League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1270: Forgotten hero (fourth!)

"My parents and younger sisters should also be summoners... they..."

Ye Che thought of a problem again, but the words were not finished, but was interrupted by Jia Zhuo. He smiled and said: "I want to find them right? Ye Di, you can rest assured, when you tell me their names, I will give them minutes. You find, and you can rest assured that the primary floor of the Summoner's Tower is safe and protected, and they won't be in any danger!"

"That troubles the burning brother!"

See Jia Zhuo so passionate, coughing... sensible, although Ye Che understands that he wants to get to know himself because of his potential, it is also a good feeling. ?八一中文W?W?W?. ?8 (eight) 1 (eight) Z? W (eight). ?COM

After all, this Jia Zhuo knows his heart and does not hide in hiding. This makes Ye Che very appreciative.

Out of the disc floor, a great square appeared in front of Ye Che, and a burst of chat chats came and looked around. The people around the square came and went, only tens of thousands of people. .

These tens of thousands of people are obviously summoners!

The floor of the square is a black stone with a pattern. On the side, there are many guards who are covered in uniform and wearing uniform uniforms. They are standing there with strange weapons and guarding the order here.

In the middle of the square, there is a huge fortress on the top of the square that stands still. There are hundreds of staff around the fort. The front of the staff is an electronic counter.

At this time, in front of these electronic counters, there are some summoners in the queue. Ye Che can see from time to time that he can hold a piece of disc-shaped thing and leave with satisfaction.

"Let's go in." Jia Zhuo said.

"Then I will line up..."

Ye Che said while looking at the summoners.

"Oh, follow me and still need to line up, then the identity of my top leader is too low."

Jia Zhuo said with a smile, his body moved, and Ye Xue went to a place in the fort.

"Hello guide!"

When Jia Zhuogang approached, the staff in the area quickly stood up, and then they couldn't help but open their mouths.

One of the 16-year-old female staff members also sneaked at Ye Che, and her eyes flashed a curiosity.

"Look... there are geniuses coming."

"The child looks very young and should be new."

"I really envy, there are guides to lead, buy hero skills at least two layers cheaper!"

"We have worked **** each floor for two or three years to get enough coins to buy heroic skills. These geniuses are good, they can be afforded, and the guides will lead them!"

"Envy? Blame only blame us for being stupid, otherwise there will be some talents that are different and not so sad."

"What the brothers say is that after all, there are so many resources, and who are they not given to these geniuses?"

"I don't agree with this sentence. What do you mean, we don't have to exist!?"

"Oh, I didn't say that!"

As the staff opened the door, bursts of sorrow, or sighs of discussion, fell into Ye Er'er.

"It seems that the average person wants to stand in the tower of the summoner, not as simple as imagined... After all, the summoner's tower is so big, the work inside needs people to maintain, then those inferior summoners are the most suitable. The person chosen, the staff sitting here, maybe the summoners who want to earn the rune..."

Ye is clear, his eyes are swept away, and many of the sights that fall on him are envious.

Without a long stay, Ye Che has already approached this fortress that sells heroic skills with Jia Zhuo.

The interior of the fortress is very bright, but it is only a kilometer. There are thirty or forty teenagers and girls in it, but at this time, these people are surrounded by a woman with uniform body and extraordinary temperament.

Here is the inner area where heroes are sold. What can be found here is obviously a talented teenager who has been brought in by the leader.

Jia Zhuo also noticed the woman at this time. The brow slightly wrinkled. It seems that he has no good feelings for this woman. He turned his body directly and took Ye Che to the left side. He also said: "You choose one that you are interested in. The heroic skills are cultivated, and when the fit reaches 2o%, you can apply to become a junior mage!"

"Okay." Ye Che nodded.

Soon, the two came to the far left, where there was a transparent film, like glass.

According to Jia Zhuo's instructions, Ye Che clicked on the film with his finger, and a few lines of text appeared in this area.

Warrior hero skills, Master hero skills... Auxiliary hero skills, please choose!

Ye Che clicked on the magical skills of the Master. Immediately, there were more than a dozen heroic skills, which appeared from above.

Eye of the Storm: Defensive Master Skills! , creator, Ghana (God)!

Monster Fox Fire: Attack Master Skill! , creator, A raccoon (God)!

Ice shines: Attack Master Skill! , creator, unknown!

Flame Branding: Attack Master Skill! , creator, unknown!

Glacier Trail: Attack Master Skill! , creator, Li Sangzhuo (God)!

Lava Shield: Defensive Master! , creator, Anne (God)!

Hex Blasting Minefield: Special Class Master, Creator, Giggs (God)!

Thorn of Fear: Gain Master Skill...


A long strip of down, but only the heroic skills of sixteen wizards appeared.

Moreover, the creators of "Snow Shine" and "Flame Brand" actually show the unknown.

"Is it because the ice crystal Phoenix Ainivia and Brand, left Valoran, so forgotten?"

Ye Che’s heart has an inexplicable mood that is surging.

Jia Zhuo has already laughed: "The heroic skills of the Master are certainly more than a dozen, but these dozens have already included fire, water, wind, and thunder, which are among the elements that can be touched because they Commonly, many people understand what they mean, so the fit is much faster than other heroes. If it is space, destruction, darkness, etc., it will be much harder, those at a higher level, Can be repaired."

"Understood, then I think about which one to buy."

Ye Che said, his eyes swept up on these sixteen heroes.

Jia Zhuo is not in a hurry. These 16 hero skills are the most basic hero skills. As long as the fit is high, any hero skill is strong!

Looking at Ye Che's selection, Jia Zhuo's gaze fell involuntarily on the woman in the distance.

"Why did Yuna appear here... Could she, she also met a talented seedling, so I personally led it?"

Jia Zhuo’s eyes are a bit gloomy.

There is also no harmony among the leaders. After all, there is a potential summoner every year. Just like that, if you want to get it, you can rely on real effort.

The strength of the geniuses of the guides is related to the leader's awards every ten years, and Jia Zhuo naturally does not care.

"No, go and inquire, otherwise your heart will not be practical."

Jia Zhuo thought, stepping forward to Yuna and went over.

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