League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1286: Summoner's Tower, 10,000 layers!

"Let's find a chance, ask for inquiries..." Ye Che secretly screamed. ?八一中文网W=W=W≈. ≈8≠1≠Z≤W≥. COM

At this time, Zhao Yingxuan pulled Ye Er's palm, revealing a kind of love on his face, saying: "The key to a wonderful life is that you can be fascinated with something. You have a gift that is a good thing, and you can live up to the talents that God gave you. It’s even better, Mom has only one sentence...everything is careful!”

Ye Che nodded heavily and finally turned around with his parents and Ye Hao, and turned without hesitation!

Although warmth is commendable, nowadays, having enough power to save the earth is the most important thing!

Ye Che did not look back, but with his current strength, he could fully feel the three pairs behind him, with the gaze of taking care...


Trainee tower, grade application area.

There are about thirty-four teenagers standing here, including men and women, who are all applying to become more senior summoners.

Ye Che is also standing in it, but thinking about heroic skills in his mind, there are still some heroes in the dark department. He does not want to delay the time. Now he wants to determine the hero skills to be practiced.

Suddenly, a slightly cold voice, from Ye Che not far away, "Is it you?"

Ye Che turned his head and couldn't help but laugh. The light of the comb that was not far away, the guy with the chest, not the German and European.

"It seems that he also came to the Summoner's Tower through the ladder... He had been taught by Deyizhi before, and now it is possible to condense heroic skills in a month or so." Ye Che secretly said.

Deou is amazed at the bottom of his heart. He is fully aware of the depth of the heroic power of Ye Che. He knows that this leaf is absolutely able to reach the standard, and it is easy to reach the level of the intermediate summoner all the way.

But the hero skills... This guy, will not be able to condense hero skills within a month?

"The power of the hero is high, I don't believe that he has a high talent for hero skills. On this point, he is definitely better than me!"

Germany and Europe hate in the bottom of their hearts.

At the same time, a middle-aged man in a robes appeared in front of everyone, faintly said: "If people are together, then let me talk about the rules! Want to be a junior summoner, one is the hero's power to reach the standard, two It is able to completely condense the hero skills!"

Speaking of everyone, "Where come first!"


Ye Che was too lazy to waste time and took it straight out.

"Oh?" The middle-aged man looked at Ye Che with a strange look. He seemed to know, but in his capacity, the things that happened on the square ten days ago were naturally clear.

"Okay, it's you!"

When the middle-aged man finished, one of the towers next to the tower, said: "The black tower base test hero power, go!"

Ye Che nodded and stood in front of the black tower under the gaze of everyone.

"I know him... Ten days ago, in the 9th square, the towering giants came!"

"It seems to be Ye Che? It seems to humiliate Master Yuna and is retaliated by her admirers."

"Severely, even Yuna adults dare to humiliate, just don't know how much his hero's power can reach the primary level. You must know that although some people are junior summoners, because of the inability of heroic skills to use, the heroes In terms of strength, it has been able to compare the lowest intermediate summoner."

Looking at Ye Che, many people have talked about it.

Looking at this scene, Deou had a toothache for a while. He understood the strength of this guy's hero. He was even incomparable to the middle-level summoner.


Middle-aged humanity.

Ye Che nodded, and waved his hand, hitting the hero's power on the black tower base out of thin air. Suddenly, a layer of light was lit up from the tower, and Taki was bright. This represents the power of the hero. Reached the boundaries of the junior summoner!

Ye Che turned back, but now almost everyone opened his mouth and looked at himself.

"Well?" Ye Che frowned, his eyes falling on the middle-aged.

The expression of this middle-aged man seems to be somewhat stiff. After seeing Ye’s gaze, he couldn’t help but say: “The power of testing the hero is directly put on the input. You are so swaying out of thin air... I was amazed at it..."

The power of the hero is used to make the black tower base bright, which is the test of the intermediate summoner qualification!

Ye Che suddenly reacted, and it turned out to be a scene of his own swing, which surprised the teenagers.

"It's okay, it's so convenient."

Ye Che said, and then asked: "The following is a fusion of hero skills?"

"Yes, let's start straight." The middle-aged people's language and temperature are getting together. This kind of talented person, even if he doesn't pay well, it is good to leave a good impression.

Ye Che nodded, and under the eyes of everyone, again, once again, the wave of water began to fluctuate, and then condensed, and soon a blue crampon appeared out of thin air.

Ye Che’s current heroic power has reached about five thousandths, and the condensed crampons are easy to write.

"Great, he doesn't need to sense the water element, it just condenses!"

"And the degree of cohesion is also fast, I am sure that this guy has just become one of the best in the junior tower!"

The teenagers talked about it, and the tone was a little admired.

The face of Germany and Europe is a gloomy face. There is a feeling in his heart. This leaf cuts the hatred of his own legs, and I am afraid that I will not be able to report it for a lifetime.

“Very good, congratulations on your assessment by the junior summoner!”

The middle-aged man nodded with satisfaction and was about to say something, but now Ye Che’s arm waved, and the crampons rushed toward one of the towers.


Wherever it was, the ground was full of frost, the air became very cold, and then only heard the "bang", the crampons had hit the Taki.

"This is... the use of heroic technology!?"

Many people take a breath of air.

In front, the middle-aged people are also stunned.

"I took the intermediate summoner by the way, can I give me the intermediate summoner badge?" Ye Che turned and asked.

"When... of course, you wait!!"

The middle-aged man's eyes were bright, and then he turned into the back room, and soon he took a uniquely shaped badge and walked out. With it, he could enter the middle-level tower!

"Thank you."

Ye Che reached out and took the badge representing the intermediate summoner, then turned and left.

Until Ye Che went far, the entire assessment site was a big one. If they remember correctly, this Ye Che is just a newcomer. It’s only been more than a month since I came to the Summoner’s Tower, but now, this guy’s hero Force and hero skills have both entered the level of the intermediate summoner!

Listening to the words that everyone was amazed, Deo snorted and suddenly said coldly: "Hey, it’s a good thing to have a talent, but he is looking for death now! What is the middle tower? It is a weak meat. The place is a place where the towering and the adults can't intervene! Many summoners do not dare to go up even if they reach the standard of the intermediate summoner. They all accumulate in the primary tower for seven or eight years, and even more than ten years, learn two or three heroes. After the skill, I dare to step on foot! This kid has offended the supporters of Una adults. Once they set foot on the middle-level tower, they don’t know how to die!"

After hearing the words of Deo, they were shocked and seemed to be directly at the middle of the summoner, but they were in danger of dying!


At the same time, Ye Che sat on the escalator and had already arrived at the 10,000-story tower.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Che's hands reached the tower door, and then a heavy push, the tower door separated to the two sides, suddenly, a **** smell, mixed with the power of a strong hero, poured into the nose.

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