Ps: Well, I know some small partners are anxious and some can't understand. First, some are revealed. Ye Shan is Ye Che. Because of the time hourglass, he returned to the baby state and was born again. It is not attached, and soon Ye Che Will wake up, and will explain the reasons in detail. ? Bayi Chinese Network W (a) W (eight) W?. (8) 8?1 (a) Z?W?. ?C (a) OM Initially these four chapters are a little slow, and soon enter the theme!



"Okay, now the old rules, three hundred warm-ups in the air!" the Austrian war said loudly.

These children have a face-to-face look. They know that once the class is officially started, the Olympic War will never allow someone to swear again.

Suddenly, all the children’s wrists were smashed, and the two-a-meter-sized double axe was lifted by them.


The Austrian war sang out.



The tender voice screamed out of their mouths, and at the same time they stood on their backs, the double axe in their hands, and slammed forward to the front, bringing a subtle sound of breaking.

"Not enough! You, the waist is not stable enough! You, the arm shakes something, didn't eat in the morning!?" The cold war of the Olympics was swept away from two of the children.

The two children suddenly looked bitter and tried to adjust their posture.

The rest of the children, even stealing a bit of the Olympics, for fear that their posture is not done.

"You are all ordinary people in the misty swamp! It is impossible to use the winning field in exchange for powerful power like the summoner adults. You want to get ahead and want to be despised in the future. You want to be a summoner." People's followers, who want to follow the summoner to the upper bound, then you must exercise in the oldest, simplest, and most basic way. Once you are strong and enter the eyes of the summoner, you will step into the sky. , understand no!!?"

The Austrian war knocked heavily on the big axe after the knock, and said loudly.


Therefore, the child suddenly became like a chicken blood.

In this case, the Olympic War will be repeated almost every time during formal training, and each time, it will stimulate the deepest desire in their hearts!

"Very good!" The Austrian war nodded, but the bottom of his heart was a bitter smile, because as early as decades ago, when he was a child, his mentor also taught them.

At that time, he was also excited and unable to be himself, summoner, but it was the most powerful existence in the memory of the Austrian war. It required a dozen or so adults to kill the marsh, and the summoner waved his hand to make it fly away. If you can be a follower of the summoner, you must wake up when you dream.

But after so many years, he finally understood that he wants to be a follower of the summoner, unless it is a great luck!

First, the first thing is that the body has to produce some kind of energy. Regarding this kind of energy, the Austrian war knows not to be detailed. It only vaguely listens to a follower who said that this energy is summoned by the masters, called heroes. force!

Many people have never heard of the power of the hero. How can they train this thing, so this one alone will stump 99.999% of the people.

This means that in nearly 10,000 people, it is possible to have a great fortune and to train this energy.

With a sigh, the Olympics look a little bleak, anyway, in his current age, this life is not to think about it.


The Olympic War thought about it and sipped it.


More than 30 children, with a small red face, neatly hand-held double axe.

Ye Shan also picked up the training axe from the ground and slowly swooped down, but the strength and posture were extremely awkward.

The Austrian war did not pay attention to Ye Shan, and he was too lazy to correct it. It seems that he has long been used to him. The eyes of the Olympic War are only firmly locked in other children. These children, even if they are all unable to become followers, but when they grow up, they are guardians. The water swamp has a living force, so the Austrian war does not dare to slack off!

Time... a minute and a second.

"Three hundred! Rest for five minutes!"

Finally, with the final number of the Olympics, all the children were relieved. Many of them quickly found a green bead and then took it in front of the nose and took a sip. Some tired little faces quickly became mentally stunned.

"Oh... unfortunately my swamp beads are used up..."

"Although it is unpleasant, but the recovery is fast, I will definitely get one from my dad tomorrow!"

There are seven or eight children, and they sigh.

Suddenly, one of the narrow-eyed children turned their eyes and turned to Yeshan, then hit him on the shoulder and asked: "Hey fool... Do you have swamp beads?"

Ye Shan touched his head and asked questions: "What is the swamp?"

The little man showed a feeling of being fed up, and turned away with a blank eye.

"Look... the little man is paying attention to the fool..."

"Innocent, if this fool has swamp beads, I will devour myself!"

"Ah, don't swallow, waste more!"

Many children laughed.

But at this juncture, there was suddenly a sound of ironwork, coming from a distance, accompanied by a drink and a shout.

All the children's eyes were bright, all closed their mouths, a pair of sloppy eyes, staring at the distance.

Soon, a group of girls with shackles and green soft bark appeared. They leaned forward and flew to this time, and they often turned back and bowed their arrows.

Behind them, about a hundred teenagers were desperately chasing with a double axe, and the arrows that were shot like rain, were slashed by them.

More than 20 meters away from the girls, a group of girls clenched their teeth and followed closely. If you look closely, you will be able to make a leafhopper, and you will blush in the middle of this group of girls.

Beside these girls is a woman with a look of awkwardness. The woman is about thirty years old and has a good face.


The woman's right foot was gently on the ground, and the man had already smashed out five or six meters away, and it was extremely easy to keep up with the formation.

"Concentrate, the first array!"

The woman said openly.

The girls' eyes were sharp and sharp, and the bow in their hands was lifted almost at the same time. Then the right hand of the arrow was loose, and they heard a "crack" and slammed the group of teenagers holding the double axe.


The long arrow is broken, and it has a cold meaning.

Although these teenagers, wearing the soft bark that is unique here, the arrow is also a softwood, but once it is hit, it is also a bitter.


The eyes of the child suddenly rolled up, and Ye Shan was also staring at this scene.

At this time, next to this group of axe teenagers, there was a male tutor. His face was turned back to the middle, but his face had a black scar on his face, which made him have some charm. He looked at the arrow and flew, not The sound was made, but it was a smile, and the eyes fell on the back of one of the teenagers in the queue.

The boy's head was pale yellow. He had no fear on his face. Instead, he had a arrogance. When he saw the long arrow hit, he strode across the first one, then sighed low, and the left hand's axe jerked one. Swing.

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