League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1281: Enter the universe black hole!

The degree of advancement is very fast, but it is naturally much slower than the previous suspected light flight. ??八?一中文?W(eight)W?W?. (1) 8?1?Z?W. But with the gradual approaching of the black hole, under the pull of the force, Ye Che relied on the past, but it was upgraded with amazing degrees.

Soon, Ye Che's consciousness completely entered the gravitational range of the black hole, which is enough to pull the gravity of the planet, Ye Che could not escape.

Everything is silent, only the black hole that is rolled and rolled like a grinding disc, where the absolute black is scattered!

There is no air in the universe, and the sound cannot spread. So no matter whether it is an explosion or a broken sound that Ye Che is pulled by a black hole, there is no sound.

However, at this moment, Ye Che suddenly felt a vast sound of "squeaky". This kind of sound is wonderful, not from the ear, but his conscious body directly feels in the body, just like the black hole is surrounded by What is shaking, and then this sound is normal.

"This is impossible... there is nothing in the black hole inside and outside, how could there be something there! And there is no air, no snoring!"

Ye Che is amazed, but these thoughts are irrelevant compared to getting into the black hole right away.

As time passed, Ye Qi’s sight was getting darker and darker. I could see distant stars before, but now they are all gone, because the reflection is absorbed by the black hole.


Ye Che stared at the darkest curtain, only to feel that the heart was jumping out, but the heart was nervous and looking forward to it.

The black hole is the existence of a planet that can be swallowed. This kind of power is completely natural. If you die on the earth, you can still say that there is an afterlife, but if it is swallowed by a black hole, it will It is the real ash annihilation, how can he not fear it.

However, Ye Che has a sense of security at the bottom of her heart. Because of her own body of consciousness, there is the existence of the soul of the soul. Since it has brought its own expensive chapters here, it must not be to destroy itself.

In such a complicated and chaotic thought, finally Ye Che’s eyes were completely black and completely pulled into this horrible cosmic black hole!

But when he was completely pulled in, Ye Che’s heart was relieved.

Under the gravity of the black hole, almost the object has not yet fully entered, it will be pulled into a strip that is many times thinner than the head silk, and now he has not experienced this most dangerous step, presumably it will not be dangerous. .

"There is no light, no air, no weight, no concept of time, no emptiness..."

Ye Chexin is a little scared. This is a humble feeling that has fallen into the long river of millions of years. This is a heavy feeling brought by the extreme emptiness. This contradiction makes him feel that the whole consciousness is trembling.

However, Ye Che’s thoughts can still work, which means that time has not disappeared.

Time flows, Ye Che is anxious and annoyed. Before he was in the land of forbidden, he could still face the darkness with cultivation, but now he is an ideology, and he can't even close his eyes.

The ideology is also an energy body. In this case, Ye Che even realizes the blackness of the black hole in all directions. This all-round feeling of darkness is completely incomparable when there is a body.

However, Ye Che is not an ordinary person after all. After a period of humble fear, he now has a very different heart.



Ye Che was shocked, just in the beginning, he suddenly felt a feeling of crowding.

"The black hole is nothing, how can I feel this way? Maybe... I am too stressed." Ye Che's heart is dark.

"Relax, relax... There is a soul in the blood, there should be nothing... Now is to see where it is going to take me!"

This comforted himself, and Ye Che’s heart began to calm down again.

However, at this moment, the feeling of overcrowding was once again transmitted from the body of his consciousness in a tactile manner.

Biting his teeth, Ye Che did not know, continue to calm himself.

Time... continues to lapse...


Static, black, really black!


Gradually, Ye Che does not seem to feel his own existence. Originally, he is now an almost weightless ideology. Under such a dark and no reference object, Ye Che feels... It seems to be broken down. The dark pull falls apart.


The feeling of crowding seems to gradually become a blend, just like being stuffed in, the body of Ye Che’s consciousness slowly falls into the black pupil.


I don't know how long it took, Ye Che suddenly awake, the nerves of the whole person are suddenly tight!

God, what have you seen! !

If Ye Che has feet, this moment is only to be excited to jump up, because at the end of the darkness, there is a silver barb! This silver barb style, like a fishhook, stands silently there, like a new moon that can be picked off by the tentacle.

In the black hole, why can I see things, why this silver fish hook will reflect these strange and extreme things, Ye Che has not taken care of it, he wants to go, he wants to pass! ! !

What excites him is that he is really close to the hook. Obviously, the place where the silver hook is located is the direction that the soul of the soul must pass!

As soon as he saw the smudge, Ye Che only felt that the cells in his body were jumping. However, he did not feel that with the appearance of this light, the feeling of crowdedness and retreat had already retreated like a tide.

"I’m right... it’s coming soon...”

Ye Che is very excited.

Finally, the distance between Ye Che and the silver hook is at his fingertips, only separated by the distance between his hands.

But in the meantime, a soft and heavy impact, emerged from the heart of Ye.

"There is something in front!!!"

Ye Che is amazed, he just... seems to have hit something!

And because of this collision, actually stopped the life of Ye Rub! However, there may be factors in which the soul of the British soul stops actively. These Ye Che are unable to know. He only understands at this moment that there is something else in this black hole!

I have the protection of the soul of the soul, in order to survive in the black hole, what this thing depends on, can actually survive in the cosmic black hole of swallowing power, and the silver hook...

Just when he was terrified, he suddenly felt that his body was tight, and that feeling of crowdedness came over again, and he was firmly shackled in place, but this crowded feeling was squeezed before. The crowded feeling is different, this time is a moment!


Ye Che was amazed in the dark, but thinking about the protection of the soul of the soul, he was not too worried, palpitation is only because of the conditional reflection of the existence of the unknown.

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