Valoran, but now, they are all seriously injured, can not compete.

"call out!"

The figure flashed, Ye Che directly tore the space and came to the purple eye. First, I looked at Ai Xi with a complicated look. Then I asked the purple eyes and said, "What should I do now?"

Purple eyes did not answer, his look was very indifferent at this moment, watching Ai Xi said: "Is this your final plan? I... will never let you succeed!"

On the side, both Brand and Ainivia looked at Ai Xi, coldly, as if they were strangers.

"I just want to go back..."

Aich said calmly.

"So you kill easy!?" Purple eyes are low.

Ai shook his head and said: "I don't know that he is really easy..."

After that, I made a slight meal and continued: "Even if I know... I will still do this."

This sentence made the faces of Ziyan, Brand and Ainivia directly cold down. Looking at Ai Xi’s eyes, there was no trace of friendship.

"In order to return to Valoran, she... is so paranoid, so frustrated..."

Ye Che said to himself, until now, his last thoughts on Ai Xi have disappeared, and a person who can even kill the partner who has fought side by side, this is already evil.

"Aich, only six hundred years, can't you wait!"

Ainivia asked coldly.

Ai Xi suddenly smiled. Her eyes swept through Brand, Ainivia and Ziyan, and then paused a little on Ye Che. "I am on the earth... I have already spent For seven hundred years, it is equivalent to my second hometown, the people here...the soul...the ocean...has been carved into my bones, I don’t want it to be destroyed six hundred years later."

Ye Che's brow wrinkled, what six hundred years, what ruin? Does she mean destroying the earth?

At this point, the colder the Ainivia sound, said: "So, you can kill Juggernaut!? So, you can destroy our partners who have fought side by side with you!?"

"Hey, I shouldn't have been responsible for picking on the earth and observing the genius of the League of Legends..." Purple eyes sighed.

Ai Xi looked at the two of them, but he did not speak.

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