League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1244: A trip to heaven!

Ps: The League of Legends game has reached the upper bound, and rest assured. In August 1st, the text network W ≤ W ≠ W ≥. ≈81ZW. COM I used to have four times and six times in the earth, so these four days are two more. The previous two days are updated every morning, not broken, saying that I am more insulting, please give me eyes, I sink If you enter anything, it will not break even more! I really like this book, I know.



Over the sky, about 10 days a month, you will be covered in light fog.

This period is also a frequent period of the marsh magic, so few people collect marsh beads during this period, and Ye Che looks around. Under the light fog, almost no visible figures in these few kilometers... except the green black The marsh.

"On that day, Oude could be evenly matched with the war of the Austrian war, and Oude only sensed the power of the hero, so it should be easy to deal with it with my current strength."

Ye Che secretly screamed, his eyes kept looking at the marsh.

The marsh is about two meters high, and the upper body is condensed with a dark green mud bath, but the lower body can't see the concrete, such as the ball is usually set in the swamp.


With a soft bang, Ye Che suddenly disappeared into the original place. After even seven or eight steps, Ye Che jumped up. The eagle, such as the eagle, usually buckled against the marsh.


The magical sound of the marsh's body, covered in dark green mud, such as smashed jelly, and then condensed into a large flowing hand, grabbed against Ye Che's ankle.

Ye Che said nothing, the body's power is even thinner than the head silk, and the toes seem to have a faint light.

"Hey!" The marsh hand condensed by the marsh, such as the steel wire that pressed to the limit, rebounded instantly, and the next moment of the rebound directly cracked open.

Ye Che’s right foot was driven straight into the head of the marsh, and he heard a bang. The swamp konjac did not slam, and it turned into a dead mud and an emerald green. The beads rolled down.

"Muma beads crystal!" Ye Che smiled slightly, this thing is worth a decade of marsh beads, is the condensation after the death of the marsh.

After bending over and picking up, Ye Che's small body slid through the lake like a breeze, swaying a thick wave of ripples on the swamp and then returned to the shore.

"Look at the magic demon, even the Olympics without the power of heroes can be an enemy five, not to mention me..."

Ye Che whispered, and then looked at the misty and swollen misty swamp, but took a deep breath, the next second his small body tilted down, his right foot moved to the back, and then suddenly tightened!


The ground at this half-meter seems to have shaken a bit, and the moment when the grass clippings splashed out, Ye Che is like a tiger, and has already rushed into the misty swamp covered by the light fog!

"The strongest forces in this four weeks are no more than dead valleys. According to my previous memories, whether it is the followers' choice or the upper bound, they need to be carried out in the dead valley! I have seen followers, not afraid, then Now let's explore the dead valley, what kind of existence!"

Ye Che said to himself, his delicate black, because of the gallop, was swept up by the wind, flying around, his eyes were staring at the depths of the mist, the so-called summoner and the upper bound, Ye Yexin There is uneasiness, so now it is the first thing to figure out where this is.


Ye Che's toes seem to have no touch on the ground. The swamp mud on the ground has just fallen into a trace, and Ye Che is already two meters away.

The marsh that emerged from the mud along the way turned into a springboard for Ye Che to move faster. They were smashed, and the marsh beads just fell, and they were caught in Ye Xue.

A body that is less than one meter slows down and there is a marsh dead, and then the shadow is far away. This scene is really awkward. You must know that even if the Olympics want to kill an marsh, you have to make three moves.

Soon, only a soft bang, Ye Che has passed through the light fog, landing on the opposite side of the misty marsh, the marsh crystal beads also got about 30.

The eyes swept away, the left area was a jungle, while the right side was a stone forest, but in the middle was a towering and silent valley.

Obviously, this is the surrounding thorn bush, the ochre forest, and the dead valley.

However, Ye Che did not have any interest in the thorny jungle and the meteorite forest, but only slightly paused, Ye Che went to the dead valley.

In the moment of entering the Dead Valley, Ye Che glanced at the towering and steep stone wall next to it, and his legs leaped directly, while the white fingers were bent, like eagle claws. On the wall.

Then the leaves are closed, holding their breath, looking for the secret steep stone wall, going to the dead valley.

Before I figured out what it was like to be a world, Ye Che did not dare to care about it. Now his life is not alone, so he tries to avoid being seen.

About a few minutes on the wall, Ye Che saw from time to time the strange people or creatures descended from the bottom.

These people have different skin tones, red and purple, black and blue, and some have scales like fish scales. They are covered with scales.

At this time, there was another green monster squatting on the ground about three meters, with a long tail and a bird's head. From the distance, Ye Che was still amazed, but now they actually spit.

"Modoco, this trip to heaven, I don't know how many strong people will die, oh..."

"It's a pity that most of these people have fallen apart and are not good at it..."

Two ostrich head monsters sighed and crawled on the ground.

Ye Che is a whole body of cold hair, humans of all skin colors, will speak the monsters of human speech, still live together? This... What kind of world is it, Valoran in memory, there is no such scene at all!

Ye Che’s mood is still stirring, but she doesn’t want a few stones to roll down.


The two ostrich monsters underneath were alert, and immediately looked up with the sound, and looked up, just to see the frowning leaf.

"Hey...a little doll!?"

"This white and tender skin color is not our dead valley, you can eat!!!"

One of the ostrich monsters showed a greed in their eyes, but the scene that made it horrified appeared. I saw the doll crawling on the valley, violently leaping, regardless of the height of forty or fifty meters, and rushed down.

It was too late to react. This ostrich only felt a heavy body. At this moment, it seemed to be hit by a 10,000-pound shot put, and the head exploded.

Another ostrich monster made a strange scream, his head swelled in a big circle, and his mouth was full of dense teeth, directly biting Ye Xue.


Twilight is now, Ye Cheru, like a lotus-like white arm, suddenly appears a circle of radiant light.

"Ah, you are a follower!"

This ostrich monster screams in the bottom of his heart, such a small doll, is a follower, it is terrible!

But only to hear a loud bang, this second ostrich monster also died.

Ye Che's faceless expression, quickly dragged two ostrich monsters to the side and covered them with a large stone pile, and continued to sneak into the inner valley.

There is a strong hunch in his heart at this time. It is definitely not Valoran. It gives Ye Che the feeling of being like a world of hodgepodge.

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