League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1248: Talent awakening!

On this day, Ye Che opened his eyes and greeted his parents, and walked leisurely outside the house. Bayi? Chinese network? W? W (a) W (a). (1) 8?1ZW. COM

But I don't know when, there was another torch in his hand, and then he stood outside Xu's house.

After Xu’s home was compensated, it was in full swing, and it was much more beautiful than before. The degree of completion has been around 8o%.

"Haha, Xu old brother...you should be able to stay in this new house tomorrow!"

"Oh, almost, I have long wanted to renovate the house, but I can’t bear it. The fool is just burning, hahahaha!"

"Is this compensation a lot? After all, you have seven households, and even Li Lao has personally."

"In any case, the Ye family, certainly the family has been ruined!" Xu Dashi said haha.

However, when he was unconsciously bowed, the whole person was stunned, because under his house, I didn’t know when there was a little boy standing with a torch, and the little boy was grinning at him.

Ye Che, torch! ! ! ?

Xu Dashi’s face changed a lot! ! !

At the same moment, Ye Che’s arm moved and the torch fell like a meteor in the newly built house of Xu Dashi...


Xu Dashi screamed in horror, but the blazing fire drowned his voice...

"Ye Che, I killed you!"


Xu Wei, who is transferring furniture to the new house, rushed out like crazy, and after seeing Ye Che, he could not help but growl.

But there is a fan of the past car, she did not dare to go forward.

Ye Che shrugged and went to the second, then the third...

Soon, Ye Che’s message of setting fire to the house again spread throughout the misty swamp, making everyone feel ashamed.

And Ye Jia, once again, was jointly asked by seven households to pay for compensation.

Three days later, the houses of the seven households were nearing completion, and Ye Che once again slowly held the torch.

"Grandpa, you are a grandfather, don't, don't burn anymore!"

Xu Dashi said in horror.

Ye Che glanced at him, faintly said: "Nothing, you continue to build, I continue to burn!"

"Continue to build, continue to burn?"

Xu Dashi was almost crying, and Xu Wei and Xu’s people were down, and they were crying without tears.

These six or seven days, they have acquainted with acquaintances, and Nima continues to burn, then they are not going to sleep! ?


The fire was shining, and the smoke rolled again in the misty swamp.

This time, the people of the seven households could not laugh out. Looking for Li Lao and Li Lao could not. After all, they only burned the house and did not kill people. At most, they only had to pay compensation, but each time they had to compensate Ye Jiadu’s rules and regulations. . If you play, you can’t beat it.

After a day of grinding and grinding, the seven households fought in the door of Ye Family.

Four days later, the fire once again rose to the sky...

Looking at the house that once again turned into fly ash, Xu family and the other six families were sorrowful at the same time but they understood that if they build houses by compensation, they would never want to build them, and they could not move because of this. After all, They are all living in the watery swamp for generations.

The seven families compromised, and they no longer dared to climb the door of Ye Family, and their compromise finally made the people who lost the water swamp understand the means of Ye Che.

After the disease is good, the power is amazing. After hunting the marsh, the property is rich, which makes Yejia’s eyes turn into one of the top tenants who can’t be provoked by the water swamp!

Ye Hao, also because of this incident, has become a big sister in the training class.

Spring is coming to autumn, and time has passed for a year. Ye Che is also ten years old.

"Chee is fast and fast, today is the talent awakening day of the young Germans, don't be late!"

Early in the morning, the voice of my mother, Zhao Yingxi, came from outside the house.


Ye Che took a sigh of relief and slowly opened his eyes, and his scorpion was covered with a different light.

"One year..." Ye Che said to himself. In the past year, the power of heroes has also recovered to the level of about one ten thousandth. Now, on the other king, Ye Che is confident that he can directly kill. it.

Looking out the window, from time to time there are excited teenagers and adults walking in groups of three and five, all because today is a big day, talent development day!

A year ago, Ye Che listened to the summoned teacher De Yizhi said that Germany and Europe will awaken talents after one year, and the days will be set today!

After dressing and washing, Ye Chegang just walked out of his room and a figure flew over.

"Hey, brother!"

Ye Hao cheerfully hugged Ye Che's thigh and shouted.

Because of the hero's power, Ye Che's elders are fast, although only ten years old, but the head has reached one meter five, even a leaf that does not reach one meter, only to Ye Che's waist.

Ye Hao is also extremely sticky in this year, or can be said to be worship. After all, she has heard the rumor of her brother's divine power, but she does not know that Ye Che has the power of heroes. Ye Che sees her parents did not say that he also Did not mention.

At this time, Ye Che smiled and licked the head of Ye Ye, and took her out.

Behind Ye Yongfan and Zhao Yingqi locked the door and followed.

The two looked at the leafhoppers who were jumping in front, and the leaves that looked very mature, and the smile in their eyes did not stop.

Soon, a group of four people arrived at the destination.

This is an extremely wide open space. There are clusters of exotic flowers and plants on both sides of the open space. This kind of landscape is extremely rare in the misty marshes. After all, the land here is not suitable for their growth.

At the end of the open space, there is an exquisite attic. This loft can be said to be no one in the watery swamp. It is the residence of the summoned teacher Yi Yizhi!

At this time, a large circle of people has been surrounded here. Nearly a thousand people have been present in the entire lost water swamp. Everyone is surrounded by a semi-circle, and they look at the five people in the field.

The five people Ye Che is no stranger, it is the Austrian war tutor, money as a mentor, and the instructor who immediately went to see a doctor after he was in a coma.

As for the other two, it is an old man with a shackle, and a teenager with a calm and smiling smile.

This old man is naturally the oldest Li Lao in the muddy swamp, and this boy is today's master Deo.

"The talent is open, I am really envious. I don't know what kind of talent the young Germans will awaken today."

In front of Ye Che, a big man with a skinned bronze, said with a look of envy and admiration.

"I think it is a futuristic type of talent!"

"How to say?"

"Hey, have you forgotten? Deo was able to train the recklessness to the level of apprenticeship a year ago, proving that he is very strong in comprehension!"

"What kind of scorpion, I think it is fierce talent, this German and European power can be compared to the Austrian war mentors!"

The big man who was on the road also came to the interest and shouted: "You know the fart, according to me, it must be the determined talent of the defensive type!"

However, when the voice just fell, I felt the waist knocked.

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